Chapter 51

Ye Sisi looked at her coldly: "Madam? Which wife?"

"There is only one wife here!" Chen Ling said confidently.

"Little San, are you also called Mrs.? Why do you call that dog Mrs.? By the way, you are a dog yourself, that's why you call the dog Mrs."


"Go away, I feel disgusted when I see you!"

At this time Lu Meiqin heard the movement and came out from inside.

"What are you doing here? I heard that you are deaf? What a retribution, hahaha..."

Lu Meiqin laughed, and immediately realized that Ye Sisi couldn't hear, so she started gesticulating, pointing at her ear, mocking Ye Sisi for being deaf.

"Retribution is also retribution on you and your mother. You have done so many bad things, retribution will happen sooner or later." Ye Sisi said.

Lu Meiqin was startled, "Can you hear what I'm saying?"

"What do you think?" Ye Sisi asked back.

Lu Meiqin looked disappointed. Didn't Leng Maoze say that she was deaf? It turned out to be a lie?

"What are you doing here? This is not your home anymore, get out!" Lu Meiqin shouted.

"My father left this house, and I will come back sooner or later! I just drove out for a drive today. I passed by here, so I came in to have a look." Ye Sisi said.

Lu Meiqin looked at the top luxury car with a look of envy, "Where did you get the car?"

"Shaohan gave it to me."

"Leng Shaohan? Will he give you a car?"

"Of course, he not only gave me the car, but also gave me a riverside villa, which is more than three times bigger than this villa, right? He is usually busy, and it is very deserted when I live alone. I asked him to change to a smaller one. The house, he refused, really annoying." Ye Sisi said.

Lu Meiqin became even more jealous, "He gave you a house?"

"Yes, if you don't believe me, you can ask Leng Maoze! I'm so annoying, he's going to the Tianmen Abode to meet guests tonight, and I'm alone at home again! I'm not used to such a big house!"

"Leng Shaohan won't give you a house, stop bragging!" Lu Meiqin was so jealous that her eyes were about to burst into flames.

"I've said it all. If you don't believe me, you can ask Leng Maoze! I don't know if Shaohan will take him with him when he is going to Tianmen Abode tonight. He probably won't. He is not qualified." Ye Sisi said.

"You said that Leng Shaohan was very kind to you, so why didn't he bring you with him when he went to Tianmen Abode?"

"I think it's too late. We won't be there until ten o'clock. I'm about to go to beauty sleep. Who wants to go with him!" Ye Sisi said.

Ye Sisi quietly revealed the time and place to Lu Meiqin.

As long as Lu Meiqin calls Leng Maoze, she will definitely pass on the information to Leng Maoze.

The Leng family should be able to take action, but it's hard to say whether they will succeed or not.

After finishing the matter, Ye Sisi didn't talk to Lu Meiqin anymore, and drove back to the villa by the river.

Just after arriving home, Leng Maoze called.

Ye Sisi didn't answer, this call must not be answered.

Leng Maoze called again, but she still didn't answer.

Finally turned off the phone.

When Leng Maoze called her, it meant that he had received the message.

That's it.


During dinner, Leng Shaohan didn't come back.

Ye Sisi was restless and had no appetite at all.

If Leng Maoze and his son succeed tonight, and Leng Shaohan disappears from this world, his parents will have to take revenge.

Then he escaped from Jiangcheng with his father's ashes, and found a place where no one knew him to give birth to the child.

In the future, I will live incognito for the rest of my life, and I will never have to return to Jiangcheng.

After taking a few mouthfuls, Ye Sisi put down the bowl and went back to the bedroom.

Then I kept swiping my phone, trying to see if there would be any news on the Internet.

Leng Shaohan is the helm of the Leng Corporation. If something happens to him, there will be news on the Internet.

The time agreed by Leng Shaohan was ten o'clock in the evening, so he must arrive at Tianmen Abode before ten o'clock.

If Leng Xinde and his son wanted to do something, they would definitely do it on Leng Shaohan's way to the Abode.

That must be before ten o'clock.

It's only seven o'clock in the evening, this time is so difficult!
In order to make time pass faster, Ye Sisi opened a game and played a few games, but in the end they all knelt down and didn't win a game.

Because I don't want to play at all.

She had no choice but to watch the short videos for a long time. She had no idea what those short videos were about.

He simply pulled the quilt over his head and fell asleep, but he didn't fall asleep at all.

Almost every 2 minutes, I still can't help scrolling through the news.

Finally, at nine o'clock, there was news!

The content is that a black commercial vehicle collided with a truck in Tianmenxia, ​​and the commercial vehicle caught fire instantly.

By the time firefighters arrived, the car had been reduced to ashes.

There were no survivors in the car.

Ye Sisi stared blankly at the phone, her whole body trembling.

Leng Shaohan usually travels in a spacious commercial vehicle.

He used to use a wheelchair, and this kind of car is more convenient.

Later, he no longer needs a wheelchair, but he still maintains this habit.

So this car is probably Leng Shaohan's car.

A fire broke out on the spot, and the car was destroyed.

Leng Shaohan was made of iron, and he couldn't stand such a fire.

That devil is finally dead!

But why didn't I feel any joy in my heart?Don't you have the joy of revenge?

Don't you want him to die?
No, he is his own enemy, and he has a hatred of killing his father and mother, how could he not want him to die!
While he was in a daze, the phone vibrated, and it was Leng Maoze calling again.

Ye Sisi still didn't answer.

Leng Maoze sent a message: Leng Shaohan's car burned to ashes in Tianmenxia!
Behind the text, there is a big smiley face.

That is equivalent to confirming that Leng Shaohan is indeed dead.

Unexpectedly, Leng Shaohan still died at the hands of Leng Xinde and his son, and the Leng family will belong to Leng Maoze and the others in the future.

Ye Sisi deleted the message.

Go to the balcony and kneel down facing the river.

Mom, that bastard is finally dead, and you've got your revenge.

I'm leaving this city too, I can't take you away, I hope you take care of yourself.

Kowtow to the river, then go back to the house and start packing.

I found that there was nothing to clean up, these things were bought by Leng Shaohan, there is no need to take them away.

When people die, the lights go out, and both grievances and grievances disappear.

Ashes return to dust in the future, Leng Shaohan, don't blame me, and I won't blame you anymore.

But he needs to escape as soon as possible, because Leng Shaohan is gone, and the Leng family is still there.

Whether the Leng family will take him back and imprison him, there is no way to be sure.

Putting on his coat, he found the cell phone that had been hidden all the time, and called Qian Yufeng.

Qian Yufeng quickly answered the phone, "Sisi, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm about to leave Jiangcheng. Say goodbye to you and see you in Jianghu." Ye Sisi said.

"So suddenly, did the Leng family let you go?" Qian Yufeng asked.

"I don't know, I'm going to try."

"Are you leaving overnight? Where are you going?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet, let's leave first."

"Then there must be a destination, right? What kind of transportation do you take?"

"I don't have an ID, so I can't take public transport. But I have a car, and I'm going to leave in it."

(End of this chapter)

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