fall into his palm

Chapter 290 is a bit ridiculous

Chapter 290 is a bit ridiculous
Ye Sisi frowned, what on earth did Leng Shaohan want to do?
"I said, I don't need it, and I wear wedding dresses. When I think of wedding dresses now, I think of cold tablets and gloomy ancestral halls. I hate wearing wedding dresses. Is that clear enough?" Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shaohan thought for a while, "Then change it to a cheongsam?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, you can get married without wearing a wedding dress, or you can change into a cheongsam."

"Married? Me?" Ye Sisi was even more surprised.

"You are going to get married after all." Leng Shaohan said.

Ye Sisi looked at Leng Shaohan, "Are you proposing to me? Could this be too hasty?"

"It's not a marriage proposal. I just think we are two families now, which is not good for the child's growth. If our two families merge into one family, it will be more beneficial to the child's growth." Leng Shaohan said.

It sounds reasonable.

But Dabao and Xiaobao are not your own flesh and blood. If I let them follow you, does that mean I found them a stepfather?

The terrible thing is that they don't know who their biological father is.

"What's the matter with you today? Why do you look weird? Do you agree or not?"

"I disagree." Ye Sisi said directly.

Leng Shaohan was a little upset.

I am now No. 1 in Jiangcheng's business world. You are a pregnant woman with two children. It is your honor that I am willing to live with you. Are you still not happy?
Why are you not happy?Where am I wrong?

"Why?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"No reason, anyway, I just don't agree."

"Then who are you going to marry? An Ruochen? The An family is going to be over soon, do you think you can still play with him?" Leng Shaohan said angrily.

Ye Sisi became even angrier when the matter of settling down was mentioned.

"You promised not to compete with Anjia for that new energy project, but you backtracked, you are shameless! You already have so much, why do you want to force Anjia to death?" Ye Sisi scolded.

"I just promised that Leng's will no longer get involved in that project, but I can't guarantee that other companies won't get involved!"

"You and the Saint West Group are originally allies. You and that woman flirt with each other and you think I don't know?" Ye Sisi said angrily.

"You woman is really unreasonable at all! How can you blame me for the failure of the An family? Am I responsible for the rise and fall of the An family? Why?" Leng Shao said coldly.

Ye Sisi sneered, "So there are so many differences of opinion between us, why do you still think that we can become one family? Are you naive, or am I naive? Do you think that wearing a wedding dress designed by a top master will cause me to Can you be happy?"

"Then how can you be happy? Can you be happy with An Ruochen?"

Ye Sisi didn't want to scold him, but seeing that his eyes had become fierce, she stopped talking.

With his strength, he made him anxious. If he directly attacked the An family now, the An family might not be able to resist it.

A moment of silence.

"Don't you really want Anjia to survive this catastrophe? Then, I guarantee that Anjia will get that new energy project, but I have conditions." Leng Shaohan said.

"What conditions?"

"You marry me."

Ye Sisi's eyes widened, "Leng Shaohan, are you crazy? Using this method to force me, will such a marriage be happy?"

"If you don't try it, how do you know you won't be happy? Besides, as long as you treat the child well and let the child have a complete family, so what if you are happy or not?" Leng Shaohan said.

There is some truth to this statement.

How many couples are truly happy in this world?Happiness today may not necessarily be happiness tomorrow.

If you are not happy today, maybe it will not be better tomorrow.

Whose marriage will always be within the shelf life?

If I can let An's family get through this hurdle, it can be regarded as a real repayment for An's family's kindness in helping me raise my child for two years.

"You mean what you say?" Ye Sisi asked.

Leng Shao smiled coldly, "You really only compromised for An Ruochen, of course I mean what I say."

"Then you first persuade the Saint West Group to withdraw and let Anjia win the bid, and I will get the certificate with you." Ye Sisi said.

"You get the certificate with me first, and I will let Anjia succeed in the bidding."

Ye Sisi shook her head, "That won't work, I can't trust you."

Leng Shao said with a cold face, "Can I trust you? How many times have you lied to me? It was because I believed in you that I lost control of the Leng family!"

Ye Sisi frowned, this is a problem.

There is indeed a serious lack of trust between the two.

It sounds absurd for two people who can't even trust each other to get married.

"Since we can't trust each other, what should we do?" Ye Sisi asked.

"Make a contract." Leng Shaohan said, "Please notarize it at the notary office."

"make a deal."


The notary office had never seen such a notarization project, and was a little dumbfounded.

Moreover, the person who came to the notarization was the third master Leng who is currently in full swing in Jiangcheng.

The staff didn't understand very much, Mr. Leng needed such a lot of effort to find a woman?
He only needs to yell, and the famous ladies and daughters will rush to hug him, okay?

"The two of you have actually signed a contract. If one party breaches the contract, you can go directly to the court to sue." The person at the notary office said.

They don't want to take the order.

The reason is simple, the notary office also needs to bear civil liability.

But the person in front of him is Mr. Leng, he is the king of this city.

Even the law may not be able to restrain him, let alone this small notary office?

Moreover, the function of the notary office is to prove fairness and justice, and such projects are indeed not under their control.

"What do you mean? You don't want to have it notarized?" Ye Sisi asked.

"We have never taken this kind of case, and we have no experience. You two should go to a law firm." The person at the notary office laughed along with him.

Leng Shao kept a cold face and said nothing.

Ye Sisi knew what he wanted to do.

He wanted to say, if you don't do anything, then I will demolish this place.

In fact, Ye Sisi didn't want it to be notarized, because she also knew that the so-called rules could only restrain her, not Leng Shaohan.

So he took Leng Shaohan's arm, "Then forget it, let's solve it in private."

Leng Shaohan was also surprised to see Ye Sisi acting so intimately suddenly.

"Are you willing to get the certificate first?"


The staff quickly applauded to express their congratulations.

Leng Shaohan was also very surprised, staring at Ye Sisi, "Really?"


"Then go and apply for a certificate now."

After leaving the notary office, I got into the car.

Leng Shaohan still didn't quite believe it, and looked at Ye Sisi suspiciously: "You can't be playing some tricks again, are you? If you dare to trick me, I will directly cooperate with Saint West Group to short An's and make An's decline rapidly. !"

Ye Sisi quickly comforted her, "Don't worry, I promised you everything, and I will definitely do it."

"Then go now."

"But marriage is a big thing, we are all people with children, we consider their feelings."

"So what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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