fall into his palm

Chapter 48 Charlie's Angels

Chapter 48 Charlie's Angels
Tang Jin had no choice but to return to the villa by the river.

Then he moved the two boxes of things into the house and called Ye Sisi downstairs.

Ye Sisi got down and looked at Tang Jin, "What do you want to do?"

Tang Jin was too embarrassed, "Young Mistress, this is the third master's wish, you just accept it, accept it first, it's okay not to wear it, why make such a fuss?"

"I don't want to!"

Kill my family, lock me up like a dog, buy a few clothes, and think I am grateful to you?
Think beautiful!
You make me uncomfortable, and I don't make you happy either!

Sister Li also came over, "Young Mistress, just accept it first. It's very rare for someone as arrogant as the third master to take the initiative to buy things for others."

"That's right, after so many years, the third master has never bought clothes for anyone!" Tang Jin also said.

"Then neither do I!"

Tang Jin turned his head to look at the camera, and winked at Ye Sisi, who is watching!
Ye Sisi understood what he meant, but she couldn't just give in like this.

Sister Li took the box, "I'll put it away first, oh, this dress is so pretty, the third master has such a good eye."

Ye Sisi snorted coldly.

The computer watched the monitor, and slapped the desk.


The Cold War entered its third day.

It is said that Ye Sisi is not allowed to eat, but in fact it is not strictly enforced.

Leng Shaohan didn't go back to the villa either, so Sister Li could cook Ye Sisi whatever she wanted.

Originally thought that Ye Sisi would give in, but Leng Shaohan waited for three days, but did not see Ye Sisi move.

It's deadlocked.

On the fourth night, Tang came in and said that Leng Shaohan ordered her to accompany her to a party.

And the words are clear, we must go, and we must delay.

Ye Sisi also reacted negatively, it's okay to go, but I don't dress up or put on makeup, whose face do I lose sight of?
Helplessly, she is naturally beautiful, even if she is plain-faced, she can still be gorgeous.

The clubhouse was full of feasting lights, and there were dozens of young and beautiful beauties.

Leng Shaohan was sitting on the scarlet sofa in the middle, with a beautiful woman in his arms and two knees beside his knees.

What a big scene.

Ye Sisi understood that he didn't invite him to the party, but to see how he played.

To prove his charm, his control, he can get anyone he wants.

The scene was very lively, but Ye Sisi couldn't hear her, she sat alone in the corner, enjoying the silence that belonged to her alone.

Being deaf also has its benefits.

Although Leng Shaohan hugged left and right, but his eyes flicked to this side from time to time.

Seeing that woman without a trace of jealousy, sitting there eating imported fruit with peace of mind, I felt more and more irritable.

"Come and see, here is a deaf man."

It was Zhu Yuzhi who spoke.

The news that Ye Sisi was deaf made her ecstatic.

Leng Shaohan wouldn't like a deaf man, she thought she would win.

Leng Shaohan hugged left and right at the scene tonight, further confirming her guess.

She thought she could bully Ye Sisi unscrupulously.

A group of men and women gathered around, "Is she really deaf?"

"It's true, she needs a mobile phone to translate to understand what we are talking about. But in such a noisy place, she can't translate. If you don't believe me, she can't hear you at all." Zhu Yuzhi said.

Ye Sisi looked at her lips and understood her lip language, but pretended not to know.

If you are deaf, you are deaf, which is true anyway.

"You scold her, she can't hear you." Zhu Yuzhi said.

But those people dare not scold.

The reason is very simple, Leng Shaohan is on the scene.

According to folklore, Leng Shaohan fell in love with his little sister-in-law.

Whether it is true or not, these people dare not move.

What if it is true?Isn't bullying Ye Sisi the same as making trouble for himself?
That's Leng Shaohan who was denied by his relatives!If he stomped his feet, the land in Jiangcheng would tremble!
"You cowards don't even dare to scold her!" Zhu Yuzhi said angrily.

Everyone looked at her and thought that we dare not, so you should scold her.

"Ye Sisi, you bastard, why are you staring at me? You are deaf and cheap, you can't hear what I say, you are so deaf." Ye Sisi scolded.

Ye Sisi endured it.

"You're deaf and mean, how dare you play Leng Shaohan's idea? Killed Leng Shaoxuan, then went to seduce Leng Maoze, and now you still want to kneel and lick Leng Shaohan? Do you think you are worthy? You bitch!"

"You are cheap, your whole family is cheap! Your father wants to sell you to Leng Shaohan in exchange for debt relief, but you are worthless at all, and Leng Shaohan won't take over. You can't sell yourself, but you want to vent your anger on me? Low-level, shameless!" Ye Sisi said coldly.

Everyone was stunned and looked at Zhu Yuzhi together.

Didn't you say she couldn't hear?
Then why did she scold you back?
So you think that others cannot hear you, but in fact they can hear you clearly?
This is embarrassing.

Zhu Yuzhi himself was shocked, this is impossible!
The members of Leng's family made it clear that Ye Sisi was already deaf, how could she be able to hear?

Is it cured?
This deafness is not cured so quickly, is it?

"Bitch, can you hear me?" Zhu Yuzhi could only confirm again.

"Your family is cheap. I can't hear you. It's none of your business? But I heard that your father wants to sell you to the Leng family. If Leng Shaohan doesn't take over, it seems that you can only give it to Leng Maoze. Wan If you don't want Leng Maoze, then you can only consider Wu Chaomin, the housekeeper of the Leng family, and I heard that he is also single."


Zhu Yuzhi couldn't stand this kind of humiliation, so he rushed over to beat Ye Sisi.

Ye Sisi picked up the wine bottle and slammed it on the table, holding the broken bottle in her hand, "If you dare to do anything again, I'll kill you!"

When the people around Zhu Yuzhi saw Ye Sisi being so fierce, they took a few steps back in fright.

Zhu Yuzhi didn't dare to make a move either.

She didn't want to fight Ye Sisi desperately, she still had to marry into Jiang's family and become the young mistress of the richest family.

"You crazy bitch, I don't have the same knowledge as you." Zhu Yuzhi said.

"What are you arguing about? Why are you fighting again?"

At this time Zhu Yuzhi's elder brother Zhu Yuhua came over.

Seeing Leng Sisi holding the sharp broken bottle in her hand, with a ruthless expression on her face, Zhu Yuhua's heart skipped a beat. Is this the legendary Angel of the Thunderbolt?
"Miss Ye, what are you doing, put it down quickly." Zhu Yuhua persuaded with a smile.

Ye Sisi snorted coldly, then threw the bottle into the trash can, sat down, and stuffed a grape into her mouth.

That unrestrained energy directly captured the heart of Zhu Yuhua, a playboy. He had never seen such a beautiful girl with such personality.

"Miss Ye, may I have the honor to buy you a drink?" Zhu Yuhua said with a smile.

"What are you talking about, I can't hear, I'm deaf." Ye Sisi said.

"Brother, don't believe her, this bitch is a liar, she can hear it! It was so noisy just now, she could hear me scolding her! She is just pretending to be deaf to win other people's sympathy!" Zhu Yuzhi said.

(End of this chapter)

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