fall into his palm

Chapter 297 Who's Making a Demon

Chapter 297 Who's Making a Demon
Leng Shaohan glared at Ye Sisi, did not speak, and left angrily.

Kevin followed to the door: "It's not Mommy who taught us, it's our own decision. Don't blame Mommy, Mommy is not a bad person."

Leng Shaohan's heart softened, "Don't be like this in the future, you can communicate with me if you have any ideas, and don't do things that hurt others."

"Understood." Kevin replied obediently, "Then don't be angry, you are a man, if you get angry over a trivial matter, that's shameless."

Leng Shaohan: "..."

Am I losing my temper?

When you unite to deal with me, are you tolerant?
"Don't be angry." Kevin called again.

"I'm not angry." Leng Shaohan said.

Only then did Kevin feel relieved, "Then go get busy."


"OK then."

Here Ye Sisi also received a call from Tang Jin, "Miss Ye, is the third master with you?"

"Small tricks can still stump me." Li Yalu said, "It doesn't matter what university I graduated from."

She is a high-achieving student who graduated from a prestigious school, and her IQ is naturally not low. After she calmed down, she also felt that the haunted incident was too strange.

Ye Sisi: "..."

The three little ones were silent together.

"It was there just now, but it's not there now."

Ye Sisi called a few children together, "We seem to have really wronged Leng Shaohan today."

The hot spring boss looked at it, and the screen displayed 'data is being restored', which has recovered to 30.00%, and the data is still growing.

"What's the matter? Isn't it enough to cook one meal, how many meals?"

But it is too difficult to say that local videos can be deleted through network intrusion.

"But the food you cook is terrible. Cooking for him is equivalent to punishing him."

It was only one percent away, and the recovery was successful, but that one percent just couldn't go up.

In a rage, he pulled out the needle, came out of the hospital, and brought people back to the hot spring villa.

"Where is the monitoring room, please show me. It doesn't matter if you delete it, I can restore it." Li Yalu said.

"Miss Ye, are you listening?" Tang Jin asked again.

"I'm listening, but it's true that Leng Shaohan is not with me. He should have gone to the company. Wait for a while, he should be here soon."

"Dear guest, something seems wrong." The hot spring owner said.

As long as all the data is restored, it will be possible to see clearly who is playing the demon.


In the end, he made such a fuss that he even mocked him.

Have you hit people like this?

"I've gone to the Hot Spring Villa to take a bath, what's the matter?" Ye Sisi said angrily, "I blame the child for disturbing him, and when I came back, I scolded the child severely."

"Not anymore?"

"Our feng shui here is very good, but there are some unclean things. What happened today was an accident. We are willing to compensate for the loss and provide VIP guests with a one-month spa package for free," said the boss.

"We didn't delete it, it was hacked and deleted it directly." The boss said with a bitter face.

When she came to the monitoring room, Li Yalu worked on the keyboard herself, trying to recover the deleted data.

"Do you disagree? You still need police procedures to watch the surveillance, so I'll call my friends from the police to let them come over?" Li Yalu said coldly.

The inter-speech data has recovered to 80.00%, and it is still not increasing.

Before Tang Jin finished speaking, Ye Sisi interrupted him: "Then let her find it by herself, why are you calling me? Do you want me to arrange a hotel for them?"

"It should be fine, wait a little longer." Li Yalu said.

But the boss of the hot spring villa has a difficult look on his face.

"What's so difficult about it, it will recover soon." Li Yalu sneered when she realized that it was completely possible.

"Mum, what do you mean, why did we wrong him?"

"This matter is quite complicated. In short, he didn't go on a date, he just...just made a deal with someone."

To say that sneaking into the computer room to delete local videos, this technique is very simple.

Ordinary hackers can't do it at all, even a top student like her can't do it.

"It was really kidnapped. Although Leng gave up the new energy project and handed over the project to Anshi, Shengxi Group refused to give up. In order to achieve this, the third master went to Li Yalu to negotiate. Li Yalu is also willing Give the third master this face, but put forward a condition, that is, to accompany her for a day. Of course, it is just to accompany her to eat, drink and play, and to do the kind of companionship of the landlord. The third master is a person with face, and so is the Saint West Group, so This simple request, the third master has no reason to refuse, that's probably how it is."

Dabao said weakly: "Mommy, if you cook for Leng Shaohan, that's not to express your apology, but to continue to punish him."

"Why, I cook to express my apology."

When Ye Sisi heard this, did he misunderstand Leng Yanwang?
Leng Shaohan's original intention was that he would not give up the project to An's family. The reason why he was willing to agree was to save face.


In this matter, he was indeed wronged.

Finally reached 90.00% nine, but the screen has been stuck there, not moving.

"I want to watch today's monitoring, from the morning to when I fell into a coma, I want to watch everything." Li Yalu said.

Li Yalu jumped up when she heard it, "Deleted? Why did you delete the surveillance video?"

"VIP is really amazing, I'm relieved to be able to recover."

In order to fulfill the contract, he also went to talk with the Shengxi Group in person, so he was kidnapped by Li Yalu for a day.

"It's like this. Miss Li from Shengxi couldn't find the third master, so she called the company..."

"This is your honored guest."

"That means he left just now, not that he died."

The owner of the hot spring villa knew that he had offended a distinguished guest today, so he came out tremblingly to greet and apologize.

"I'm afraid it's useless to apologize. Otherwise, I'll cook him a meal myself." Ye Sisi made up her mind.

Li Yalu didn't believe it.

"Miss Ye, I'm afraid you misunderstood, the third master and Li Yalu have nothing to do."

"Then what should we do? Shall we apologize to Leng Shaohan?"

"Sorry, distinguished guest, it's not that we don't want to provide the surveillance video, it's just that the surveillance video has been deleted."

Li Yalu has been unable to contact Leng Shaohan, and gradually understands that Leng Shaohan took the opportunity to escape.

"Miss Ye, listen to me, the third master and Li Yalu went to the hot spring villa, and the third master is not willing to go."

Ye Sisi sneered, "Brother Tang, what you said is that Leng Shaohan doesn't want to go. Could it be that someone else kidnapped him?"

The data on the screen is changing from 90.00% nine to nine eight, 97, 96...

In just a few seconds, it has regressed back to 30.00%.

Li Yalu was also confused, what's going on?
Obviously recovering immediately, why do you go backwards by yourself?
It was another operation, but it didn't help at all.

The data recovery regressed to zero percent, and then a few words suddenly popped up on the screen: Idiot, do you think you can recover?

(End of this chapter)

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