fall into his palm

Chapter 254 is not suitable

Chapter 254 is not suitable

Jiang Feng blew Ye Sisi's hair, and the woman smiled beautifully like a flower.

Leng Weiping suddenly remembered that this woman is the best at calculating, otherwise Leng Shaohan would not have fallen into her hands six years ago!

I didn't expect that I would also fall into her way!

Ye Sisi took out a pen from her bag, "Do you want to borrow a pen, sir?"

Leng Weiping stared at Ye Sisi bitterly.

How do you say the saying in the TV series, the more beautiful the girl is, the more she likes to lie!
I'm a half-century old man, but I was cheated by a girl like a young boy, what a shame!
But it's all like this, what else can we do?

Not to mention that she just asked to give Leng Shaohan the voting rights, even if she forced herself to ask for the shares, she could only agree.

Equity is of course important, but fate is even more important!

"Is this what Leng Shaohan instigated you to do?" Leng Weiping asked unwillingly.

Ye Sisi sneered, "Leng Shaohan is completely unaware of this matter! Sir, if you don't sign, it's really too late for emergency treatment!"

"I sign, I sign..."


Leng Shaohan's office.

"Third Master, most of the shareholders from all over the world have already arrived in Jiangcheng, do you want to meet with them tonight?" Tang Jin asked.

"I'm only the second largest shareholder now. What's the point of meeting those shareholders? Even if I get their support, I can only get the position of vice chairman at most, and the control is still in the hands of the first shareholder." Leng Shao cold road.

"Then what should we do?" Tang Jin asked.

Leng Shaohan breathed out, "We can only wait for the next shareholder meeting."

"But third master, you have been preparing for so long, and you just give up like this?"

"I was careless. I only wanted to guarantee Kevin, but didn't think of another child." Leng Shaohan was still somewhat frustrated.

"That child named Dabao is also the third master's own flesh and blood?"

"No." Leng Shaohan became even more frustrated.


"I had someone do a paternity test, but it's not my own."

"This...how is it possible? That kid looks exactly like Kevin!"

"Let's not talk about it now."

Leng Shaohan was in a bad mood and didn't want to talk about it.

"Or, I'll ask people to take measures to prevent the shareholder meeting from being held as scheduled." Tang Jin said.

Leng Shaohan stood up, "No, if this is the case, everyone will know that I did it. At that time, those shareholders who support me will also dislike me, thinking that I only care about personal interests, not Leng's."

"If the general meeting of shareholders is held as scheduled, you can only be the second shareholder now!"

"Let's take a step and see." Leng Shaohan said helplessly.

At this time, his subordinates came to report, "Third Master, Miss Ye is here."

Leng Shaohan was annoyed, "What is she doing here! If she takes good care of the child and won't be kidnapped, I wouldn't be so passive!"

Tang Jin persuaded, "The third master didn't expect this, so how can you blame Ms. Ye? Let her come in and see what she has to say."

"What good things can she say! She's probably here to make fun of me!" Leng Shaohan said angrily.

"Miss Ye told me before that she wanted to see Leng Weiping, and I agreed." Tang Jin said.

"What? Why did you ask her to see Leng Weiping? What can she do? Is she going to beg Leng Weiping? Will it be useful if she goes to beg? It's embarrassing!" Leng Shaohan became even more angry.

"Young Mistress has never been the kind of person to shame people, Third Master might as well listen to what she says before drawing conclusions." Tang Jin said lightly.

"Then let her get out!"

Leng Shaohan didn't hold any hope at all, and agreed to let Ye Sisi in, just to save face for Tang Jin.

Then Ye Sisi walked in with a bright face.

Seeing the woman's complacent look, Leng Shaohan became more and more angry.

She was so frustrated, but she was in a better mood?
"Brother Tang, third master, how are you!" Ye Sisi greeted with a smile on her face.

Tang Jin nodded in greeting, while Leng Shaohan snorted coldly.

"What's wrong with the third master? Who made you angry?" Ye Sisi asked.

"Have you gone to see Leng Weiping?" Leng Shao asked coldly.

"Yes. You also know?"

I'm not a fool, can I not know?

Tang Jin has no mouth, won't he tell me?

Tang Jin looked at Ye Sisi's bright smile, and murmured in his heart, your smile is really inappropriate!

The third master is worrying, you are a bright spring, you can't get along with the third master!
"Not only did I go to see him, but I also took him to the river for a bit of wind."

"What? You took him out of the hotel?" Leng Shaohan was even angrier.

Turning his head to look at Tang Jin, he asked whether it was true or false with his eyes.

Of course Tang Jin knew it was true.

But I asked you to take him out. You said you wouldn't tell the third master.

If you say it now, isn't that deliberately messing with me?

I cooperated with you, and in the end you dug a hole and buried me!

"I even bought him a drink." Ye Sisi still had a bright smile on her face, and took out the recorder, "Listen to my chat with him!"

Still recording?

Now that it's recorded, let's listen to it.

After listening, Tang Jin and Leng Shaohan were silent.

"He really signed that agreement?"

Ye Sisi took out the agreement signed by Leng Weiping from her bag, "Here it is!"

Tang Jin let out a long sigh of relief.

With this thing, Leng's control is equivalent to getting it!

Leng Shaohan stretched out his hand to take it, but Ye Sisi withdrew his hand, "Did you just want to scold me? Did you scold me for being unreasonable?"

"I do not have!"

"You cursed in your heart! How dare you say you didn't curse in your heart?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"Is it okay to scold in your heart?"

"Of course!"

"What do you want?"

"My spirit has been hurt, I want to claim compensation!"

"Are you going to claim again? Want to extort money again?"

"I took a fancy to a vocational school in the suburbs. That school is closed and the campus is empty. You want you to buy it and give it to me. No, it's not for me, it's for this agreement!" Ye Sisi said.

Tang Jin gasped, really wrong?

But well done, this agreement is worth thousands of gold, no, ten thousand gold, billion gold, tens of billion gold!
"Okay." Leng Shaohan agreed without hesitation.

It's just a school, a few hundred million at most, just give it to her!

If she really likes it, she can buy Jiangcheng University for her!
"I agreed so readily? Do you know how much the school costs?"

"I'll give you as much money as you want!" Leng Shaohan said very directly.

"Well, you are also a straightforward person, let's use words as evidence."

Ye Sisi took out the paper and pen that she had prepared earlier from her bag.

Leng Shaohan now only wants to see whether the agreement is true or not, "I will definitely do what I promised, and I'm not like you who will renege on my debts!"

Ye Sisi shook her finger, "No, no, I can't trust you, I only believe in contracts written in black and white!"

Leng Shaohan had no choice but to bend down and lower his head, lay down on the table to write the IOU, and hand it to Ye Sisi.

Ye Sisi checked it once and made sure it was correct, so she gave the agreement to Leng Shaohan.

Leng Shaohan read it over and found that the content of the agreement was very meticulous and there were no obvious flaws.

By the way, this woman graduated from the University of Political Science and Law. She is still a professional in contract matters.

She is the only one who digs holes for others, and it is very difficult for others to cheat her.

He raised his head and squinted at Ye Sisi, "You put poison in the vegetables, aren't you afraid that Leng Weiping will call the police and arrest you? If you intentionally poisoned, you will be jailed. Haven't you sat down enough?"

Ye Sisi sneered, "It's just an ordinary dish, where did the poison come from? I lied to him!"

"Then you still have someone to wash your stomach?"

"What's wrong with gastric lavage? You can do it if you want! It won't kill anyone!"


(End of this chapter)

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