fall into his palm

Chapter 32 is the old fox

Chapter 32 is the old fox

Seeing Leng Shaohan pour most of the eggs into his bowl, Ye Sisi knew something was wrong.

He would not be so kind.

Picking up the chopsticks, I tasted it, chewed it twice, and dared not chew any more.

I am convinced, I have tried so many times before I succeeded, why is it still so unpalatable?
Is this really your own dish?
Leng Shaohan took a sip of red wine lightly, expressionless, "How is it? Are you satisfied with your work?"

Ye Sisi smiled wryly, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Then eat more."

Leng Shaohan picked up the plate again and wanted to pour it into Ye Sisi's bowl.

Ye Sisi hurriedly stopped her, "Don't leave me alone, good things should be shared with everyone! You come too!"

"You cook hard, eat more."

"No, no, this dish is specially made for you, and you can eat it too. I can't monopolize it by myself."

The two refused to give in to each other. During the struggle, Ye Sisi deliberately let go, and the plate dropped from his hands.

Ye Sisi's original intention was to drop the plate on the floor, so that the unpalatable egg also fell on the floor, so that she didn't have to eat it.

The sad thing is that the plate didn't land on the ground, but landed on Leng Shaohan's lap.

Red, yellow and yellow scrambled eggs with tomatoes were poured on Leng Shaohan's custom-made trousers.

The place was suddenly quiet.

Before Leng Shaohan could react, Ye Sisi stood up and ran, rushed to the bedroom, and locked the door behind her.

Still worried, he pulled the desk over and blocked the door.

Then he called Leng Shaohan's cell phone.

A voice came from the dining room, "You think you can escape?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I just wanted to make a dish for you, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this. I'm sorry! You have to attend the shareholders' meeting tomorrow, so go to bed early, good night!"

Ye Sisi finished her lines and hung up the phone.

Relieved, he lay down on the bed in a daze.

I don't know if my mother has left Jiangcheng?
Father in the spirit of heaven must bless mother to leave safely!
After lying down for a while, I felt hungry.

I have been tossing and cooking before, and I haven't eaten anything.

The dish was ready, but who knew it was a dark dish, and a major accident happened after just one bite.

I didn't eat a bite of rice, of course I was hungry.

But there is nothing to eat in the room except mineral water, what should I do?
If you can go out, just get an apple or a glass of milk in the refrigerator to relieve your hunger.

But now there is nothing, what should I do?
If you keep starving like this, you probably won't be able to sleep.

If you can't fall asleep, you have to sleep hard. After falling asleep, you shouldn't be hungry!

I pulled the quilt to cover my head, turned off the light, and began to fall into a forced sleep.

But sleeping is obviously not something that can be forced, and my stomach is getting more and more hungry, making exaggerated rumbling sounds.

No, I really can't sleep in this state.

Gotta go out and get something to eat!
It doesn't matter, people die for money, birds die for food, and even if you die, you have to go out and venture out!
Move away the desk, gently open the door of the room a crack to observe the enemy's situation.

There were no lights on in the living room and dining room, and there was no one there, so it was very quiet.

Ye Sisi tiptoed out with bare feet and went straight to the kitchen.

The kitchen has been cleaned up, and there is an insulated lunch box on the stove.

He weighed it in his hand and felt that there was something inside.

It doesn't matter what it is, pick it up and run into the room.

Go back to the room, close the door, open it, and there is a box of porridge inside.

After a sip, it was fragrant and sweet, it should be added with honey and sweet-scented osmanthus.

This is delicious!

Ye Sisi, who was already extremely hungry, ate a meal.

I was not happy after eating, and even licked the lunch box clean.

Lie on the bed again, feeling warm in my stomach, and finally feel much more comfortable.


Although he escaped at night, he still has to face it after dawn.

But today is the day when Leng's shareholders' meeting is held, and Ye Sisi believes that Leng Shaohan will not embarrass himself.

After washing, I dressed neatly and came to the living room.

Leng Shaohan was fully dressed and was sitting there watching the news.

He is dressed in black, black trousers and black tie, with a cool and noble demeanor.

But good-looking is really good-looking.

It's a pity that he is a devil, and he has a good skin.

Ye Sisi greeted him as if nothing had happened, "Good morning."

Leng Shaohan looked up at her, "This dress is not good."

"Huh? What do you want to wear then?"

"Change a set."

Ye Sisi had no choice but to go back to the room and change clothes.

I'm going to work today, so I should dress professionally?
A small suit with a one-step skirt and high heels?

But if it is too tight, will it expose your pregnant belly?

And it's so cold, with so much exposed legs, isn't that beautiful and freezing.

But if you wear a coat outside, it seems to be no problem.

The coat can not only keep out the cold, but also cover the belly.

But after wearing it out, Leng Shaohan was still not satisfied.

"You haven't graduated from university yet, what are you doing in such old-fashioned clothes?" Leng Shaohan said impatiently.

"That's because of the delay, otherwise I would have graduated." Ye Sisi said aggrievedly.

"That's also a fresh graduate, wear clothes suitable for your age!"

Ye Sisi doesn't understand now, when you went to the reception earlier, didn't you make me look like a noble lady with jewels.

Why do I have to wear clothes suitable for my age today? What kind of clothes are suitable for my age?

Ye Sisi angrily changed into a pair of jeans, put on a casual down jacket, and walked out.

Leng Shaohan actually agreed, "Just tie your head into a ponytail."

Then Ye Sisi completely became a female student.

Ye Sisi understood Leng Shaohan's intention after a little thought.

She is going to be a witness today to prove that Leng Xinde, Leng Maoze and his son wanted to kill Leng Shaohan.

So Leng Shaohan asked her to take the route of a pure female student, so that her words would be more easily believed.

Leng Shaohan is indeed an old fox.


At nine o'clock in the morning, shareholders of Leng's Group from all over the world walked into the Jiangcheng International Conference Hall.

Leng's new extraordinary general meeting of shareholders will be held here to elect a new helm of Leng's group.

Because Leng Shaohan's two uncles had withdrawn from the list of candidates, the real candidates were actually Leng Xinde and his son.

The new helm was born in their home, there is no suspense.

So when Leng Xinde and Leng Maoze walked into the meeting, there was warm applause from the shareholders.

The future helm, of course, has to please.

Leng Maoze looked smug, he had been waiting for today for a long time.

They had been oppressed by Leng Shaoxuan before, their father and son's status in the group was very low, and they were even a little out of breath.

But it's different now, Leng Shaoxuan is dead and has no competitors.

After today, Leng's will be theirs!
The media at the scene were also reporting on the scene of the Leng's shareholder meeting, and the focus of the camera was on Leng Xinde and his son.

But at this time, the scene became a little quieter, and many shareholders looked at the door one after another, and began to whisper.

A ridiculously beautiful female student walked in pushing a wheelchair, and sitting in the wheelchair was an equally ridiculously handsome Leng Shaohan.

"He's not a candidate, what is he doing here?"

(End of this chapter)

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