fall into his palm

Chapter 49 Haven't Played Enough

Chapter 49 Haven't Played Enough
Ye Sisi knew what Zhu Yuzhi was talking about, but she pretended not to hear, with a dazed look on her face.

Zhu Yuhua didn't know whether what her sister said was true or not.

But with Ye Sisi's face, even if she couldn't hear her, she was just as likable!

Zhu Yuhua waved his hand, motioning Zhu Yuzhi to go away, he wants to talk to Ye Sisi alone.

"Miss Ye, can you hear me?" Zhu Yuhua asked.

Ye Sisi looked bewildered and shook her head.

I can't let too many people know that I can read lips, especially not let Leng Shaohan know.

Zhu Yuhua took out her mobile phone and typed a few lines for Ye Sisi to read: It doesn't matter if you can't hear, it won't affect your beauty.

Ye Sisi didn't respond.

Zhu Yuhua's fox friends and dog friends at the scene saw that Zhu Yuhua had met a big beauty, and they also surrounded him.

Several men surrounded Ye Sisi, wanting to drink with her.

Ye Sisi took out her mobile phone and typed: I can't drink, and you don't want to surround me, it's dangerous.

How many people are laughing, but you can't hear them, so what danger can there be?
I also typed it to her: It doesn't matter if you don't drink, we play boxing games, you drink juice if you lose, and drink if we lose.

Ye Sisi was not in the mood to play games with these playboys, but they surrounded her like flies, and she couldn't get rid of them at all.

Leng Shaohan hugged left and right, and even pulled himself over to see him flirtatious and happy, obviously wanting to anger himself.

You will be angry with me, I will not be angry with you?

As long as you piss him off, he will become the person who helps you repel flies.

So he nodded and gestured that he couldn't hear, so he could only play rock-paper-scissors.

The son buddies said that they can play anything.

When Ye Sisi and Zhu Yuzhi clashed, Leng Shaohan had already noticed it.

At that time, I wanted to rush over, but felt that Ye Sisi was too stubborn, so I wanted to observe and observe first, so as to make her suffer.

In the end, Ye Sisi didn't suffer too much, and forced a group of people back with half a wine bottle.

Not only does she have an advantage in appearance, but she also wins over Zhu Yuzhi, the daughter of a wealthy family, in terms of momentum.

Leng Shaohan was in a complicated mood, and he hoped that Ye Sisi would suffer a bit, and then begged himself to protect her.

But seeing her forcing Zhu Yuzhi back, he felt very relieved.

But when he saw Ye Sisi smiling and playing guessing games with Zhu Yuhua and the others, Leng Shaohan couldn't stay calm anymore.

The little beauty beside her was puzzled, and she was still holding the wine and whispering, "Third Master, drink!"

Leng Shaohan couldn't stand these women long ago.

Although they were young and beautiful, but compared with that one over there, they immediately became vulgar fans.

"Go away!"

Leng Shaohan pushed hard with his hands, and lifted Yingying Yanyan beside him.

"Third Master, what's the matter with you..."


Leng Shaohan turned ruthless, stood up, without even looking at the women, strode towards Ye Sisi.

One of the sons was punching Ye Sisi when he suddenly felt his collar tighten and was lifted from his seat.

"Fuck, who..."

Before he finished cursing, he turned around and saw that iceberg face, and swallowed the words that hadn't come out of his throat.

Leng Shaohan didn't bother to bother with them, so he pulled Ye Sisi away.

Ye Sisi only wanted to provoke him to come over to chase away the flies, but she didn't expect to be dragged by him staggeringly outside, very embarrassed.

"Leng Shaohan, let me go! Didn't you let me come, I haven't played enough yet!"

Leng Shaohan's face darkened, his hands tightened even more, and he dragged her out like a dead dog.

It seems that the third master can't afford it either.

After being thrown into the car, Ye Sisi slammed her forehead against the car door and cursed in a low voice.

Leng Shao kept a cold face and said nothing.

Have an inexplicable sense of frustration, but don't know where the defeat is, and don't know how to win it back?
Tang Jin, who was driving, looked at the two great gods behind, and they turned their heads to look out the window.

The car was eerily quiet, like a hearse.

All the way to the villa by the river in silence, Ye Sisi opened the door and got out of the car as soon as the car stopped, and walked inside with big strides.

Leng Shaohan drank a little too much tonight, and he was a little shaky when walking.

When he went upstairs, Ye Sisi's bedroom door was already closed.

Leng Shaohan wanted to reach out to knock on the door, but felt that this was too humble, so he withdrew his hand again.

Back in the study, he turned on his top stereo and started listening to music.

Unexpectedly, music couldn't make him feel soothed, so he took another bottle of wine from the wine rack, uncorked the cork, and poured it directly down his throat.

Gradually, he became more dizzy, but the fire in his heart and body became more and more intense.

Ye Sisi lay on the bed after washing, listening to the movement outside.

Of course there is no movement, what can a deaf person hear?
After lying down for a while, the drowsiness slowly hit me, and I was about to fall asleep.

In a daze, he seemed to hear something.

But immediately denied it to himself, he was deaf, how could he be able to hear, it must be an auditory hallucination.

It's ironic that I can't hear the real voice, but I can still hear hallucinations.

Turned over and went back to sleep.

The people in the study had already finished a bottle of wine, their eyes were red, and they were looking at the picture of the woman on the phone.

It wasn't Ye Sisi's picture, but another sweet-looking girl.

The guilt in my heart continued to grow, and I muttered in my mouth: "I'm sorry for you, I fell in love with the person who killed you..."

His eyes were getting redder, and his eyes were getting more and more ferocious.

Ye Sisi had an auditory hallucination again, as if she heard a loud voice.

This time there was real movement, the door was opened from the outside.

The lights in the room were turned on, Leng Shaohan stood there staring at Ye Sisi with scarlet eyes.

There was a dangerous aura all over him.

The smell of wine is very strong, and the eyes are cruel and lustful.

not good!

Ye Sisi got up and pulled the quilt to cover herself.

Although she was wearing pajamas, she didn't even want Leng Shaohan to see her pajamas.

"Leng Shaohan, go out, what are you doing here? This is my room, you get out!" Ye Sisi said loudly.

Although she couldn't hear how loud she was, she tried her best to wake up Sister Li downstairs.

As long as Sister Li came upstairs, Leng Shaohan would not be violent to him in front of Sister Li, he couldn't let go of this face.

Leng Shaohan didn't speak, but he didn't really go out either.

He is Leng Shaohan, how could he be so obedient.

"Leng Shaohan, don't mess around! I'm Leng Shaoxuan's wife, your sister-in-law!" Ye Sisi said loudly again.

Leng Shaohan still didn't speak, but his footsteps started to move, not outside, but towards Ye Sisi's bed.

"Don't come here! Don't come here!"

Now that she is pregnant, she must not let him harm herself and the fetus in her womb!
No matter whose child it is, it is a life after all!
Leng Shaohan did not stop, but continued to move forward.

Ye Sisi had no choice but to take out the scissors from under the pillow.

These are the scissors that Leng Shaohan used to wring off her tongue that day. He threw them in the room and Ye Sisi put them away, but they didn't expect them to come in handy.

"If you come here again, I won't be polite!" Ye Sisi roared.

But Leng Shaohan continued to move forward.

"Leng Shaohan, calm down, you can't touch me!"

Ye Sisi aimed the scissors at her own artery, "If you dare to come over, I will die in front of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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