Chapter 31
In the next few days, Leng Shaohan treated Ye Sisi better.

No longer let her do heavy work, and he himself will go out for a long time every day, often coming back very late.

Obviously preparing for next week's shareholder meeting.

Because Leng Shaohan was busy with his own affairs, he gave Ye Sisi a lot of freedom.

The day before the shareholders' meeting, Ye Sisi even found a chance to meet Qian Yufeng.

The place where the two met was in a beauty center.

Ye Sisi is going to accompany Leng Shaohan to attend the shareholders' meeting tomorrow, so the excuse of going out for beauty treatment is very reasonable.

After reporting to Leng Shaohan, he went directly.

Anyway, the location displayed on her mobile phone is also a beauty center, so it is unlikely that Leng Shaohan will be suspicious.

After Qian Yufeng came in, the beautician went out by himself.

"I've already made arrangements to leave tonight. Sisi, I've thought about it, why don't you go with me. Let's go to Haishi. My dad is the governor of Haishi. He will protect us. "Qian Yufeng said.

Ye Sisi was also very happy when she heard that Qian Yufeng could finally take her mother out.

And the timing is also very good, the night before Leng Shaohan seized power tonight, he won't have time to take care of this matter.

But Ye Sisi can't leave now.

She is a key link in Leng Shaohan's power-seizure operation. Once she disappears, Leng Shaohan will find out immediately.

Not only will she not be able to leave, but her mother will also be stopped.

And once Leng Shaohan was on guard against his mother in the future, it would be even more difficult to escape.

"Senior, I can't leave for the time being. You take my mother away first. I'll come back to you later. As long as my mother escapes successfully, I will have nothing to worry about, and I will definitely be able to escape from Jiangcheng." Ye Sisi said.

"I think you can go with me. I have arranged it carefully. As long as you come with me, we will get married immediately when we arrive in Haishi. If you become my wife, my dad will protect you."

Ye Sisi froze for a moment, "Married?"

"Yes, Sisi, you don't understand my feelings for you, do you? Although you were married, you married a dead person, which is insignificant, and I will not dislike you. You became our Qian family My daughter-in-law, no one dares to bully you in Haishi! Even if the Leng family chased you to Haishi, they wouldn't dare to do anything to you."

Qian Yufeng was emotional and grabbed Ye Sisi's arm.

"Senior, don't be like this. I don't think about marriage for the time being. I'm actually... not good enough for you."

Ye Sisi felt sour, not only did I marry a dead man, I was also defiled by a ghost-masked man, and I was pregnant with a child.

If you knew this, you wouldn't like me anymore.

Even if you like it, I will not marry you because I am not worthy.

Qian Yufeng pulled Ye Sisi into his arms, "Sisi, don't you like me? I am willing to give everything for you, including my life!"

Ye Sisi broke free, "Senior, don't be like this. If your condition is that I marry you, then I don't think it is necessary for my mother to go to Haishi. Thank you for your willingness to help. I will find a way."

"So you still don't want to marry me?"

"At least not now. Let's discuss this matter later, okay? Senior, there are many things you don't understand. If you understand, you won't want to marry me."

Qian Yufeng let go of Ye Sisi, his eyes were full of disappointment.

Ye Sisi's heart ached like a knife.

"Whether you want to marry me or not, I will arrange for your aunt." Qian Yufeng said.

"No senior, it's unfair to you. If you offend the Leng family, it will hurt you. I didn't think carefully before, but now I have adjusted the plan."

"Don't you trust me? I won't care about your life and your aunt's life just because you rejected my marriage proposal. I will still go ahead with the original plan. I will settle my aunt in Haishi, and I will come back to pick you up I hope you are ready, I will definitely take you out of Jiangcheng." Qian Yufeng said.

"Senior, I still feel..."

"That's it, don't worry, I'll get it done."


After Ye Sisi returned home, Leng Shaohan hadn't returned yet.

Thinking that Qian Yufeng was going to take her mother out of Jiangcheng tonight, he felt very uneasy.

But at this time, the more you have to pretend to be calm.

In order to show his sincerity, he even personally cooked a dish for Leng Shaohan: scrambled eggs with tomato.

I thought this dish was the easiest, but I didn't expect it to be very difficult to do it myself.

I used to be Miss Jiao, and I never did this kind of work.

Cooking requires basic skills. Cutting vegetables, cooking pots, refueling, and even stirring all have thresholds.

But Ye Sisi couldn't do that.

After several experiments and tossing for more than an hour, I finally made this dish.

At this moment, Leng Shaohan came, and when he heard that Ye Sisi was cooking in person, he was also curious, so he took a look.

As a result, the kitchen seemed to have just experienced the baptism of a war, and it was a mess and horrible.

Ye Sisi stood there with a plate of dishes in fear, looking undecided.

Leng Shaohan licked his molars and held back his smile.

For Ye Sisi's own cooking, Leng Shaohan ordered a bottle of red wine to be opened.

"I made this with my own hands. It may not look good, but it must taste good. Try it." Ye Sisi said confidently.

Leng Shaohan remained expressionless, "Did you do something wrong with your behavior?"

Ye Sisi was startled, and forced a smile, "No way, I was thinking that you would be the head of the Leng family tomorrow, and I'm happy for you."

"Just for this?"

Ye Sisi nodded, "Well, shouldn't such a big event be celebrated?"

"Not yet, it's not time to celebrate."

"You will definitely be the one, I believe in you! Come on, let me toast you, I wish you every success, and kill the Quartet!"

The two touched each other, and Ye Sisi swallowed lightly.

"Come, try the dishes I made myself."

Leng Shaohan picked up a piece of egg and put it into his mouth.

It felt salty and bitter, with no egg taste at all.

Leng Shaohan was in admiration, this woman's craftsmanship was astonishing, it was beyond the reach of ordinary people to make eggs so unpalatable.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Ye Sisi asked.

Leng Shaohan snorted in his heart, did she do it on purpose?What's the taste of the dishes you cook yourself? Don't you try it first?
"Very good," he said, picking up the plate and pouring most of the eggs into Ye Sisi's bowl, "Eat more too!"

(End of this chapter)

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