Chapter 293
Li Yalu quickly thought again, was it ironic when Leng Shaohan said that she was not allowed to enter that room?
Does the real meaning mean, let her go to that room and wait?

Go straight in after he takes a shower, and then...?
Leng Shaohan is the king of the business world in Jiangcheng, and he definitely wouldn't say it directly if he wanted a woman, it's very likely that this was a hint.

Then of course I have to take the initiative. The opportunity is rare, and it would be a pity to miss it.

So Li Yalu entered the room where Ye Sisi usually lived, half closed the door, took off her high heels and coat, and lay down on the bed.

In order to have a certain allure, Li Yalu also showed her snow-white fragrant shoulders and delicate calves.

Hearing the sound of Leng Shaohan opening the bathroom door, Li Yalu quickly pretended to be asleep.

After Leng Shaohan changed his clothes, he didn't see Li Yalu, so he searched everywhere.

He really didn't expect that he had clearly told Li Yalu not to enter that room, but Li Yalu did it in the opposite way.

Not only did he enter that room, but he also lay on the bed where Ye Sisi had slept.

That's why he finally found the room where Li Yalu was.

Of course Li Yalu didn't fall asleep, her little heart kept beating, hoping that Leng Shaohan would come over as soon as possible.

She hoped that Leng Shaohan would treat her like a storm, and then she would push it halfway and accomplish something good.

Blame Leng Shaohan afterward, pretending that he doesn't want to.

He was dreaming his own sweet dream when Leng Shaohan's heavy footsteps came.

Li Yalu's little heart beat even harder.

The violent storm she imagined is coming!
Just when she thought that Leng Shaohan would rush at her recklessly, she suddenly felt her arms being held by a pair of powerful hands.

Before she could react, she was dragged out of bed by Leng Shaohan.

Leng Shaohan used so much force that her arm hurt and she let out a soft breath.

"Who let you into this room?"

Leng Shao asked in a cold voice, dragged Li Yalu out of the room, and threw her on the sofa in the living room.

Li Yalu was a little frightened.

It is only now that I understand that Leng Shaohan told her not to enter that room, and what he said was not irony, but a serious warning to her.

"I was a little sleepy, so I just lay down for a while. I didn't know that room was so important to you, sorry..."

Li Yalu was ashamed and angry, but she didn't dare to attack, and burst into tears.

She is the eldest princess of the Saint West Group, a girl who graduated from a prestigious school, and is usually held up like a treasure, but today she was suddenly treated roughly by Leng Shaohan, and she really couldn't bear it.

"I told you not to enter that room, why didn't you listen?" Leng Shaohan was still angry.

"I'm sorry, I forgot, I'm really sorry."

Li Yalu kept wiping away tears.

I thought bitterly in my heart, that's not the master bedroom, why didn't people go in?

Is there some secret in it, or has someone important slept in that room?
Could it be the reform-through-labour prisoner surnamed Ye?
Is the reform-through-labour prisoner surnamed Ye so expensive, and the room she slept in can't be let in?

It really makes no sense!

Li Yalu, who originally graduated from a prestigious school and was born with a golden key in her mouth, never paid much attention to Ye Sisi, a person who has been in prison.

But from this moment on, she realized that Ye Sisi was actually her strongest opponent, bar none.

She admitted that Ye Sisi's face was indeed pretty, but she was not bad, and she was younger than her.

Why does Ye Sisi have such an important position with Leng Shaohan?
I must take her place, and I must walk into that room justifiably.

Moreover, the person who will not be allowed into that room in the future should be Ye Sisi!
Thinking of this, Li Yalu stood up, pretending to be very pitiful, "I'm sorry, third master, I know I was wrong, and I will never dare again, but my shoes are still inside, can you let the servants go in and take my shoes away?" take it out?"

Seeing that Li Yalu admitted his mistake with a good attitude, Leng Shaohan was really embarrassed to get angry at a woman again because he was at his own home.

"Go in and wear it yourself, and you are not allowed to go in again."

Li Yalu knew that Leng Shaohan would say this.

"Thank you, third master."

Li Yalu pretended to be trembling and re-entered the room, and hurried out again with her shoes in hand.

I thought to myself, I must sleep in this room from now on, with Leng Shaohan!

After the episode, Leng Shaohan continued to perform the contract.

The breakfast is made by the servants. Because there are guests, the breakfast is relatively rich.

While eating, Li Yalu suddenly thought of an important question, "Didn't the third master have a child, why didn't you see him?"

"He didn't come back last night, he stayed at a friend's place." Leng Shao said coldly.

Of course I dare not let my little ancestor come back, if I let him know that I let this woman in and slept in Ye Sisi's bed, he will definitely rebel.

Li Yalu originally wanted to ask 'which friend', but after thinking about it, forget it.

Leng Shaohan obviously doesn't like others prying into his privacy, and if he asks too much, it will annoy him, so let's not ask for now.

The next most important task is how to create an intimate opportunity with Leng Shaohan.

Watching a movie is definitely not possible, at most leaning on the shoulders and hugging the arms.

Leng Shaohan is a boss, if he goes to watch a movie, he must book the show.

The two of them sat in a movie theater for two hours, and it felt like a bit of a waste of time, with little chance of further development.

Go directly to the hotel?That's even worse, Leng Shaohan will definitely not agree.

So where can there be more intimate encounters?After much deliberation, Li Yalu thought that the hot spring villa might be the most suitable one.

In that place, he can take off his clothes openly, and then he can show Leng Shaohan his perfect body.

Leng Shaohan is also a normal man, he will definitely be tempted.

Then create a chance to fall or something, and have some physical contact with Leng Shaohan, the possibility of a fire is very high.

Then go back to the room and it will be a matter of course.

After making up his mind, he said to Leng Shaohan, "Third Master, it's a bit cold today, I'm afraid it's not fun to go to other places. I've been feeling unwell recently, and the doctor suggested that I take more hot springs. Third Master, you can accompany me there today. Okay? You are usually busy with work, so you should take more bubbles to relax."

Leng Shaohan hasn't been there for a long time, since Li Yalu proposed, he agreed, "Okay."

As he spoke, he picked up the phone and called his subordinates, asking them to book tickets.

In fact, it is a charter.

Of course, Leng Shaohan's eight-pack abs cannot be seen by others.

Seeing that Leng Shaohan agreed, Li Yalu was overjoyed, feeling that she was one step closer to success.

If Leng Shaohan can be dealt with, the multi-billion project is nothing.

Leng Shaohan reserved the venue because he didn't want others to know.

But he took a shower with the king of Jiangcheng's business world. How could such news not be known?
At least let the woman surnamed Ye know the news, right?

Only when she knew it could she understand the huge gap between a consort chief princess and a labor prisoner, and she would retreat in spite of the difficulties.

How to release the news?
(End of this chapter)

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