fall into his palm

Chapter 33 Control yourself

Chapter 33 Control yourself
Although the shareholders at the scene were not optimistic about Leng Shaohan, he was the third young master of the Leng family after all.

Moreover, he has a face that is exactly the same as that of Leng Shaoxuan, the former helmsman of the Leng family. With this face alone, everyone here should give some face.

Some people even have the illusion: Leng Shaoxuan is back.

Some people also noticed the beautiful girl pushing the wheelchair behind Leng Shaohan, and they all guessed who it was.

There are also a small number of insiders who recognized Ye Sisi as the female college student who killed Leng Shaoxuan with a car and was later forced to marry Leng Shaoxuan's tablet.

The person who is most familiar with Ye Sisi is Leng Maoze.

He had chased Ye Sisi madly before, and although Ye Sisi agreed to consider him later, she never touched him.

It was because Ye Sisi didn't let him succeed that he became Lu Meiqin's servant.

But in his heart, he still hoped to get Ye Sisi more.

Even if Ye Sisi said that he had his child and caused him to be beaten up severely, he still wanted to embrace Ye Sisi, a beauty, after he came to power.

Seeing Ye Sisi pushing Leng Shaohan in now, I feel mixed feelings.

Leng Xinde lowered his voice and asked Leng Maoze, "Didn't you say that bitch would cooperate with you to kill the cripple? Why didn't the cripple die and came with her?"

Leng Maoze had no choice but to make excuses: "Anyway, he's not a candidate, and he won't be able to cause any trouble. Ye Sisi probably didn't find a good opportunity to make a move. Give her some time, and she will definitely take care of that cripple."

Now that everyone is here, it's useless to say anything.

Just take one step at a time.

I don't know if it's because Leng Shaohan has the same face as Leng Shaoxuan, or because Leng Shaohan himself has a strong aura. When Leng Xinde saw Leng Shaohan appearing, he still felt a little guilty for no reason. .

After all, he is not the direct descendant of the Leng family, but Leng Shaohan is.

After arranging Leng Shaohan's wheelchair, Ye Sisi felt that standing behind him was too conspicuous, so she avoided it.

The live moderator starts the meeting.

First, they collectively remembered the deceased president Leng Shaoxuan, and then started voting directly for the new president candidate.

The candidates displayed on the screen were Leng Xinde and Leng Maoze.

Just as the host announced the start of voting, a director named Liu Wensheng stood up.

"Wait, there's something wrong with this shortlist."

The host looked at Liu Wensheng, "What's wrong with the list?"

"There is one less candidate." Liu Wensheng said.

There was an uproar.

"One less candidate? Who is it?" the host asked.

"Mr. Leng Shaohan." Liu Wensheng said.

"Mr. Leng Shaohan is not in the nomination, there is no mistake."

Everyone looked at Leng Shaohan in the wheelchair.

But Leng Shaohan remained expressionless.

The fundus of the eye is dry, without any emotion.

"According to the company's articles of association, the former president has the right to nominate a candidate for the next president. Here I have a nomination letter from the former president, Mr. Leng Shaoxuan. The candidate nominated in the letter is Mr. Leng Shaohan."

The sharp head of the scene pointed at the paper in Liu Wensheng's hand, and it was indeed clearly written on the paper that Leng Shaohan was nominated as the candidate for the next president.

It was Leng Shaoxuan who signed it.

"No, it must be false. Leng Shaoxuan suddenly had a car accident, and has been in a vegetable state since then, and has never woken up. How could he leave this letter!" Leng Xinde was the first to object.

"In view of the fact that some people will question the authenticity of this letter, we specially invited an authoritative institution to conduct a handwriting appraisal. This is the appraisal certificate presented by the institution, which proves that the handwriting was indeed written by Mr. Shen Shaoxuan, and there is no problem. If you even doubt the authenticity of the letter , the people from the justice department were also present, and they can also prove it." Liu Wensheng said.

"So according to the company's articles of association, Mr. Leng Shaohan should join the list of candidates and accept the votes of shareholders."

"I object!"

Leng Xinde was in a hurry, "Even if there is a nomination letter from Leng Shaoxuan, but Leng Shaohan is a disabled person, the Leng Group with a market value of hundreds of billions, is it safe to let a disabled person lead it? How can he ensure that his physical condition can withstand The test of high-intensity work? How can he ensure that he can maximize the interests of shareholders? How can he ensure that..."

"I can guarantee it."

Leng Xinde's words were abruptly interrupted, and Leng Shaohan, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

"Brother, there are many, many disabled people in this world. We should give more care to this group, instead of being cynical like you! Does it mean that I can't do it just because my legs are bad? Then if I can stand up, you You have nothing to say, right?" Leng Shao said coldly.

"Then stand up! Stand up!" Leng Xinde shouted.

Leng Lao San has been raised abroad for so many years and is still ill. He doesn't believe that Leng Lao San can stand up today!

"You tell the shareholders, if I stand up, will you vote for me?" Leng Shaohan asked again.

"Okay, if you can't stand up, get out of here, this kind of occasion is not suitable for you, you should go to a nursing home for the disabled!" Leng Xinde shouted.

"Stand up, stand up!" Some shareholders followed suit.

"Stand up and we will support you!"

There were a lot of people yelling at the scene, and it was hard to tell who was benevolent and who was malicious.

On the other hand, Ye Sisi also became nervous. Can this devil, Leng Shaohan, stand up?

Although he himself said before that his legs were good, he didn't deny it, but he didn't admit it either.

So Ye Sisi didn't know whether he could stand up or not.

He was sitting in a wheelchair, and he couldn't escape from his palm.

If he stood up, he would be even stronger, and his chances of escaping would be even slimmer.

But there was still a voice in my heart that said: Stand up!

Leng Shao looked around the audience with cold eyes, "I don't quite understand why there is so much discrimination against the disabled in this world. In my opinion, the strength of the soul is the real strength, and the body is only secondary. I just want to If my mind is not disabled, even if I have a handicapped leg, I can still stand upright and control everything!"

Ye Sisi agreed with this very much, what he said was true, although he was in a wheelchair, he controlled himself like a god.

But more people at the scene thought that Leng Shaohan was just making excuses for his disability, and he still couldn't stand up.

Leng Xinde and Leng Maoze also think so.

"Third Uncle, after talking for a long time, you still can't do it, right? You can't even walk normally, and you still want to control the world? If you can do it, stand up! If you can't stand up, stop talking nonsense and get out! "Leng Maoze sneered.

"Third Master, stand up if you can, Leng needs a healthy president!"

"As long as you stand up, we will support you like we support Shaoxuan!"

"Stand up and take over Shaoxuan's career!"

"Third Master, stand up!"

(End of this chapter)

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