Chapter 258
Leng Shaohan quickly stood up and walked out in a hurry.

"Xiaobao, don't mess around, this is the company, not a place for you children to play around!"

Ye Sisi and the others could clearly see Leng Shaohan leaving in a hurry.

Kevin and Dabao glanced at each other.

If you want to deal with Leng Shaohan, you have to have a younger sister!

With just one sentence, Leng Shaohan was forced to flee in a hurry.

Seeing Leng Shaohan fleeing, Xiaobao snorted coldly, "Look at you still picking up girls!"

"Little Treasure, it's wrong for you to do this!" Ye Sisi said.

Although it is very enjoyable, it is true that children should not be indulged too much.

Being too pampered is not conducive to her growth.

Whether you are an adult or a child, you should understand the truth that in this world, there are things to do and things not to do.

No matter how powerful a person is, he can't do whatever he wants, otherwise he will definitely be punished.

Xiao Bao curled his lips and didn't speak.

She doesn't contradict Mommy, but it doesn't mean she is convinced.

"Children can't interfere with adults' affairs at will. If you do so, it will embarrass Leng Shaohan." Ye Sisi said.

"I know, then he won't be embarrassed if he stays away from that woman!" Xiaobao said.

It seems to make sense.

Xiaobao just warned Leng Shaohan, but did not cause Leng Shaohan any real embarrassment.

If he doesn't heed the warning, he deserves his embarrassment.

Seeing Leng Shaohan running out in a hurry, Li Yalu didn't know what happened.

After thinking about it, he followed suit.

Seeing Li Yalu coming out, Leng Shaohan felt a little nervous, worried that he was still under surveillance.

Tried to find a place without surveillance but found it difficult.

There are surveillance everywhere inside and outside the company, and there are almost no blind spots.

Besides, if he deliberately finds a blind spot, wouldn't it be even more difficult for Guadatian Lixia to explain?

"Miss Li, please don't follow me, keep your distance!" Leng Shao said coldly.

Li Yalu was taken aback, what's the matter?
In broad daylight, can I still eat you?
But since Leng Shaohan had already spoken out, she was too embarrassed to forcibly approach him.

Some embarrassingly asked: "Senior, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, you just need to stay away from me!" Leng Shao said coldly.

"Did your girlfriend discover something? Is this a misunderstanding?" Li Yalu laughed.

Leng Shaohan didn't explain, there was no need to explain, he turned and left.

Li Yalu looked at Leng Shaohan's tall and straight back, and said to herself: "I won't go away, you are the one I want!"


After eating the hot pot, Ye Sisi received a call from An Ying, saying that An Ruochen had woken up.

This is really great news!

Ye Sisi was very excited, "Can I bring my child to see Brother Ruochen?"

"Of course, the doctor said that you can visit. My brother will be very happy to see the children. But the doctor also said, don't make too much noise, you can bring them one by one."

"it is good!"

After answering the phone, Ye Sisi happily announced to the children, "Your Uncle Ruochen is awake! But I can only take one person to see him, which one of you will go?"

"Me!" Dabao and Xiaobao raised their hands at the same time.

Kevin didn't feel it, because he and An Ruochen had no intersection, let alone feelings.

And he also knew that An Ruochen was Leng Shaohan's opponent.

Seeing Dabao and Xiaobao so excited, Kevin felt like an outsider.

However, Ye Sisi had an idea, so she took Kevin to see An Ruochen.

Let Ruochen know that he still has a child who is exactly the same as Dabao.

Brother Ruochen must be very pleasantly surprised, and will definitely feel happy for himself.

It also allowed Kevin to have some contact with An Ruochen, so that when talking about An Ruochen in the future, he would not be so unfamiliar.

"Why don't Kevin accompany me?" Ye Sisi asked.

Both Dabao and Xiaobao didn't expect that it was Kevin who went there?
"Brother Kevin and Uncle Ruochen don't know each other!" Xiao Bao pouted and said, "What is he going to do?"

Kevin didn't expect that Mommy actually wanted him to go.

But he suddenly felt that he was not an outsider.

He is Mommy's son, and it's only right and proper to accompany Mommy to see Mommy's friends.

"Okay." Kevin happily agreed, feeling the joy of being recognized and accepted.

Seeing Kevin so happy, Ye Sisi felt that her choice was right.

"Today I'll take Kevin there first, and tomorrow I'll take you separately." Ye Sisi said.

"Okay." Dabao and Xiaobao also agreed.


When they arrived at the entrance of the hospital, Ye Sisi checked, Meng Ruofen was not there, An Ying's elder brother An Tianming was not, so he took Kevin in.

"Kevin, don't talk for a while, they will definitely treat you as a treasure." Ye Sisi laughed.

"Well, I know." Kevin also smiled.

This child doesn't usually smile very much, but he looks as good-looking as an angel when he smiles.

On the third floor, the security personnel saw that it was Ye Sisi this time, and they automatically let her through.

An Ruochen has been transferred from the intensive care unit to the ordinary VIP ward.

Ye Sisi knocked on the door, then opened it and went in.

An Ying and An Ruochen were chatting, seeing Ye Sisi and Kevin, An Ruochen exclaimed in surprise: "Sisi! Dabao!"

"Brother Ruochen, are you okay? We're worried to death." Ye Sisi said with red eyes.

"I'm fine. If I survive a catastrophe, there will be future blessings." An Ruochen said with a smile.

"That is, Brother Ruochen is an auspicious person, so he must have future blessings."

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Dabao seems to have grown taller again. Why doesn't he talk or laugh today?" An Ruochen said.

Kevin smiled obediently, "Uncle Ruochen."

"Hey, come here and let uncle see."

Kevin didn't come close.

Although he said he knew such a person, he really had no emotional basis.

To Kevin, the man lying on the hospital bed was a stranger.

An Ruochen was a little surprised, what happened to this child?
Is it because he is sick and he is afraid?
Ye Sisi motioned for Kevin to go over, but Kevin didn't. He just looked at An Ruochen and said, "Uncle, get well soon."

This is already very sensible, and it is not easy.

"Thank you, Dabao, when uncle is well, can I take you to go skating?" An Ruochen said with a smile.

"Can you skate?"

An Ruochen froze for a moment, "Didn't I teach you to skate?"

Kevin froze for a moment, then said awkwardly, "I remembered."

"Dabao is acting weird today." An Ying said.

Ye Sisi was about to explain that this was not a great treasure, but An Ruochen suddenly asked, "Is Leng's shareholder meeting held yet? Leng Shaohan arranged for someone to hurt me, and finally got his wish."

"He didn't do it!" Kevin said excitedly.

It's okay to call Uncle Ruochen, but you can't speak ill of Leng Shaohan.

I can hate him, but I can't let others say bad things about him!

An Ruochen turned cold again, and looked at Ye Sisi, "Dabao protects Leng Shaohan so much now?"

Ye Sisi originally wanted to tell An Ruochen that this was the child who grew up with Leng Shaohan, but in this situation, he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Mommy, I don't want to stay here anymore, I'm leaving."

After Kevin finished speaking, he turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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