fall into his palm

Chapter 294 Completely messed up

Chapter 294 Completely messed up
It is definitely not acceptable to post directly to Moments, because Leng Shaohan will see through his intention to break the news at a glance.

In the end, I used other people's sneak shots to post on the Internet, and pretended to be the victim myself, so as not to annoy Leng Shaohan.

As the eldest princess of the Saint West Group, it is of course not difficult to find a reporter who broke the news.

So I secretly sent a message to familiar self-media reporters, asking them to lurk in the hot spring villa, ready to secretly take pictures at any time.


According to Leng Shaohan, what Ye Sisi wanted to build was a first-class special education school in China.

The students admitted here include not only the deaf-mute, but also other kinds of abnormal students who have educational needs.

For example, severely autistic or blind people, and other children with disabilities who want to read.

In this way, the scale will undoubtedly expand, and the required hardware facilities and teaching staff are more complicated and larger.

A large number of recruits are needed, not only for the province, but also for the whole country and even the whole world.

In Leng Shaohan's words, it is to be the world's number one special education center.

Not only to educate, but also to make money.

Because only by achieving profitability can the school continue to develop.

It is difficult to make a high-quality school if education is done solely for the purpose of charity.

Ye Sisi doesn't need to make money herself, but if she wants to recruit a first-class elite team, she must provide them with high salaries and the best benefits, so that they will take root here.

Ye Sisi recognized Leng Shaohan's idea of ​​running education from a commercial perspective, and started recruiting a large number of people.

Because the salary is so attractive, Ye Sisi receives resumes from all over the world almost every day.

Simple positions will be handled by the personnel department, but for senior executives, Ye Sisi needs to personally review and screen them.

She was reading emails at this moment, when Xiaobao suddenly ran into the study, held up her mobile phone and said, "Mommy, it's not good, something serious happened!"

Ye Sisi looked at her daughter, "What happened?"

"He Lin broke his shoes!"

Ye Sisi was taken aback, "Where did you learn these stupid words? Don't talk nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense, He Lin really messed up his shoes, in today's terms, he cheated!"

As Xiaobao said, he handed the phone to Mommy.

Ye Sisi took it over and took a look, it was a short video.

A Bentley appeared in the short video, the door was opened, and a man and a woman got out of the car.

The man was dressed in a black suit, with a slender figure and an outstanding temperament.

The woman was also tall and slender, with exquisite features, and with a smile on her face, she reached out and took the man's arm.

The background of the short video is blurred and cannot be seen clearly.

But the characters are very clear, the male is Leng Shaohan, and the female is Li Yalu.

The bullet screen was densely packed, and many netizens recognized that person as Leng Shaohan.

"Isn't this Mr. Leng? Have a new love?"

"Mr. Leng is the fifth son of a diamond king. If you don't have an old love, how can you talk about a new love?"

"My heart is broken, why isn't the woman beside him me?"

"Do you want to fart upstairs? Do you think the billionaire president is something you can get if you want it?"

"By the way, who is this woman? She looks pretty, like a model."

"This woman seems to have appeared at Leng's shareholder meeting a while ago. She seems to be the eldest princess of Shengxi Group and the major shareholder of Leng's Group."

"That's right, I heard that Saint West Group has the background of the new royal family, it's amazing!"

Ye Sisi checked it several times and confirmed that it was Leng Shaohan and Li Yalu, so she returned the phone to Xiaobao, "Don't look at these boring things!"

Xiao Bao looked at Mummy, "Mummy, aren't you jealous?"

"Jealous? Why am I jealous?"

"He Lin broke the shoes, aren't you jealous?"

"I said, don't learn these bad words, it's not a good word!" Ye Sisi suddenly became angry for no reason.

Xiao Bao pouted, "Mommy, you're still jealous, you're just pretending not to be jealous."

"Get out! I'm going to work!" Ye Sisi said angrily.

Xiaobao ran out with short legs.

Ye Sisi continued to read the interview resume in the mailbox.

But after watching for a long time, what kind of positions those people are interviewing for and what kind of resumes they have, it seems that they have not read it at all.

The brain is blank.

It's over, am I really jealous?
It's not a big deal, Leng Shaohan wants to marry me, I won't do it, now he's dating another woman, why should I be jealous?

Is this sick?
This guy Leng Shaohan deliberately exposed it to make me jealous, right?He wants to use this method to motivate me to marry him?
No, I have to maintain strategic focus and not be fooled by him!
But what if the brain is blank and unable to work?And there is the urge to swipe the phone.

Pick up the phone on the table, open the short video platform, and scroll up to see if there is any latest news about Leng Shaohan and Li Yalu.

But no more.

The background is blurred, so it is not clear where they are or what they are doing.

You won't go directly to the hotel, will you?
So disgusting!
Thinking of this, Ye Si couldn't sit still anymore.

No, I have to do something.

But what can I do?Call Leng Shaohan to ask him to come back?

What kind of identity is he playing, why should he listen to him?

If you don't fight, it doesn't seem to work.

It's messed up, totally messed up.

Ye Sisi was holding the water glass, ready to go to the living room to pour a glass of cold water and drink it, to calm herself down.

When I arrived at the living room, I saw three little heads gathering together and whispering, I don't know what they were discussing.

Seeing Ye Sisi come out, she quickly dispersed and looked at Mommy as if nothing happened.

Ye Sisi lost her mind and picked up the kettle to pour water.

"Mommy, the water is full!" Xiaobao shouted suddenly.

Only then did Ye Sisi come back to her senses, and realized that her water glass was really full, it had already overflowed.

Fortunately, it was cold water, otherwise I wouldn't even know it was hot.

Ye Sisi took a big sip of water, pretended to be nonchalant and asked the three little ones, "What are you doing?"

"Mommy, we will never sit idly by on this matter." Dabao said.

"What's the matter?"

"It's about Leng Shaohan cheating! He dares to bully Mommy, we will never let him go!" Xiaobao shouted angrily.

Strictly speaking, Leng Shaohan didn't seem to have cheated.

There is no derailment, so why talk about derailment?
"That's his business, don't meddle in it," Ye Sisi said.

"Don't worry, Mommy, we won't let him bully you. The background of this video has been blurred. We are trying to download the video and remove the blur. We can see where the background is, and we can identify Leng Shaohan." Where are they now?" Dabao said.

"Is that done?" Ye Sisi asked anxiously.

There was a sudden silence at the scene, and Xiaobao said weakly: "Mum, didn't you say you don't mind, let us not get involved. But why are you so concerned and excited now?"

"I don't care, I'm not excited! Is it done?"

(End of this chapter)

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