Chapter 52
"Why don't we talk about it when we meet. I'm at school, so come here." Qian Yufeng said.

Ye Sisi refused, "No, I'll just leave, and I'll contact you when I settle down."

"You go to Haishi, my house is there, I can let my dad take care of you."

Before having a mother, Ye Sisi was worried that she would not be able to handle it alone, so she asked Qian Yufeng for help.

But now that her mother was gone, Ye Sisi didn't want to trouble Qian Yufeng, nor did she want to implicate him.

Although Leng Shaohan is dead, the power of the Leng family is still there, so we still have to be careful.

"I'll go out first, let's talk about it then. Okay, senior, I won't tell you anymore, goodbye."


Ye Sisi didn't say any more, just hung up the phone.

After packing up some belongings, Ye Sisi went downstairs.

Sister Li heard the movement, "Young Mistress, where are you going this evening?"

"I'm so bored, go out for a walk, don't worry about it, go to sleep now."

"I'll go with you, it's not safe at night." Sister Li said.

Ye Sisi looked at Sister Li, feeling a little guilty.

Now that I'm gone, I don't know if the Leng family will make trouble for her?

But with his current ability, he couldn't take her with him.

What's more, her family is here, I'm afraid she won't want to go with her.

There is no way, I can't protect myself, I can only wish her good luck.

So he turned his face to the surveillance camera and began to scold Sister Li: "Are you spying on me? I'm a young mistress, and I can't even go out if I want to? You're just a slave, aren't you too arrogant?"

Ye Sisi was usually polite to Sister Li, but now she suddenly uttered bad words, Li Li panicked, wondering why Ye Sisi would be so sudden.

"Young Mistress, I'm not going to spy on you, I just..."

"Just what? Go away, I don't want you to care!"

The more fierce I am to Sister Li, the more beneficial it will be to Sister Li when Leng's family sees the surveillance.

At least it can prove that Sister Li didn't support her leaving, and Sister Li didn't know about it.

"Young Mistress..."

"Get lost! If you dare to follow me again, I'll kill you!"

Ye Sisi stretched out her finger and pointed at Li Li's nose, "I'm just going out for a while, don't make a small report, or I won't spare you, do you hear me?"

Li Li was so scolded that she almost burst into tears, "Yes, young mistress. Then you have to pay attention to safety and come back as soon as possible..."

"Whispering! I want you to take care of my affairs? Get out of here!"

After the trick was performed, Ye Sisi hurried into the car and drove away from the villa.

The road was unimpeded, drove out of the urban area, and reached the expressway exit. Only then did Ye Sisi remember that her father's ashes hadn't been picked up yet.

But it's so late, I'm afraid I can't get it.

Run away first, the ashes will turn around and find a way.

When the Leng family reacts, it will be too late.


Running all the way, at three o'clock in the morning, I became more and more sleepy, and the car was almost out of gas, so I had to go into the service area to refuel.

Too sleepy, Ye Sisi felt that she couldn't drive anymore, otherwise she would be too tired and worried that something would happen.

But this expensive sports car was too conspicuous in the service area, so he had to find an exit and came to a town.

There are several small hotels, but they are not allowed to check in because they do not have an ID card.

In the end, he agreed to pay three times the room rate, and a small hotel agreed to let Ye Sisi stay for a few hours.

Ye Sisi was extremely sleepy, and when she came to the musty room, she fell asleep.

When you are tired like a dog, you can even live in a kennel.

In a daze, I felt movement in the room.

There was a strange smell rushing to the nose, not musty, it seemed to be smoke.

When I opened my eyes, there were fireworks flickering on and off in the darkness, and someone was smoking!

Ye Sisi screamed in fright and got up.

Turning on the light by the bed and looking at the person in front of me, I was even more scared out of my wits.

The smoker turned out to be Leng Shaohan!

Isn't he dead?Is he a man or a ghost?

Besides, doesn't he usually not smoke?
Ye Sisi trembled in fright, "You, you..."

"It took a whole night to run so far?" Leng Shaohan said.

Ye Sisi forced herself to calm down. Since he can smoke, it means he is not a ghost!
Ghosts shouldn't smoke!
He took the phone from the pillow, "You, why are you here?"

"Did you run away because you thought I was dead?" Leng Shaohan asked.

Ye Sisi didn't speak.

Leng Shaohan stood up from the plastic chair, smoked a cigarette and sat on Ye Sisi's bed.

Ye Sisi shrank back.

"How did you know that something happened to me? And you ran away so quickly?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"I, I don't know..."

"You don't know, so why are you running?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"It was Leng Maoze who sent me a message and told me."

"He told you I was dead, so you ran away?"

"Yes." Ye Sisi could only admit it.

"I can't run away, without you protecting me, I'm worried that the Leng family will settle accounts with me. Your mother doesn't like me, she always wants to put me in a pigpen and throw me into the river, you know that." Ye Sisi continued.

Leng Shaohan threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out with his foot.

His eyes softened a little, and the murderous look in his eyes was not so intense.

Ye Sisi let out a sigh of relief.

"Have you had enough sleep?" Leng Shaohan asked suddenly.

Ye Sisi didn't understand what he meant.

"Get up when you've had enough sleep."


"It will be dawn soon, get up and hurry."

"On the way?"

"I'll wait for you downstairs and give you 5 minutes."

After Leng Shaohan finished speaking, he stood up and left.

Ye Sisi couldn't figure out the situation, now she was on her way, where were she going?
Opening the curtains and looking downstairs, there is a white RV parked there.

Leng Shaohan should have chased him in this car.

He was chasing so fast, did he start chasing him not long after he left Jiangcheng?
Didn't he go to Tianmen Abode?
He must have gone, otherwise the car would be destroyed and he would still be alive.

Then why didn't he go?He knew someone was going to kill him?How did he know?
Simply wash your face and go downstairs.

A bodyguard came over, "Young Mistress, please give me the car keys."

Ye Sisi had no choice but to honestly hand over the keys of the sports car, and then got into the car.

Very wide car.

There is a bed at the back of the car. When he was driving and running away desperately, he should have fallen asleep and chased him over.

So he was sleepy like a dog, but he was full of energy and never tired.

Game of cat and mouse.

And I became that ridiculous mouse.

There is also a small dining table in the RV, and Leng Shaohan is sitting at the dining table drinking coffee.

On the side plate, there is whole wheat bread and jam.

Ye Sisi suddenly felt a little hungry.

Leng Shaohan motioned for her to sit down.

Then he wiped his hands with a wet towel, picked up a piece of bread, and took a light bite.

Ye Sisi swallowed reluctantly.

I ate dinner early, and I still ate little, and after another night of running wildly, I am really hungry now.

Leng Shaohan picked up a piece of bread and handed it to her.

Just as she was about to reach out to pick it up, he withdrew his hand again and threw the bread into the trash can.

(End of this chapter)

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