fall into his palm

Chapter 279 Several Meanings

Chapter 279 Several Meanings

"Brother Ruochen, it's not what you think."

Ye Sisi quickly explained, "I did him a favor. He bought this school to run a school for me in order to thank me."

"Are you very busy?" An Ruochen asked again.

"Pretty big."

As expected, An Ruochen was the only person in Jiangcheng who could wrestle with Leng Shaohan. He gave a standard answer in the next sentence: "You helped him regain the control of the Leng Corporation? I heard that he got the Leng Shaohan at the last moment Weiping’s shareholding, that’s what you’re helping with?”

Amazing, just like what he saw, he guessed it all.

"Yes." Ye Sisi had no choice but to admit it.

"If you have helped so much, then Leng Shaohan will give you a school as a reward, which is not much." An Ruochen said.

Ye Sisi smiled, "Yes."

"how did you do it?"

Ye Sisi didn't want to talk about this.

After all, it's not an open and aboveboard method, and speaking out affects my image of beauty a bit.

But the more he didn't talk, the more curious An Ruochen would be and the more thoughts he would have.

"I tricked Leng Weiping into the boat and threatened him." Ye Sisi said briefly.

An Ruochen smiled, "As expected of you."

At this time, the supper was brought, and An Ying also brought the red wine.

Fruity aroma, long aftertaste, good wine.

This wine is definitely not cheap, and I don't know if I have to drink a car or a house.

I simply didn't ask any more questions, and it was even more stressful to drink.

An Ying raised her glass to Ye Sisi, "Thank you, Sisi, I've had enough of you today, if you hadn't come, I wouldn't be worthy of drinking this wine."

An Ruochen glared at Ye Sisi.

Ye Sisi smiled embarrassedly, "I should thank Brother Ruochen."

The three of them drank and chatted for a long time, but they didn't drink much.

On the one hand, Ye Sisi felt that the wine was too expensive, and on the other hand, she was afraid of getting drunk.

Getting drunk in front of Leng Shaohan has already made a fool of himself, this is his home, so there can be no problems.

At this time, the servant suddenly ran in in a panic, "It's not good, Madam came back suddenly!"

Ye Sisi jumped up in fright.

It's not that he's afraid of Meng Luofen, but if An Ruochen and Meng Luofen conflict because of him, he will be very embarrassed.

"How about I find a place to hide first?" Ye Sisi said.

"No, you sit down."

An Ruochen was very calm, "Don't I have the right to receive a friend?"

Ye Sisi sighed, she would not have come if she had known.

While speaking, Meng Ruofen had already entered.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became awkward.

Ye Sisi made up her mind, for An Ruochen's sake, as long as Meng Naofen didn't reach out and hit her, she would try her best not to retaliate.

If Meng Luofen really made a move, then try to run as far as possible, so as not to suffer.

"I heard that Ms. Ye is here, so I came here to take a look. So she was drinking? I also have a bottle of wine from a friend over there, which is not bad. It has been stored for more than ten years. I asked someone to take it Come here, you guys have a taste." Meng Yaofen said.

An Ying quickly explained, "Mom, Sisi is here to see my brother, so don't make things difficult."

Meng Yufen smiled, "Miss Ye is a guest, why should I make things difficult for her? My bottle of wine is really good, not worse than the one you drank."

Ye Sisi thought to herself, what you said is not bad, it must be poisoned, right?
I'll come and see your son, you won't take my life, will you?

"Mom, Sisi came to see me, don't do this." An Ruochen also said.

"Why do you all look at me like this? Am I the kind of unreasonable person?" Meng Naofen said.

Ye Sisi thought to herself, don't you?

"Miss Ye, it doesn't matter if Ruochen misunderstands me, but please believe me, I am sincere." Meng Yufen said.

Ye Sisi smiled awkwardly, "Madam, I'm really sorry to surprise you today, I'm leaving now."

Meng Ruofen grabbed Ye Sisi, "Miss Ye, don't rush away, they will bring the wine right away."

After Ye Sisi finished speaking, is he still drinking poisoned wine?
It's not that deep of a grudge, is it?

An Ruochen stood up from the sofa and walked out with a cane, "Sisi, I'll take you out."

"No hurry, I have something to talk to Miss Ye."

At this time, the wine that Meng Ruofen ordered was brought. It was a bottle of collection wine from a top winery, worth at least a million or more.

"Miss Ye, I have kept this wine for a long time. Since you like to drink, you can drink it. Good wine should be drunk by people who know wine. I hope Miss Ye will not refuse." Meng Yufen said.

Ye Sisi was completely dumbfounded.

What does this mean?
"Mom, what on earth are you going to do?" An Ruochen was anxious.

"I just wanted to give the wine to Miss Ye. There is no other meaning." Meng Yufen laughed.

"Mrs. Xie, I don't deserve such an expensive wine." Ye Sisi also hurriedly said.

If you poisoned me with such a good wine, it would be a waste!
"Miss Ye, can you take a step to speak?" Meng Yaofen asked again.

An Ying stood in front of Ye Sisi, "Mom, what do you want to do? You are not allowed to hurt my friend!"

An Ruochen also said: "Mom, if you do this again, I will leave this house immediately!"

"Oh, you all misunderstood! I really don't want to embarrass Ms. Ye, I just want to talk to her alone. If I have any bad intentions for her, I will have to die, okay? You don't believe me so much ?” Meng Ruofen said.

This person who gave away good wine and swears poisonously doesn't seem to be a fake?
"Miss Ye, don't worry, this is my home, and I will never make things difficult for you."

Ye Si thought for a while, "Okay, then let's talk alone."

I guessed in my heart that the old lady should tell her about An Ruochen.

There is a high probability that he wants to keep himself away from An Ruochen. This kind of thing has been said many times before.

Then it's a big deal to be scolded by her, anyway, she won't kill herself in this Anfu.

When they came to another room, Meng Ruofen asked Ye Sisi to sit down politely, "Miss Ye, you came today just in time, I was going to see you tomorrow."

"Ma'am, please speak up if you have something to say."

"It's nothing, it's just that we have a very stable project, but we have encountered some challenges recently. This project is very important to us. Without this project, An's crisis will expand. You also know that since Ruochen's accident, An's It started to go downhill, and the stock price has been falling. If we lose this project again, I'm afraid we will fall into a bigger crisis. So can you look at Ruochen and do us a little favor."

Didn't you want me to stay away from An Ruochen?The plot is different from what I thought.

"Ma'am, I'm just a small person, what can I do for you?" Ye Sisi asked in a daze.

"You can make our competitors give up, and then we can get the project smoothly." Meng Lufen said.

Ye Sisi understood a little bit.

Needless to say, An's formidable competitor who made Meng Luofen helpless was Leng Shaohan.

(End of this chapter)

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