fall into his palm

Chapter 271 The Body of King Kong

Chapter 271 The Body of King Kong
Ye Sisi didn't know what to say.

She also tried to find out the case of her mother back then, but it was too difficult.

Because when her mother disappeared, she was imprisoned by Leng Shaohan in the Jiangcheng villa, and she did not participate in her mother's escape.

So what happened at the scene, she just listened to what Qian Yufeng said.

However, later facts proved that Qian Yufeng was unreliable, and the possibility of him lying was extremely high.

But after so many years, it is really difficult to investigate a matter that she did not participate in.

And her limited resources made it even more difficult.

From an emotional point of view, she didn't want her mother to be killed by Leng Shaohan.

But judging from the facts, at that time, he and Leng Shaohan were really in a relationship, and Leng Shaohan had enough motivation to kill his mother.

It's just that Leng Shaohan is too powerful, and his own child is young, so he had to put aside the matter of his mother's death for the time being.

But he never really let go of it in his heart, that's why he slapped Leng Shaohan when he was drunk.

"Miss Ye, do you still not believe me?" Tang Jin said.

Ye Sisi didn't answer directly, but just smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect that I would be so...so...so sorry after drinking too much."

Tang Jin could see that Ye Sisi did not fully trust him.

This is easy to understand, six years ago Tang Jin was Leng Shaohan's absolute confidant.

If Ye Sisi's mother was killed by Leng Shaohan, then Tang Jin is likely to be the executor.

Then he defending Leng Shaohan is equivalent to defending himself.

"In short, this matter will come to light sooner or later. I also hope that Ms. Ye and the third master can reconcile and be beautiful." Tang Jin said.

Ye Sisi smiled, but didn't speak.

I'm afraid it will be difficult.


Back in the ward, it happened to be the time for Leng Shaohan to change his dressing.

Although Leng Shaohan looked a little pale, he looked a little weak.

But he just lay on the hospital bed casually like that, and he is also a noble and handsome sick prince.

The nurse who changed his dressing kept staring at Leng Shaohan's face, forgetting that she was here to change his dressing.

Leng Shaohan never liked to look at people, and he didn't notice that the nurse was staring at him, but just looked at the financial magazine in his left hand with a cold expression.

Ye Sisi watched this evening from the side, and couldn't help laughing secretly.

He coughed lightly, trying to wake up the nympho nurse.

The nurse was so fascinated by the handsome guy that she didn't notice Ye Sisi reminding her.

Ye Sisi had no choice but to speak out directly: "Hi, have you changed the medicine for bed No. [-]?"

Only then did Leng Shaohan realize that the nurse seemed to be taking too long to change the dressing?
Turning his head, he met the fiery eyes of the little nurse.

Can't help frowning.

How can there be such a reason, the peerless beauty of the third master can also be seen by you?

Still staring at it, like a hungry dog ​​staring at a bone.

Although he was annoyed in his heart, he was also embarrassed to get angry at the little nurse, but his eyes were not very friendly, and his expression became more and more indifferent.

Only then did the little nurse realize that she had lost her composure.

Although she was wearing a mask, she could still see her blushing up to her ears.

He hurriedly started to change the medicine, and almost knocked over the medicine on the plate.

After finally changing the medicine, he still gave Leng Shaohan a reluctant look before leaving the ward.

In my heart, I only hope that Leng Shaohan's medicine will be finished soon, so that he can come back to change his medicine again.

He is so good-looking!

Ye Sisi looked at the little nurse's back and laughed, "Third Master, did you take something from the little girl and didn't return it?"

Leng Shaohan asked with his eyes, what do you mean?
"You hooked your family soul, don't you consider giving it back?" Ye Sisi laughed.

Only then did Leng Shaohan come to his senses, and said coldly, "Boring!"

"You're boring, people are staring at your eyes, did you send some ambiguous hints to them?" Ye Sisi asked.

"Nonsense, I have no hint!" Leng Shaohan said angrily.

"Then why is the little girl's soul gone? You dare to do it but dare not admit it?"

"It's none of my business! You still have the nerve to say that you don't have any wine, and you still dare to drink?"

Speaking of what happened last night, Ye Sisi felt somewhat embarrassed.

"I told you I can't drink, but you insisted on pouring me alcohol. It's because of your impure motives that you poured all your energy into me, that's why I drank like that!" Ye Sisi said.

"I'll pour you? You went crazy after drinking a cup by yourself, you can't hold it back at all, you ask Tang Jin yourself!" Leng Shaohan said angrily.

What's interesting is that he didn't say that she took him in the heavy rain last night, which caused him to catch a cold and have a fever.

Originally, it was his voluntary choice to accompany her in the rain, and he really couldn't blame others for what he did voluntarily.

It's just that he thought he was in the body of a king kong, but he didn't expect that after working hard for days, he fell ill because of being exposed to the rain.

If you don't take the initiative to rest, your body will get sick and force you to rest.

Ye Sisi changed the topic, "What do you want to eat, I'll buy it for you."

Leng Shaohan was disdainful, "Is the food you bought edible?"

"That said, although cooking is not my strong point, buying food is my strong point!"

Leng Shaohan is also speechless, and there is such a saying that buying food is his strength?

"No need, Ah Jin will arrange it." Leng Shaohan said.

"Oh, if there's nothing else to do, I'll go first." Ye Sisi said.

"Where are you going?"

"Didn't you say you bought me a good school? I'll take a look."

"I'm still sick, so you don't care about me?" Leng Shaohan said angrily.

"I'm not a doctor, so what should I do? Besides, you just have a common cold, and you'll be fine once your fever subsides. Do you want me to watch over you here?" Ye Sisi said.

"No, you are not allowed to leave until I leave the hospital!"



Fortunately, in the afternoon, the doctor said that he could be discharged from the hospital.

But I can't work in the past few days and have to rest at home.

This is also a bit difficult for Leng Shaohan.

There are two large consortiums hanging on his body, No. 1 in the business world of Jiangcheng, and the top ten people in the Asian business world, the workload can be imagined.

Together with Ye Sisi, Tang Jin sent Leng Shaohan back to the villa by the river.

A few new servants were added to the riverside villa, which made it more lively than usual.

After arriving at the villa, Leng Shaohan directly took Ye Sisi to the study.

"Why?" Ye Sisi asked.

"Do you remember that you were deaf before? Every time I turned on the stereo, you would look curious, do you really want to listen to my top-notch stereo worth millions, the only one in the world?" Leng Shao Han said.

Ye Sisi really had a deep memory of Leng Shaohan's stereo set.

What Ye Sisi remembers deeply is the secret room on the third floor.

Ye Sisi wanted to see it six years ago, but six years later, she still didn't know what was in that secret room.

"What are you in a daze for?" Leng Shaohan had already turned on the stereo.

The million-level sound system is really different. Standing in the middle, Ye Sisi felt that the music surrounded her from all angles like waves.

Among the sounds of nature, it is extraordinary.

Suddenly he understood why Leng Shaohan wanted to buy such an expensive stereo.

"Does it sound good? How does it feel?"

"It sounds good."

The sound of the stereo is so loud, if he went to the third floor to see the secret room while he was listening to the music, he probably wouldn't have noticed it, right?

Just how to solve the problem of monitoring?

(End of this chapter)

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