fall into his palm

Chapter 255 It's Not Alive

Chapter 255 It's Not Alive
Leng Shaohan was speechless, this woman was too scary.

The deceitful food and drink are poisonous, and people even take them for gastric lavage.

But the third uncle is not a good person, let him see this woman's vicious methods, and he will know why he fell into this woman's hands.

"Third Master, young mistress is really powerful, she solved the problem in no time." Tang Jin said happily.

There was also a smile in Leng Shaohan's eyes, but he refused to admit it, "It's a trick that can't be put on the table!"

Ye Sisi rolled her eyes, "Your method is worthy of the table, but it's a pity it's useless!"

"You! Ah Jin and I still have something to discuss, you go, don't delay my work here!"

Leng Shaohan was worried that this woman would say even worse words, which would make him lose face in front of Tang Jin, so he drove her away.

Ye Sisi's goal was achieved, and she didn't want to talk to Leng Shaohan, she was going to the hospital to see An Ruochen.

"Let's go, remember to buy samples!"

"Got it, petty!"


Ye Sisi went out, Leng Shaohan looked at Tang Jin and said: "This woman is like this, there is no gap at all!"

Tang Jin smiled, "Young Mistress is still so heroic, Yuan Ruo used to be. The third master and Young Mistress have been entangled for so many years, there should be a result, right?"

Leng Shaohan pretended to be careless, "The result? What can be the result between me and her?"

"The third master was attracted to the young mistress back then. The third master was fierce on the surface, but in fact..."

"Ajin, you are talking nonsense again. It is impossible for me and her, and it will never be possible."

Tang Jin smiled, "There are three children, it's still impossible, so what can be considered possible?"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Leng Shaohan's heart became very blocked.

"I compared that woman's hair with Kevin's DNA. They are not related by blood. I also compared myself with Dabao and Xiaobao, and there is no parent-child relationship. Therefore, we are not a family." Leng Shaohan said in a deep voice.

Tang Jin hissed, "It's possible. The two young masters look almost identical. They are obviously twins. How could they not be related by blood? Is there something wrong?"

Leng Shaohan was silent.

He didn't know what went wrong, but he hoped that the result was wrong.

"Third Master, no matter whether the child is your own or not, your feelings for the young mistress are real. You should get her back! The young mistress is so kind, even if it is not your own, she will treat Kevin kindly." Tang Jin said.

"Don't chase." Leng Shaohan said.

"Why? The third master obviously can't let go of his old feelings."

"I do not have."

The dead duck is just stubborn.

In fact, I was worried, if I couldn't catch up, wouldn't I lose face?
That woman's virtue will not save you face.

If she pointed her nose and refused, how would she meet people in the future?

Still not!


Leng's Shareholders' Meeting.

Six years ago, Leng's also held a global shareholder meeting.

That year when the new king was established, Leng Shaohan took over the position of his late brother Leng Shaoxuan, and within a short period of time brought the Leng family back on the track of rapid development.

But Leng Shaohan's brilliance was like a flash in the pan, and then news of his murder and Tibetan medicine suddenly spread, and he quickly disappeared in the rivers and lakes.

The helm of the Leng family was replaced by Leng Xinde. Under the leadership of this idiot, the Leng family was in decline, and fell from the throne of the No. [-] wealthy family in Jiangcheng.

Declining day by day, showing the trend of sunset.

Six years later, the Leng family fell to the bottom, and some big bosses tended to buy the bottom, raising cards frequently, wanting to share the elephant of the Leng family and eat it.

Against this background, Leng's global shareholder meeting will be held again.

Many financial experts pessimistically predicted that this would be Leng's last general meeting of shareholders.

Because at this shareholders' meeting, a new major shareholder meeting was unveiled, announcing the re-election of Leng's board of directors, and then changing the group's name. The Leng's consortium, which has dominated Jiangcheng for decades, will become history.

At the gate of Leng's headquarters, the reporter stopped a sixty-year-old man who was attending the shareholders' meeting, "May I ask, old man, what do you expect from Leng's shareholders' meeting this time?"

The old man adjusted his glasses, "Expectation? What else can you expect? There is no one in the Leng family, the Leng family's foundation is ruined, and this company is about to disappear. What else are you looking forward to?"

"Then since you have no expectations, why are you here to attend the shareholders' meeting?"

"I have supported Leng's for decades, this is Leng's last shareholder meeting, let's keep it in mind!"

Pessimism spread, and some small and medium shareholders began to yell at Leng Xinde and Leng's family for being incompetent, and for failing to live up to their expectations.


At ten o'clock sharp, the general meeting of shareholders officially began.

Although Leng Xinde has been scolded as a dog, he is still the current president of the group after all, and he still presides over the shareholders' meeting.

As a result, as soon as he came on stage, a rotten egg was thrown at him: "Trash, get out!"

"Prodigal boy, idiot!"

The security personnel at the scene had no choice but to form a group and cover Leng Xinde, making him barely read the speech.

"Now we will take over the meeting."

A middle-aged man in a black suit appeared at the door, followed by five or six staff members in professional attire.

Among them, only one girl was not wearing overalls, but a long black skirt, holding a string of huge sapphire necklaces on her snow-white neck, which was very dazzling.

The man followed closely behind the middle-aged man, with his head held high and a confident smile on his lips.

She looks like a professional elite, and she is also an out-and-out beauty.

The middle-aged man walked up to the microphone and bowed slightly, "Hello, shareholders and friends, I am Li Guanghui, the president of Shengxi Group. The reason why I am here today is because our Shengxi Group is already the number one of Leng's. Major shareholder. We will re-elect the board of directors, appoint a new chairman and president, and senior management."

There was an uproar downstairs.

Although there had long been gossip that the Leng Corporation was about to change hands and bosses, many old shareholders who supported the Leng Corporation still couldn't accept it when the new boss directly broke into the shareholders' meeting.

"What is the Saint West Group? We don't know you, go down!" A shareholder shouted.

"The Leng family should be led by the Leng family, we don't want outsiders!"

A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Li Guanghui's mouth, "This is a society where capital has the final say. I understand that you can't accept it emotionally for a while. But the fact is that the Leng family has changed hands, and the Leng family can no longer control the Leng family. We are Leng's new owner. By the way, we will also change the name of Leng's company, and change it to San Xiya Branch. Friends, accept the reality, Leng's is over!"

Some old shareholders couldn't hide their sadness and even shed tears.

Suddenly someone in the crowd said: "If the third young master is here, Mrs. Leng wouldn't be like this!"

"That's right, it's all because Leng's family kicked Mr. Leng away!"

"Leng Shaohan! Leng Shaohan!" Some shareholders began to shout.

Li Guanghui sneered, "Even if Leng Shaohan is here, he can't save Leng Shi!"

At this time, the door opened again, and a deep and cold voice came: "Really?"

(End of this chapter)

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