Chapter 257
Leng Shaohan thought to himself, this woman must be fascinated by herself now, she is just pretending to be indifferent.

Leng Shaohan, who is usually taciturn, can speak eloquently in his speeches, pointing out the current problems of the Leng family, and clearly pointing out the reform plan and the goal of progress.

Speeches are both provocative and rich, and don't shout empty slogans.

Pragmatic and unconservative, let all shareholders see hope.

He is indeed the number one business wizard in Jiangcheng.

At the end of the speech, the audience applauded.

The beauty in the black dress who came with Li Guanghui took the initiative to come and extended her hand to Leng Shaohan, "Senior, congratulations on your victory."

Leng Shao glanced at her coldly, and asked what the title 'senior' meant with his eyes.

"My name is Li Yalu, and I am also a student of Walton School of Business. The senior is the only legend in the school who completed all the courses in one year. There are many legends about seniors in the school. Moreover, we are the same tutor, and I am your junior sister .Professor Giger said, let me say hello to you when I see you."

Since there was such a relationship, Leng Shaohan reached out and shook her lightly.

Opponents belong to opponents, junior girls belong to junior girls, and one yard belongs to one yard.

Business competition is normal. If one's own brother is fighting to the death, and others are concerned about it, that's not more normal.

Ye Sisi saw that Li Guanghui shook hands with him before, but he quit.

Now change to beauty, he fucked.

Oh man.


After the shareholders meeting in the morning, when Leng Shaohan went to find Ye Sisi, he found that Ye Sisi had already left.

The group arranged a working meal for the shareholders in the hotel, and Leng Shaohan also participated in it.

He has been away from Leng's for many years, he needs to re-establish his contacts and integrate into the group faster.

Although it is said that he regained control of the Leng family, it is impossible for him to complete the specific work by himself, and it is necessary to obtain the support of the people below.

When the working meal started, Li Yalu once again came to Leng Shaohan's side with the dinner plate.

"Senior, when I was abroad, I told my dad that the senior is very good and difficult to deal with. My dad didn't believe it, thinking that he had never tasted failure in the acquisition, and the little Leng's was no problem. As a result, the senior Taught my dad a good lesson and made his acquisition career encounter Waterloo for the first time."

Li Yalu is pretty and speaks generously.

The most rare thing is that she grew up abroad, but her Mandarin pronunciation is very standard, unlike some Chinese who have a southern accent and can't speak their mother tongue well.

She dared to make fun of her father, and flattered Leng Shaohan.

The skill is so high that it's hard not to be tempted.

But Leng Shaohan was indifferent, took out his phone and called Ye Sisi, "Where are you?"

"You don't care where I am, I'm not your employee." Ye Sisi said angrily.

"Do you want to eat? A work meal."

"I'm eating."

"Where do you eat?"

"With the kids."

"Kids not going to school?"

"What school are you going to this weekend? Are you so fascinated by beautiful women that you forgot even your last name?" Ye Sisi said angrily.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"What's your last name?"


"I suspect that you are so obsessed that you forgot your last name. Tell you, what is your last name?" Ye Sisi asked.


Leng Shaohan hung up the phone.

When Leng Shaohan called, Li Yalu waited patiently, and even deliberately lightened the action of eating, so as not to disturb Leng Shaohan, showing excellent upbringing.

Of course, it may just be a more advanced performance.

After Leng Shaohan finished the call, Li Yalu asked cautiously, "Is the senior going to have a celebration party tonight? It's the first time in six years that he regained control of Leng's. Of course, we need to communicate more with the executives."

"Yes." Leng Shaohan said simply.

"Can I come? Senior won't mind if I go to ask for a drink as a junior, not as a major shareholder of the Leng Corporation, right? If the senior's girlfriend minds, I will take the initiative to explain clearly." Li Yalu said.

This is simply irresistible, and the words are dead.

Leng Shaohan didn't say anything, which was his acquiescence.


Hot pot restaurant.

It's autumn, and it's a good time to eat hot pot.

After answering Leng Shaohan's call, Ye Sisi put the phone on the table and continued to eat.

"Did Leng Shaohan fight?" Kevin asked.

"Yes." Ye Sisi nodded.

"He hooked up with a beautiful woman again? Who is it?" Kevin asked.


It was only then that Ye Sisi realized that what he said just now that Leng Shaohan was so fascinated by beauties that he forgot everything was overheard by the child.

Next time you make a phone call in front of your child, you should be more careful when speaking.

"No, I'm just kidding, he's holding a shareholder meeting." Ye Sisi laughed.

"That should be eating in the company's canteen." Kevin said.

"Well, he said he was having a work lunch." Ye Sisi said.

Kevin took the computer and manipulated it, "I found it, where is it? Who is this woman?"

Ye Sisi was shocked, "You hacked into Leng's surveillance again?"

"With their security level, I can get in if I want. Leng Shaohan is chatting with a woman, Mommy, look who it is." Kevin said.

The world's number one gossip girl was the first to poke her head over, "Wow, really, she looks pretty, a coquettish bitch!"

Ye Sisi quickly scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about? Who taught you to say such things?"

Xiao Bao curled his lips, "You still need someone to teach you?"

"You don't watch those romantic dramas in the future!"

"Look, Mommy, do you know this woman?"

"I do not watch."

He said he didn't want to watch it, but in fact his heart was so uncomfortable that he wanted to watch it so much.

Guess it will be the woman in the black dress, but I'm not sure.

"Mommy, why don't you take a look." Xiaobao knew that Mommy wanted to see it, but he was embarrassed.

Or girls understand women.

Ye Sisi pretended to be indifferent and raised her head to take a look.

It was really that woman.

This woman is beautiful, temperamental, and young.

This fellow Leng Shaohan must be completely fascinated!
"Leng Shaohan is outrageous, Mommy has done so many things for him, yet he has dinner with other women!" Dabao said angrily.

"that is!"

Xiaobao refused to accept it, and took out his phone to call Leng Shaohan.

Leng Shaohan looked at the phone, and the name in the note was 'little evildoer'.

Whose number is this?How could such a strange name be noted?

Oh yes, it's Xiaobao.

Leng Shaohan picked up the phone, "Hello."

"He Lin, where are you?" Xiao Bao asked.


"what are you doing?"

"Work, what's the matter?"

"Let the woman opposite you answer the phone!" Xiaobao said.

Leng Shaohan was startled, how did she know?

Looking up, the automatic rotating camera in the cafeteria turned around at some point, and it was facing him!

Definitely Kevin!
I have to be monitored when I eat, this is a serious violation of my privacy!

Are you still giving me your personal space?
My majestic CEO, is it really appropriate for you to be monitored like criminals?

"Xiaobao, don't make trouble." Leng Shaohan said in a deep voice.

"Leave that woman immediately, or I will let my brother broadcast in the building and scold that woman!" Xiaobao said.

This building does have an emergency broadcasting system, once a hacker breaks in, it can broadcast publicly.

If you do this, you will lose your face!

(End of this chapter)

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