Chapter 8

"Mom, have you seen the person in that car? Are you sure he killed Dad?" Ye Sisi asked.

"I'm not sure, but he looked at me with hatred. People have been following me for the past two days. They must be trying to kill our family." Mom cried.

"Mom, don't be afraid, I will protect you. It's just that I don't have the money to buy a cemetery for Dad, so I can only store the ashes in the funeral home temporarily."

Ye Sisi's phone vibrated just after completing the procedure of sending the ashes.

It's a message, hurry back.

Knowing that she was deaf and couldn't hear on the phone, I sent her a message.

I was able to leave Leng's house today because I took Leng Shaohan's car, otherwise I wouldn't be able to take half a step to Leng's house.

Now that Leng Shaohan told her to come back quickly, she couldn't resist.


"Young Mistress, Third Master asked you to go upstairs to find him." Sister Li said.

Ye Sisi went upstairs and saw Leng Shaohan sitting in a wheelchair and talking on the phone.

Seeing Ye Sisi coming, Leng Shaohan motioned her to take out her phone and wanted to talk to her.

"It's my friend's birthday today, you can accompany me there later." Leng Shaohan said.

It's too much, he clearly knows that his father just died today, yet he wants to accompany him to celebrate someone else's birthday!
Really murderous!
"I'm not in the mood." Ye Sisi said, poking her neck.

"Whether you're in the mood or not, I'm ordering you, I don't want to discuss with you." Leng Shao said coldly.

"Did you kill my dad?" Ye Sisi asked suddenly.

Leng Shaohan stared at Ye Sisi, "Do you think so?"

"You said last night that one of my family will die a day. Today my father died. You were not at home early in the morning. Who else is there?" Ye Sisi said angrily.

"Since you are so sure, then let's do it." Leng Shaohan said disdainfully.

"You came to me for something, why did you kill my dad!" Ye Sisi yelled.

"I came at you again, hurt your father, and killed your mother. What can you do to me?"

Ye Sisi reached out and picked up the fruit knife on the table, gritted her teeth and glared at Leng Shaohan.

"Want to kill me? Do you have the ability?"

Holding a fruit knife, Ye Sisi rushed towards Leng Shaohan who was in the wheelchair.

But before she got close, Leng Shaohan pulled out the steel pipe hidden in the wheelchair, and a steel pipe hit her hand, and the fruit knife fell to the ground.

The next steel pipe directly stabbed Ye Sisi's lower abdomen.

Ye Sisi quickly hid back, narrowly avoiding the steel pipe.

Fortunately, I avoided it, otherwise the fetus in the womb would be gone.

Seeing her avoiding again, Leng Shaohan became even angrier, "Come here!"

Ye Sisi had no choice but to go up.

Leng Shaohan picked up the steel pipe and hit her on the head.

The force was so hard that Ye Sisi fell down in response.

When she woke up, she found that her body was wet, and she was woken up by water.

Then I could hear the voice next to me.

Unexpectedly, after this blow, her hearing miraculously recovered a lot.

You can hear the voice without using transliteration software.

But Leng Shaohan didn't know that she had recovered her hearing, so he motioned the servant to give her the mobile phone so that he could talk to her conveniently.

"Go change your clothes and accompany me to the birthday party." Leng Shaohan ordered coldly again.

If you can't fight, you can only admit defeat for the time being.

Ye Sisi came out in a black skirt, but Leng Shaohan disagreed with her wearing it like this.

"Today is my birthday, what are you doing dressed like this? Go change into red!"

"My dad just died today, you want me to wear red?"

"Yes, change to red!"

"Leng Shaohan, aren't you afraid of going to hell?"

Leng Shao smiled coldly, "The hell is empty, and the devil is in the world. I am not afraid. If you are capable, send me down."

You are right, the devil is indeed in the world, and you are the devil in the world!
Under Leng Shaohan's intimidation, Ye Sisi, who had just lost her father, was forced to change into a red dress and accompany Leng Shaohan to attend someone else's birthday party.

Ye Sisi knew that she didn't have such a big face, so she could be Leng Shaohan's female companion to attend the party.

He vaguely felt that Leng Shaohan had no good intentions in bringing her with him today.

But what exactly he was going to do, Ye Sisi didn't know.

When they arrived at the party, Ye Sisi saw the banner and knew something was wrong.

The words 'Happy Birthday to Ms. Yuzhi' are written on the banner, and Zhu Yuzhi is the daughter of a wealthy family who was engaged to Leng Shaoxuan before.

Ye Sisi 'killed' Zhu Yuzhi's fiancé, how could Zhu Yuzhi give her good fruit to eat?
(End of this chapter)

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