Chapter 272
Both Dabao and Kevin are top-notch experts in hacking and monitoring.

But Ye Sisi was embarrassed to ask her two children to help with this kind of thing.

Because peeping into the secret room is an invasion of privacy, how can I let the children follow me to do this kind of thing?

"Are you distracted again? What are you thinking?" Leng Shaohan asked again.

"I'm just immersed in the world of music." Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shaohan pulled Ye Sisi to the chair, pressed her shoulders, and asked her to sit down on the chair.

"Close your eyes, listen with your heart, and feel the power of music."

Ye Sisi had no choice but to do as he said.

Close your eyes, the energy of the music is indeed stronger.

After listening for a while, I felt sleepy and fell asleep.

When I woke up, the music hadn't stopped, but the sound of the stereo was turned down a bit, and I was covered with a blanket.

He fell asleep while listening to music, he must be laughed at by Leng Shaohan.

Walking out of the study and opening the door, I heard a burst of laughter.

Leng Shaohan's villa has always been deserted, it's really not easy to hear laughter here.

"Is Mummy still awake?" It was Xiaobao's voice.

"Mummy is too tired, let her have a good rest." Dabao's voice.

"Don't speak too loudly, keep your voice down, so as not to disturb Mommy's rest." It was Kevin's voice.

It turned out that three babies came.

Ye Sisi came out and saw San Xiaozhi sitting on the sofa watching anime.

There are all kinds of snacks on the table, and the table is almost full.

"With so many snacks, will you still eat later?" Ye Sisi asked.

"Mummy is awake? Dinner will be served soon!" Xiaobao said.

Ye Sisi glanced, but didn't see Leng Shaohan.

Could it be that he is cooking?

"Where is Leng Shaohan?" Ye Sisi asked.

The three children pointed in the direction of the kitchen, "Over there."

"Is he cooking?"

"Yes!" the three children replied in unison.

Ye Sisi was a little annoyed, "Do you know he was discharged from the hospital today? Why did you ask him to cook?"

The three children looked at each other with an innocent look on their faces, "We've tried to persuade them, but we can't persuade them! And no one is allowed to help, I was kicked out as soon as I entered!"

Ye Sisi ran to the kitchen to see that Mr. Leng was wearing an apron and was very busy.

Mr. Leng, who was still sick in the morning, is now alive and well.

Cooking makes him happy?Can heal?
"You don't want to live anymore? Why did you forget what the doctor told you?" Ye Sisi asked with a straight face.

Leng Shaohan said while he was busy, "Everyone gets more and more excited the more they listen to that song, but you are the only one who can fall asleep after listening to it, it's really weird!"

"I told you about your illness, not about music!" Ye Sisi said fiercely.

"I'm fine." Leng Shaohan said.

"The doctor said that you have to rest for a few days. Why do you cook? Do you have no money for takeaway?"

Leng Shaohan finished frying a dish, turned off the fire, and wiped his hand on the apron, "I'm fine, it's really better. Of course I have the money for takeaway, but can the takeaway be the same as what I cook? I just want to cook for the kids."

Ye Sisi stopped talking after listening.

I didn't expect Leng Yanwang to say such warm words suddenly, it really made people uncomfortable.

The three children gathered together, he was happy and wanted to express his heart.

The material is already very rich, even if you give these children millions of pocket money, it doesn't make much sense, it is not worth cooking for the children yourself.

After Leng Shaohan finished speaking, he also felt a little embarrassed.

After all, this does not match his domineering and cold CEO personality.

"Go out quickly, don't interfere with my cooking." Leng Shaohan said.

"How about I do it, and you go to rest." Ye Sisi said.

"You?" Leng Shaohan sneered, "Can you eat it?"

This guy is annoying!

"Do it yourself slowly!"

Ye Sisi left the next sentence and walked out of the kitchen.

When I came to the room I used to live in, I found that all the furnishings hadn't changed, almost kept the same.

Standing in front of the window, looking at the rolling river, I feel that time flies, and six years have passed in the blink of an eye.

At that time, she often stood in front of the window, thinking about how to escape, how to die with Leng Shaohan.

Six years later, she stood here again, and there were three angel-like babies outside.

Fortunately, he didn't die with Leng Shaohan back then, otherwise all this would not have existed.

It's better to be alive.

Coming out of the room, Ye Sisi came to the stairs on the third floor again by some strange circumstances.

There is indeed monitoring, and more than one.

But now that Leng Shaohan is busy cooking in the kitchen, he probably won't watch the surveillance, right?
So I went up the stairs and came to the mysterious room.

The lock seems to have been changed, it seems to be a password plus fingerprint lock.

This kind of lock requires both a password and a fingerprint, which is almost impossible.

Entering wrongly three times will also trigger the alarm device.

It's still not working, so I have to find another way.

Ye Sisi turned around and went downstairs. When she reached the stairs, she saw Leng Shaohan standing downstairs.

He was expressionless, looking up at Ye Sisi from downstairs.

Ye Sisi pretended to be calm and walked down the stairs, "I haven't been here for a long time, I want to come and have a look around."

"Look at what?" Leng Shao asked coldly.

"If you don't have a specific purpose, just take a look. By the way, your room has a reinforced lock. Is there any treasure in it?"

Leng Shaohan is so smart, it's impossible not to guess his intentions, so why not just say it.

"What do you want to know?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious. You were not allowed to enter that room six years ago, and you are still not allowed to enter that room six years later. What kind of treasure or secret is there?" Ye Sisi said.

"There's someone inside." Leng Shao said coldly.

Ye Sisi froze for a moment, feeling goosebumps all over her body.

She knew that Leng Shaohan might be deliberately scaring her, but she still got cold.

"Who are you scaring?" Ye Sisi gave Leng Shaohan a dissatisfied look.

"Do you still want to see it? If so, I'll take you there now?" Leng Shaohan stared at Ye Sisi and asked.

Ye Sisi suddenly faltered.

She admitted that she was frightened by Leng Shaohan.

"Don't watch, it's none of my business. I'm hungry if the meal is ready." Ye Sisi said.

"Are you sure you don't want to watch it?"

"dont see."

Leng Shaohan took the initiative to let her watch, the more she dared not look at it.

Why I dare not, what I am afraid of, I can’t say it myself.

Xiaobao came over, "When will I eat, I'm going to starve to death!"

"Let's eat, let's eat."

Seeing Leng Shaohan bring a bottle of red wine, Ye Sisi hurriedly stopped her, "You just came out of the hospital and want to drink again? Don't drink, you really want to die, don't you?"

"I haven't taken cephalosporin, so I'm fine with a sip. It's rare for our family to reunite today, so I have to drink some to celebrate." Leng Shaohan said.

The words 'our family' moved Ye Sisi's heart.

He seemed to be really healed, maybe a little drink would be all right.

"Then you can only drink a little." Ye Sisi said.

Xiao Bao looked at Leng Shaohan, and then at Ye Sisi, "Wow, someone is under strict supervision!"

Leng Shaohan looked unconvinced: "Who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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