Chapter 6
Ye Sisi was scared and helpless, "I really didn't hurt Leng Shaoxuan! I don't know who hurt him, please don't touch my family!"

Leng Shaohan kicked over the basin for soaking his feet, and the water overflowed all over the floor.

A foot that has been disabled for a long time is so powerful that it can kick a basin over?
But Ye Sisi no longer has the energy to think about these issues. She is worried that the demon Leng Shaohan will really attack her family.

She can't hurt her family!
Facing Ye Sisi's pleading, Leng Shaohan completely ignored him, rolled his wheelchair into the room, and closed the door heavily.


Waking up early the next morning, Ye Sisi was going to wait for Leng Shaohan to wash up, but found that Leng Shaohan was not there.

Where did he go this morning?

But it's a good thing he's not here, so I don't have to worry about being bullied by him.

After washing up, Ye Sisi went to greet Mrs. Leng as usual and served morning tea.

Because she couldn't hear, Ye Sisi had to keep staring at the phone screen in order to understand what Mrs. Leng said to herself.

Mrs. Leng asked the servant to throw over a few large packs of traditional Chinese medicine, "This is the conditioning medicine I asked the old Chinese doctor to prescribe for you. You decoct it yourself and take it three times a day. Get your body back as soon as possible and give Shaoxuan a child! If you have been unable to conceive Come on, what is the use of you then? You can just go down and accompany Shaoxuan!"

Ye Sisi was startled, if she couldn't conceive again, the Leng family would lose patience and let her be buried with her.

But she was clearly pregnant, but she couldn't tell.

If the Leng family knew that a widow was pregnant with a child for no reason, she would definitely be immersed in a pig cage, and the lives of herself and her child would be lost.

So the most important thing at the moment is to hide the fact that she is pregnant first, and then escape as soon as possible before her belly gets bigger.

Otherwise, after a long time, you won't be able to hide it!

"I see." Ye Sisi responded obediently.

"How are you getting along with Shao Han?" Mrs. Leng He Yuzhen asked again.

"Very good." Ye Sisi replied.

"Shaohan is disabled and has a gloomy personality. You have to let him in and don't make him angry. Whatever he asks you to do, you have to do. Do you hear that?" He Yuzhen scolded.

"I know." Ye Sisi replied.

He Yuzhen waved her hand, signaling Ye Sisi to back down.

After leaving the main hall, Ye Sisi breathed a sigh of relief.

Back in the room, the phone vibrated suddenly, and I saw that there were many missed calls, all of which were from my mother.

Ye Sisi really wanted to answer the phone, but couldn't hear her, what should I do?
I had no choice but to go to the servant Li Jie and borrow her mobile phone.

First, she downloaded a transliteration software on her mobile phone, then called her mother and put the phone on speakerphone.

In this way, the voice is transmitted to Sister Li's mobile phone transliteration software, so that she can see the subtitles and know what her mother said.

It took about ten minutes to get these done.

With an ominous premonition in his heart, he dialed his mother's phone with trembling fingers.

The phone was connected, and the transliteration software displayed subtitles, "Sisi, your father is gone."

"What?" Ye Sisi couldn't believe it, thinking that the transliteration software had made a mistake.

"Your father passed away early this morning, oh..."

"Why suddenly... just suddenly..."

Tears rolled down immediately.

Suddenly remembered what Leng Shaohan said last night. He said that if he didn't tell who he was with to murder Leng Shaoxuan, he would let one of his family members die every day!
No wonder he disappeared early this morning, he really did it!

He must have killed Dad!

"Mom, where is my dad now?" Ye Sisi asked crying.

"It has been sent to the funeral home. I heard that it will be cremated soon."

"Didn't it just happen this morning? Why did you send it to the funeral home so soon?"

"The woman Lu Yanjiao is in charge of your father's funeral. She won't let me interfere at all. If your father's nurse hadn't kindly informed me, I wouldn't even know your father is gone." Mom cried.

"Mom, Dad must have been killed! They are in a hurry to cremate Dad's body, there must be something wrong! You go to the funeral home now and stop them from cremating Dad's body! I will rush there too!"

"I'm already on my way to the funeral home, but I don't know if I can stop them. My marriage with your father has been dissolved long ago..."

"Mom, let's not say more. Anyway, you must stop them, and you can't let them burn Dad like this! I'll come over right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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