fall into his palm

Chapter 7 Pay the Price

Chapter 7 Pay the Price
But the butler of Leng's family didn't let Ye Sisi go out, the reason was that it would be bad luck for Ye Sisi not to enter a place like the funeral parlor.

Ye Si thought forced his way in, but was knocked down to the ground.

Not only the owner of the Leng family bullies others, but even the watchdog bullies others.

At this time, the big iron gate suddenly opened, and a commercial vehicle drove in.

The door of the business car opened, and the person in the car was indeed Leng Shaohan.

He exchanged a few words with the butler. Ye Sisi was pinned on the floor and couldn't see her phone, so she didn't know what they were talking about.

Then the servant who held him down suddenly let go.

"I'm going to the funeral home."

"Young lady, please get in the car."

It was Leng Shaohan's business car, and he was sitting in the back row, with no intention of getting out of the car.

Although I don't want to be in the same car as this demon, but this is his car, and that's the only way to go.

When they arrived at the entrance of the funeral parlor, they met their father's mistress Lu Yanjiao and her cheap daughter Lu Meiqin and came out of it.

Dad died. Lu Yanjiao, as Dad's current wife, not only did not wear mourning, but also wore a red skirt and very colorful make-up, which was incompatible with the solemn atmosphere of the funeral home.

There was no sadness on her face, her expression was relaxed, and there seemed to be a smile on her mouth.

"Where is my dad? Where is he? What did you do to her?" Ye Sisi asked.

Lu Yanjiao said something, but Ye Sisi couldn't hear it, so she quickly took out her mobile phone to transliterate it.

"Where is my dad, where is he now? Have you cremated him?" Ye Sisi asked anxiously.

Lu Yanjiao snorted coldly, "If you don't cremate after death, what are you doing with it?"

"Why did my dad die suddenly? I asked for an autopsy. You can't just cremate him like this!"

"I am his legal wife, how I dispose of his body is my business, who are you, yelling at me here, get the hell out!" Lu Yanjiao said aggressively.

"He is my father, I have the right to..."

"You have the right to fuck, why did you go there earlier, you only come to recognize relatives after death? Good dogs don't get in the way, get out!"

As Lu Yanjiao said, she gave Ye Sisi a hard push.

Since the accident, Ye Sisi's health has been declining.

Coupled with mental anxiety, I lost more than 20 catties in a month.

Pushed by Lu Yanjiao, he fell to the ground.

He wanted to get up and continue to fight Lu Yanjiao, but he was also worried that he would move the fetus in his womb.

She struggled to support the ground with her hands, slowly got up, and Lu Yanjiao had already walked over.

I had no choice but to chase after him again, "Don't go, my dad..."

"Little bitch, are you finished?" Lu Yanjiao turned around and pointed at Ye Sisi's nose and cursed, "If you keep talking, I'll let you go and accompany your damn father!"

"You are the bitch! You ruined my parents' marriage! I don't allow you to cremate my father, you give me back my father's body!"

Lu Yanjiao reached out to slap Ye Sisi again, but Tang Jin who rushed over suddenly grabbed her hand.

"You dare to hit the young mistress of Leng's family? You don't want to die, do you?"

"Who are you, dare to meddle in your own business?"

"My third master asked me to bring you a message. You beat his servant just now, and you have to pay the price." Tang Jin said coldly.

"Who is your third master? Playing tricks to scare who..."

"Mom, he seems to be..."

Before Lu Yanjiao finished speaking, Lu Meiqin didn't have time to stop her. Tang Jin slapped Lu Yanjiao hard on the face.

Tang Jin was obviously a Lianjiazi, this slap unexpectedly made Lu Yanjiao fall to the ground directly, with blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.

Lu Meiqin quickly persuaded, "Mr. Tang, please calm down, my mother just taught this bitch a lesson, and didn't intend to offend the third master and Mr. Tang..."

"Get lost!" Tang Jin said coldly.

Lu Meiqin didn't dare to reply, she quickly helped Lu Yanjiao and left.

"Don't go, my dad..."

"Young Mistress, your father has already been cremated, go in and get the ashes." Tang Jin said coldly.

After entering the funeral home, my mother came out holding my father's ashes.

Looking at the commercial car at the door, my mother looked very nervous: "Last night, that car appeared near the hospital, and then your father had an accident."

It really is Leng Shaohan!

(End of this chapter)

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