fall into his palm

Chapter 298 Let It Go

Chapter 298 Let It Go
Li Yalu was very embarrassed, so she hurriedly tried to delete those words that made her want to dig into the ground.

But even if she smashed the keyboard, those words couldn't be erased.

The computer has crashed, and there is no way to restart it, so I can only unplug the power supply.

The boss of the hot spring villa was full of praise, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face so soon.

Li Yalu was embarrassed, and so was he.

"I will investigate this matter to the end!"

Li Yalu threw down a harsh word and left the hot spring villa.


Before Li Yalu's car reached the urban area, the driver noticed that there was a car following closely behind her.

The driver parked the car on the side of the road, and the people in the sports car behind also got out of the car, and came up to say hello, "Hello, Miss Li."

"I'm here today to thank Sun West Group for withdrawing from the bidding for the new energy project and giving us this project to settle down in." An Tianming said.

With your ability, can Ye Sisi take a fancy to you? Leaving aside, how much will Leng Shaohan be afraid of you?
who do you think You Are?

It seems that this reform-through-labor prison woman has a lot of means to make so many rich men never forget her.

"Be pampered and spoiled? Does Leng Shaohan dote on her very much?"

"Okay, what do you need me to do?" Li Yalu agreed.

"so what?"

"What do you want to say to me?" Li Yalu asked.

"So if Ms. Li wants to marry Mr. Leng, then this woman Ye Sisi cannot stay."

"An Ruochen, the second son of the An family, is a famous person. I haven't heard of the others."


But such waste is very good to use.

Li Yalu made no secret of her disdain.

"If I take control of An's, then I can pursue Ye Sisi. If she disagrees, I can force her. At that time, I was the president of An's, and Leng Shaohan would be a little bit afraid of me." An Tianming said .

But An Tianming didn't mind, "I've heard for a long time that Ms. Li is the goddess of the business world, and seeing her today, she really lives up to her reputation."

An Tianming was overjoyed, "As long as Ms. Li is willing to cooperate, then this matter will be easy to handle. I'll go back and tell my mother right away, let her have a banquet at home, and invite Ms. Li to my house tonight. After the family banquet, I hope Ms. Li announced in person that the reason why she withdrew from the competition for the new energy project was to give me face. And she put forward a condition that she will completely withdraw only if I take charge of Anshi."

"Yes, but there are rumors that there is one, and others say that there are three, anyway, it's all about having children. It is because of having children that Ye Sisi can be pampered and pampered." An Tianming said.


"So you want women to have a good career?"

He certainly can't bring down Leng Shaohan, but he can use him to destroy the relationship between Leng Shaohan and Ye Sisi, which he can do.

An Tianming held out his hand, "Miss Ye, wish us a happy cooperation in advance."

Upon hearing the word 'child', Li Yalu couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Since the Leng family cannot be eaten, if the second largest An family can be eaten, it can be regarded as Sheng Xi's firm foothold in Jiangcheng.

"Who are you and why are you following me?" Li Yalu asked coldly.

"Do you know who it is?"

An Tianming smiled, "He can't do it, Bai likes it for so many years, and he hasn't even eaten a bite of it, idiot!"

"If she slept with you indiscriminately after drinking, then I can't blame you for this matter. If Leng Shaohan does something to you, I can persuade him." Li Yalu said.

"I hope we can become friends. You have to declare to the public that the reason why Saint West is willing to give up the new energy project is because of my face. Then Saint West came forward and supported me to take charge of the Anshi Group. As long as I am in power, we We can develop new energy projects together. We have a lot of resources and contacts in Jiangcheng, which can still play a role." An Tianming said.

"Anecdotally, she gave birth to two children for Leng Shaohan," An Tianming said.

"Stop talking nonsense, what do you want from me?" Li Yalu said impatiently.

"Destroy her." Li Yalu said harshly.

"But now she has Leng Shaohan protecting her, to be honest I don't dare..."

"So you're interested in her too?"

"Okay, that's the decision."

"What is your basis?"

Then help you, a piece of trash, to be a puppet, and then find a way to eat Anshi.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"As far as I know, your brother An Ruochen also has a crush on Ye Sisi, right?" Li Yalu said.

"Miss Li went to the hospital today, and I happened to be in the hospital at the time, so I know you were being plotted against. Miss Li must want to know who is trying to harm you?" An Tianming said.

When Li Yalu heard it, it was purely stupid talk.

coffee shop.

"It's unnecessary to kill her, after all, her face is really pretty. From the perspective of waste utilization, it's best to give her to me. I get her, you get Leng Shaohan, win-win." An Tianming said.

"That's Leng Shaohan saying hello, that's why I gave him face. You don't need to thank me, and I don't need your thanks." Li Yalu said.

"Although I don't know the details, if Ms. Li was hurt, it must have been done by that woman, Ye Sisi. She didn't do it herself, she hired someone to do it." An Tianming said.

It was originally intended to eat Leng Shi, but Leng Shaohan was too hard, so he couldn't eat it.

Li Yalu looked at An Tianming's pale and swollen face, and at this glance, he knew that it was a waste whose body had been hollowed out by wine and sex.

"You mean, you want me to get rid of Ye Sisi? I don't want to do things that kill people. I don't need to take that kind of risk." Li Yalu said coldly.

The shock is too heavy, and the psychological shadow brought by it is difficult to eliminate in a short time.

Li Yalu was disdainful to shake hands with him, and picked up her handbag, "I can't hold back what happened today, you have to clean up the woman surnamed Ye for me first."

"It's very simple. At present, Mr. Leng is in full swing in Jiangcheng, and no one dares to spoil his affairs. If there is anyone, it can only be Ye Sisi. That woman is spoiled and spoiled, and she dares to do anything. Apart from her, there will be no one else. "An Tianming said.

"My name is An Tianming, and I'm the eldest son of the An family." The man said with a smile.

"What does Miss Li want me to do?"

Li Yalu sneered in her heart, this trash can't do a good job, there is still a way to seize power.

"Miss Ye, it's inconvenient to talk on the side of the road. May I have the honor to invite Miss Ye to have a cup of coffee? This is Jiangcheng, and my family is also an important family here. There is still room for cooperation in the future." An Tianming said.

Li Yalu was inexplicably jealous, "She is a reform-through-labor prisoner, why should she?"

If the An family let such a person head the family, then the An family would definitely decline at a linear speed, or simply fall.

An Tianming's eyes lit up, "Is she having sex after drinking? This is quite interesting, but the possibility of this is very small."

"You have been messing around for so many years, and you don't have any means?"

"Yes, yes, but..."

"You don't have to be afraid of Leng Shaohan, just go ahead and do it."

(End of this chapter)

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