fall into his palm

Chapter 280 Is Little Nuannan

Chapter 280 Is Little Nuannan
Although Ye Sisi didn't know what the project was, but if Meng Ruofen could ask for her project, it must be a big project.

Meng Ruofen is also really interesting, she used to keep herself away from An Ruochen, but now she said that she would help her for An Ruochen's sake.

In the past, she scolded herself as a reformed prisoner, lost her family star, and demoted herself to the point of being worse than a dog.

Now she asked herself to help, and she also wanted to give herself a million dollars worth of red wine.

It's really a feng shui turn, and in just a few months, it turned to me.

But Ye Sisi also knew in her heart that it was Leng Shaohan, not herself, who made Meng Naofen bow her head.

Ye Sisi could not agree to this matter.

Because she may not be able to do it, Leng Shaohan will not change his mind just because of her words.

If it was An Ruochen, maybe she would think about it, but for Meng Ruofen, there was no need to give her face at all.

"Ma'am, I'm just joking. I'm just a small person. I don't have a hand in this big event in the mall. I'm afraid I'll disappoint you." Ye Sisi laughed.

"You can help us with this matter. We all know that you have a good relationship with Leng Shaohan. As long as you help us persuade him to give up that project, we will be able to catch our breath. Leng Shaohan is now in the limelight , that project is dispensable to him, but the current situation of our Anjia is not optimistic, that project is very important to us. With Miss Ye's charm, I will be able to convince Leng Shaohan."

Sure enough, as she guessed, she just wanted to persuade Leng Shaohan to let the An family go.

"I'm sorry, I don't care about Leng Shaohan's affairs. He won't listen to me either. I can't do this."

Meng Luofen's complexion began to look a little ugly.

"Miss Ye, when you were in prison, our An's family raised your two children. You owe our An's favor, is this true? Now it's something that can be done by asking you to open your mouth, and you don't Would you like to help?" Meng Ruofen's tone became cold.

This is considered to have hit Ye Sisi's seven inches.

Ye Sisi really owes An's family a favor, this is a fact, and there is no way to change it.

Ye Sisi has always been grateful and never forgets.

It's just that Meng Ruofen brought up this matter at this time, obviously threatening, which made Ye Sisi very upset.

"Ma'am, I do owe Brother Ruochen and Yingying, I remember this. But Brother Ruochen and Yingying are doing the raising of the children. What I owe is their love, and has nothing to do with Madam. You Don't use this matter to pressure me, in other words, if I really want to be a ungrateful white-eyed wolf, you can do nothing with me, right?" Ye Sisi laughed.


"Ma'am, this wine is too expensive. I really don't deserve to drink it. Please take it back. As for persuading Leng Shaohan, I can't do it. The business in the mall is the law of the jungle. When the Leng family was in decline, Madam didn't Do you want to join forces with the Zhu family to swallow Leng's? If Leng Shaohan asked me to persuade Madam to let Leng go, would Madam agree? Wouldn't it be right?"

"You...you are really a white-eyed wolf! If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have raised a child for you!"

Ye Sisi didn't continue to pester her, opened the door and went out.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw An Ruochen leaning on a cane standing at the door listening.

An Ying followed.

They should have heard the conversation between themselves and Meng Ruofen.

Of course, they didn't come to eavesdrop on purpose, they were just worried that Meng Yaofen would embarrass Ye Sisi.

Ye Sisi looked at the siblings with some embarrassment.

"I actually..."

"Look, this woman is just an ungrateful white-eyed wolf. I asked her to help her but she refused! You also raised her child for two years..."

An Ruochen interrupted Meng Luofen: "Mom, you shouldn't use this to force Sisi to do something she doesn't want to do!"

"Did I force her? I was begging her, but she didn't remember it at all! This kind of bitch knows how to climb high! Now that Leng Shaohan has gained power, she will post it, and don't take our family seriously. Already!"

"Mom! Please be careful with what you say!" An Ruochen was furious, and poked the ground with a cane, "Don't you feel ashamed when you talk like this? Don't you think that the prosperity of the An family depends on other people's handouts?"

The mother and son still quarreled, which was really embarrassing.

Ye Sisi was about to run away.

"Brother Ruochen, I'm leaving first, we'll contact you later."

As Ye Sisi spoke, she almost ran away.

An Ying followed, "Sisi, don't be as knowledgeable as my mother, she's just like that..."

Ye Sisi didn't know what to say.

"I'm leaving first, let's make an appointment."


Just after returning home, An Ruochen called.

"I'm sorry, Sisi, for making you feel wronged again." An Ruochen's voice was still so gentle.

"Brother Ruochen, in fact, I am not an ungrateful person. Your kindness to help me take care of the children will never be forgotten by me and the children. I also thought about it, and I will try to persuade Leng Shaohan, but he won't listen. Listen, I can't guarantee it."

"I was just about to tell you, don't take it to heart, and I don't want you to beg Leng Shaohan either."

"But I will still try. From my heart, I also hope that Brother Ruochen will be well."

"It's really not necessary, I will find a way."

"That's it, brother Ruochen, it's too late, I have to rest."

Ye Sisi didn't dare to say too much, worried that if she couldn't speak, she would hurt An Ruochen's self-esteem if she was not careful.


"Good night, brother Ruochen, goodbye."

Ye Sisi immediately hung up the phone.

At this time Dabao's phone call came.

"Mommy, are you back?" Dabao asked.

"I'm back, are you still asleep?"

"Sleep right now, Mommy, will you be lonely by yourself? Come pick me up, and I'll come back to accompany you." Dabao said.

Oh, my son is such a warm little boy.

Ye Sisi, who was originally in a low mood, suddenly felt much better.

"No need baby, just go to bed obediently, Mommy is going to wash up and go to bed too."

"Do you really not need me to accompany you?"

"No, see you tomorrow!"

"Okay then, good night, Mommy."

"Good night."

After answering the call from Xiao Nuannan, I felt much better.

At this time, An Ying called again.

"Sisi, my brother and I are very embarrassed about what happened tonight, I hope you don't mind."

"Brother Ruochen and I talked on the phone just now, and I'm willing to persuade Leng Shaohan. But I'm really not sure whether he will listen to me." Ye Sisi said.

"Sisi, I don't want to force you with those things like my mother, but from my heart, I also want you to help us. My brother is in a difficult period now. If the An family collapses at this time, I am worried Something will happen to my brother."

"I understand, so I will try my best."

"Actually, I have a solution. You just need to find a way to lure Leng Shaohan out for a while, and we'll be able to get the project."

"Cheat? How?"

"Leng Shaohan has always liked you very much. If you ask him to accompany you on a trip abroad, he will definitely agree."

(End of this chapter)

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