fall into his palm

Chapter 291 Makes People Envious

Chapter 291 Makes People Envious
"I mean, we need to ask for the opinions of a few babies. If they agree, we can become a family. Is this request reasonable?" Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shaohan stared at Ye Sisi's delicate pretty face, looked at her spiritual and cunning eyes, always felt that he would be fooled by her at any time.

"Are you trying to play tricks again?" Leng Shao asked coldly.

Ye Sisi spread her hands innocently, "You are the king of this city, what can I do in front of you? I just ask the children for their opinions."

"Then if the children don't agree, it's over?"

"If the child disagrees, talk them out of it."

Leng Shaohan felt that this was another conspiracy, but he had no proof.

Obviously, those children were on her side, including Kevin.

So if those children agree or not, she will control them all.

But what she said needs the child's consent, which seems to make sense, and there is nothing wrong with it.

If all three children are unanimously opposed to marriage, then the marriage cannot be concluded.

It seems that there are only three children, but they are obviously three divine beasts, and they are super divine beasts, omnipotent divine beasts that can ascend to heaven and earth.

"Then we'll have a family meeting tonight to discuss marriage."

"No, no, you have to fulfill the contract first and make sure Anjia gets the project."


"In our relationship, you are the strong side. If you do what you should do, I can only do it. But if I do what I should do, I can't force you to fulfill the contract, So you have to do it first."

Leng Shaohan frowned, always feeling that he was going to be fooled, but there was nothing he could do.


Later, a certain club.

Li Yalu, the 'Eldest Princess' of the Saint West Group, sat down in front of Leng Shaohan, dressed in a fine attire and with a dignified smile.

Leng Shaohan made an appointment with Li Guanghui, the head of Shengxi, but it was his daughter who came.

"Is the senior disappointed when he sees me? My dad is temporarily unable to attend the appointment, so let me come for him. No matter what happens, I can make the decision." Li Yalu said.

Since she said so, Leng Shaohan said directly: "I hope you will withdraw from the bidding for new energy projects."

After being stunned for a moment, Li Yalu laughed, "Why? It was agreed to develop jointly with Leng's before, but then Leng's sudden withdrawal, so we can do it. Why do we have to withdraw now?"

"I quit because I want to hand over this project to Anshi." Leng Shaohan said very directly.

"Why?" Li Yalu looked incomprehensible, "Why did you give it to them?"

"No reason." Leng Shao said coldly.

Li Yalu smiled brightly and beautifully.

"This reminds me of a story." Li Yalu said with a smile, "It is said that when the senior's girlfriend, Ms. Ye Sisi, was serving her sentence, her two children were raised by the An family. So Miss Ye owes the An family a big favor. Now it seems that the senior Do you want to repay the favor for Miss Ye?"

"Have you checked Ye Sisi?" Leng Shao asked coldly.

"Of course I'm interested in the senior's girlfriend, but it's not a search, it's just a casual look." Li Yalu laughed.

"What you learned is correct." Leng Shaohan said.

"This is not the style of seniors. Seniors are always decisive. How could they change the decision of the mall because of personal favors?"

Leng Shaohan didn't speak, he didn't need to explain.

"Even if you find ten nannies to raise two children, the cost will be 100 million for one year, and 200 million for two years. The new energy project is a billion-dollar project. Use this project to repay the feeling of settling down, right? Too expensive?" Li Yalu said.

"Human affection cannot be measured by money." Leng Shaohan said.

Li Yalu froze for a moment, then laughed again, "That's true, but it really doesn't look like it came from a senior. What if we disagree?"

"Then Leng's will join the bidding. We will beat you down first, get the project, and then give the project to An's. Since I promised Sisi, I will definitely do it." Leng Shaohan said.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Ms. Ye is really lucky. It's so enviable to be favored by seniors!"

The jealousy in Li Yalu's eyes was already very obvious.

"I've finished my words, and I'm leaving. You can discuss it with your father. As long as Shengxi withdraws this time, I will find a way to give some compensation in the future. There are many billions of projects, and it's not just a new energy project. .”

Leng Shaohan stood up, ready to leave.

Li Yalu stretched out his hand to hold Leng Shaohan, "Of course we have to obey the senior's orders. But the multi-billion projects will be given up as soon as they are given up. We will have huge pressure on the board of directors. My dad and I will try our best to persuade the board of directors." , The price is also very high. The senior said compensation, how do you plan to compensate? It can't be a big cake, right?"

"What do you want?" Leng Shao asked coldly.

"want you."

Leng Shaohan frowned.

Li Yalu laughed again, "Hahaha, I'm just joking, the senior is nervous. I haven't finished talking, I want you to accompany me for a day."

Leng Shaohan frowned even deeper.

"Don't worry, senior. I just want you to accompany me on a tour of Jiangcheng. You know, I'm from Xinguo, so I'm not familiar with Jiangcheng. Shouldn't senior be a landlord and accompany me to see the beautiful scenery and eat delicious food?"

"Only I have a good relationship with the seniors. Those old people on the board of directors will always believe that we have the possibility of limited cooperation with Leng's in the future. This is also a business. The seniors will accompany me to watch movies and eat, and I will hand over billions of dollars in big projects. , isn't this request too much?"

Leng Shaohan thought for a while, then nodded slightly.



A family meeting is underway.

Meng Ruofen continued to attack Ye Sisi: "You still don't believe me when I said she is a white-eyed wolf, and you have to defend her everywhere. Now that I know, she is just teaming up with Leng Shaohan to trick you!"

"Mom, it is true that the Leng family has withdrawn. It is the Shengxi Group that has intervened. It's not that Sisi's words don't count." An Ruochen said with a serious face.

"Leng Shaohan and Shengxi Group are in the same group! Shengxi Group is the second shareholder of Leng Group. Shengxi's intervention is not equivalent to Leng's intervention, but that little bitch Ye Sisi didn't count and lied to us! "Meng Yufen scolded.

"Mom, if you always blame others for your failure, then the An family will only decline more and more!" An Ruochen said.

"Anjia has begun to decline! Anjia has invested so much resources in new energy projects, if the bidding is not successful now, we will be finished!"

At this time, the butler suddenly came in, "Ma'am, there is good news here. The Saint West Group suddenly announced that it will withdraw from the bidding for new energy projects!"

Everyone was taken aback: "Really?"


An Tianming, who had been silent by the side, spoke at this moment, "I entrusted foreign friends to persuade Sheng Xi to quit, so I have to take the helm of the An family."

(End of this chapter)

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