fall into his palm

Chapter 281 give you a chance

Chapter 281 give you a chance
Ye Sisi understood what An Ying meant.

Trick Leng Shaohan out of the country, and then find a way to trap him, miss the bidding period, let Leng Shaohan withdraw from the bidding passively, and the project will belong to An's.

This trick is simple and crude, but it works.

"Yingying, I have to think about this matter."

"Okay, then you think about it, don't be too embarrassed, if you don't want to, we will find a way. By the way, don't tell my brother about this, this is my own idea. If my brother knows, he will definitely would not agree."

"Okay, I see."


After washing up, I turned on the computer and searched online.

An's and Leng's are indeed competing for a large-scale new energy project. This project has official support. Once they get it, they can get many preferential policies.

Anshi has been preparing for this project for a long time and is determined to win it.

But the reason why the officials of this project planned to settle down was because of An Ruochen.

On the one hand, they are optimistic about An Ruochen's ability, and on the other hand, because of his presence, Anzhu and Anzhu are allies and can develop this super project together.

But now that something happened to An Ruochen and Zhu Yuzhi, the foundation of the alliance between the two was gone, and both An Ruochen and Zhu Yuzhi were in a clear downward trend.

However, at this time another big shot was in the limelight, and that was Leng Shaohan.

Leng Shaohan held two major consortiums, Leng's and Hongye Capital, and became the only existence in Jiangcheng's business circle.

Between the ups and downs, the official is definitely more willing to cooperate with Leng Shaohan who is in full swing.

An's family bet a lot on this project, once this project was snatched away, they would be in crisis.

The crisis of a large group will often suddenly magnify, and the whole group will collapse like a giant.

Meng Ruofen's worry was also justified.

It's just that if she let herself lie to Leng Shaohan because of this matter, Ye Sisi would have no idea.

After many years of dormancy, Leng Shaohan made a comeback, not just because of luck.

He is smarter than a fox, can he fool him?
Taking a step back, if he really trapped him, and he got into trouble because of it, just like he trapped him six years ago, would he forgive himself?
This is really embarrassing.


The next day, Ye Sisi began to prepare for the new school.

Running a school is an extremely complicated matter with many threads, and it is simply not something that one person can do well.

Fortunately, there is Tang Jin and his team to help.

Although Tang Jin only has one hand left, his efficiency is still astonishingly high.

Ye Sisi had just begun to have ideas about many things, and when she was about to ask Tang to go in and execute them, she found that Tang Jin had already asked people to take care of them.

So there is a reason why Tang Jin has been Leng Shaohan's most trusted assistant all these years.

Tang Jin's style of work is almost the same as that of Leng Shaohan. He builds the best team, pays the highest salary in the industry, and works on the best projects.

Everything must be done to the extreme, and then success or failure is determined by fate.

In the afternoon, Ye Sisi came to Tang Jin's office.

"Brother Tang, we will have a simple family dinner tonight. I would like to invite you to join me. I wonder if you are free?"

Tang Jin smiled, "The third master will also attend the family banquet?"

"Yes. Brother Tang, there is something I've always wanted to tell you. I have two children, a boy and a girl. The boy is called Dabao, and the girl is called Xiaobao. If you hadn't let me go, I wouldn't be able to keep this child , we owe you a great favor."

Tang Jin smiled, "Kevin told me about this, I am Kevin's godfather."

"Ah, so that's the case, this kid didn't even tell me."

"Kevin used to have autism, but he is much better now, all because of you and your two children." Tang Jin said.

"In the final analysis, I still need to thank you the most. Without you, there would be no me and my child."

"Okay, let's not say these words of thanks. In fact, I also had a lot of rough behavior towards you back then, as long as you don't mind." Tang Jin said with a smile.

"To put it this way, I have caused you even worse, and you lost one of your hands."

Tang Jin stretched out his hand and caressed his prosthetic limb, "It's not bad, when you hit someone, it won't hurt if someone hurts you."

"Then it's settled. Come and have a meal with us in the evening, and let the children see you."

Tang Jin smiled and nodded: "It's an honor, I will definitely be there."


Leng Shaohan hired not just a chef, but a team of chefs.

Even the knives for cutting vegetables are brought by the chef team themselves.

Fortunately, the kitchen is wide enough. Although it is not as well-equipped as a hotel, as long as the dishes are not too complicated, they can be completed smoothly at home.

When Ye Sisi came back, she saw a scene that surprised her.

Xiao Bao rode on Leng Shaohan's neck, patted Leng Shaohan's head from time to time, and said, "Drive, drive!"

It is not uncommon for children to ride adults like horses.

But it would be very strange if this person was replaced by Leng Shaohan.

"Da Ma, run faster! You're too slow!" Xiao Bao shouted.

Leng Shaohan quickened his pace obediently.

"Hurry up, don't you eat grass in Malaysia? Do you want to feed you grass first?" Xiaobao said again.

"I don't eat grass!" Leng Shaohan protested.

'Pfft. '

Ye Sisi couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Leng Shaohan turned his head and saw that it was Ye Sisi, feeling a little embarrassed.

Xiaobao was very happy, "Mum, I'm riding a horse, do you want to ride?"

Ye Sisi: "..."

"Okay, it's almost done, come down." Leng Shaohan put Xiaobao down.

"I invited Brother Tang, is he still here?" Ye Sisi asked.

"On the way."

"it is good."

Then there was nothing to say.

"You have nothing to say to me?" Leng Shaohan looked at Ye Sisi.

"What do you mean? What do you want me to say to you?" Ye Sisi asked.

"He Lin wants you to confess your love to him!" Xiaobao said with a smile.

"Go and play!" Ye Sisi said fiercely.

Xiao Bao ran away grinning.

"I thought you had something to say to me, so forget it." Leng Shaohan said.

Ye Sisi always felt that there was something in his words.

Did he know that he asked him to give up the project to An Jia?
It's impossible to think about it, he is not a god, how could he predict everything?

"Why do I feel that you have something to say to me?" Ye Sisi said.

"Yes." Leng Shaohan said.


"Tonight's food is good, you should drink more." Leng Shaohan said.


Ye Sisi felt that Leng Shaohan was playing tricks on her.

"I won't tell you anymore, go change your clothes first."

Leng Shaohan took a look at Ye Sisi's professional attire, "You don't need to change it, it's beautiful just dressed like this."

Ye Sisi gave him a blank look, how could anyone wear business attire at home?

"Do you really have nothing to say to me? I'll give you a chance now, so hurry up, or you won't have a chance. "

(End of this chapter)

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