fall into his palm

Chapter 292 You Are Hades

Chapter 292 You Are Hades
An Tianming is An Ying's eldest brother, and has never been promising.

He has been fooling around abroad, and now that he heard that An Ruochen was dying, he thought his chance had come, so he returned home.

Now that he heard that the Saint West Group had withdrawn, he felt that this was an opportunity, so he stood up and pretended to claim credit.

An Ying was the first to express doubts, "Brother, what kind of friend of yours can persuade Sun West Group to quit?"

An Tianming looked arrogant, "I have many friends, and I need to explain to you?"

What An Ruochen is most concerned about now is whether the Shengxi Group has really withdrawn.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and gave it to the relevant parties for consultation.

The answer is that the Saint West Group has indeed withdrawn.

An Ruochen breathed a long sigh of relief, the An family escaped for the time being.

However, An Tianming was keen on taking credit. Looking at Meng Yufen, "Mom, I have made such a great contribution to my family, should I be allowed to return to the company and take up an important position?"

Meng Rufen also had some disbelief: "You really asked your friends to persuade Shengxi Group? What kind of friend of yours has such a big influence that you can make Shengxi quit?"

"It's just a friend abroad, he doesn't want me to disclose his information."

An Ying curled her lips, "Brother, you have such a great friend, why didn't you let him show up earlier?"

"I want to see your abilities first. If you can't figure it out, I'll come forward." An Tianming said.

"If it's really your credit, then let you rejoin the company as the vice president." Meng Yufen said.

"Mom, the position of vice president is very important, you need to be cautious." An Ruochen reminded.

An Tianming quit, "An Ruochen, what do you mean? You are the only one who can do it in the An family, right? You are disabled now, what can you do? You can only pin your hopes on a woman, and you have failed in the end? It turns out that I can do it, right?"

"Brother, please pay attention to your wording!" An Ruochen said angrily.

"Pay attention to the wording. Ye Sisi was originally a girl, and she was a loose girl. She also came together with others to fool you. You still protect her, it's really funny."

"An Tianming, don't go too far!" An Ruochen was furious.

"I just said what's wrong with her? She's not your woman, why are you so anxious? You're being passionate!"

"You bastard!"

Meng Ruofen hurriedly stopped: "Stop arguing, what's the family arguing about. At critical moments, that Ye Sisi is really unreliable, and she has to rely on her own family."


Ye Sisi's house.

Leng Shaohan handed the phone to Ye Sisi and motioned her to read it.

Ye Sisi took it over and saw the news that Saint West had publicly announced its withdrawal from the competition for new energy projects.

"This can't be fake news, it's a deliberate deception?" Ye Sisi asked.

"Do you think everyone likes to lie like you?" Leng Shao said coldly.

"When did I lie, you are the one who lied, okay?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I have already done what you told me, when will you fulfill your promise?"

"What promise?" Ye Sisi looked blank.

Leng Shao smiled coldly, "So you want to start playing tricks? Saint Xi can announce his withdrawal today, and he can announce his rejoining the competition tomorrow!"

"That's right, that's what I'm worried about, so An's family has to make sure they got the project, and the project contract is signed, then let's talk about other things." Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shao Leng snorted.

"Hey, I'm curious, how did you negotiate with Sunshine Group, did you offer conditions?" Ye Sisi asked.

Leng Shaohan didn't speak.

He didn't give any conditions, but Li Yalu did. He wanted to spend a day with her.

If you spend one day with a large project worth billions, even if you sell your body, it is still a sky-high price.

Besides, people said that it was really hard to refuse him as a senior to show his kindness as a landlord.

Even for ordinary friends who came from afar, it is not too much to make such a request.

Ye Sisi was extremely smart, and immediately sensed what was wrong with Leng Shaohan.

"The other party proposed conditions, making things difficult for you?"

Then I denied it myself, "Impossible, a monster like you, only you make things difficult for others, how can others make things difficult for you?"

"Why am I the devil?"

"No, you are not the devil, you are the King of Hades."

"speak politely!"

Ye Sisi smiled, "Anyway, you're not a good person, as long as An Jia is sure to get the project, I will fulfill the contract."

"The An family got a billion-dollar project, and you have paid off the debt you owed the An family. Not only have you paid it off, but now it is the debt that the An family owes you. So this is the last time, and you don't want to do anything about the An family again." Control." Leng Shao said coldly.

"The An family is a wealthy family, and there are not many things I can interfere with. I will definitely not care about it in the future." Ye Sisi said.

"Also, if you dare to break the contract, I won't let you go!"

Ye Sisi tilted her head and looked at Leng Shaohan, thinking that if she broke the contract, how would he deal with herself?
What can I ask him to take?


My greatest wealth is my children.

Thinking of this, I was shocked.


Riverside villa.

Leng Shaohan had just recovered from his body, and Li Yalu came before he could wash himself off.

Seeing the sweaty Leng Shaohan, Li Yalu's eyes sparkled, "Senior has been exercising for many years, and his figure is really good."

Leng Shaohan ignored her compliment, "You don't have to do it so early."

"The senior promised to accompany me for a day, of course I have to hurry, otherwise it will be a waste." Li Yalu laughed.

Leng Shaohan looked at his watch, "I'm talking about a day of working hours, here is an eight-hour work system, so my day is eight hours. It's only seven o'clock in the morning. Counting from now, it will be three o'clock in the afternoon." Eight hours."

In other words, I will only accompany you until three o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Yalu was anxious when she heard this, it was not a day, it was clearly only half a day.

And shouldn't the main event with you be at night, you left before it was dark, is this called companionship?
"Senior, you are not being kind. A day is 24 hours. This is a common calendar all over the world. How come you are only eight hours a day?"

Leng Shaohan didn't explain, "I'll go wash it first, you can sit down wherever you want."

"Can I visit your house?" Li Yalu asked.

"You can look around, but you can't enter that room."

Leng Shaohan pointed to Ye Sisi's usual room.

"That shouldn't be the master bedroom, why can't you go in?" Li Yalu asked.

Leng Shaohan didn't answer either.

Just don't let you in, it's so much nonsense.

Leng Shaohan entered the bathroom, and soon there was the sound of water.

Li Yalu's face suddenly became hot when she thought about Leng Shaohan's muscles underwater.

No, you can't let him leave in the afternoon, it must be delayed until the evening.

Then drink more alcohol.

No matter how sensible a man is, there will always be impulsive moments when he drinks too much.

Leng Shaohan is also a human being, not a god.

Li Yalu still has confidence in her charm.

If you give up a billion-dollar project, you have to get something in return.

(End of this chapter)

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