Chapter 9
Zhu's family is also a wealthy family in Jiangcheng, otherwise Zhu Yuzhi would not be qualified to be Leng Shaoxuan's fiancée.

However, it is rumored that the two are only married for profit, and Leng Shaoxuan doesn't like this unmarried fiancee, and the relationship between the two is very weak.

After Leng Shaoxuan disappeared, Zhu Yuzhi didn't even take a look.

Of course, Leng Shaoxuan 'married' Ye Sisi again, Zhu Yuzhi must have no objection.

After all, if Zhu Yuzhi were to marry a dead person, she would definitely not be willing.

But today Leng Shaohan brought her to Zhu Yuzhi's birthday party, he must have been uneasy and kind.

Zhu Yuzhi's fiancé died at her hands. Even if Zhu Yuzhi didn't love Leng Shaoxuan, he would still put on a show to embarrass Ye Sisi and show that he valued affection.

The birthday party was held by the swimming pool, and many celebrities came to Jiangcheng.

Ye Sisi pushed Leng Shaohan's wheelchair in. Many people were shocked when they saw Leng Shaohan, thinking it was Leng Shaoxuan.

They do look exactly the same, even the eyes are the same.

After figuring out that it was Leng Shaohan, celebrities came up to say hello.

After all, the status of the Leng family is there. Even if Leng Shaohan is only disabled, his status is still high among these people.

Zhu Yuzhi greeted him, pretending to be sad, "Third brother, you are finally back, your brother left suddenly, it was like a bolt from the blue."

Ye Sisi sneered inwardly.

If you are really that sad, you still have the mood to hold such a grand birthday party?

Seeing Ye Sisi behind Leng Shaohan's wheelchair, Zhu Yuzhi immediately changed his expression, "Is she the murderer?"

"Her name is Ye Sisi, the person who killed my brother with a car. Now she is my servant, please wish Miss Zhu a happy birthday!" Leng Shaohan said.

Ye Sisi had no choice but to bow, "Happy birthday to Miss..."

Zhu Yuzhi slapped Ye Sisi on the face, "Bitch, you dare to come! You deserve to come to my birthday party?"

Ye Sisi knew this would happen, so she was mentally prepared.

He didn't speak, just stared at Zhu Yuzhi coldly.

"How dare you stare at me!"

Zhu Yuzhi slapped Ye Sisi again, but Ye Sisi avoided it.

"You still dare to hide?"

"I didn't want to come here, he asked me to come here! Also, I wasn't the one who killed Leng Shaoxuan! I was wronged!" Ye Sisi said.

"If you say you are wronged, you are wronged? You killed Shaoxuan, but you are still alive. Why don't you die?"

"Miss Zhu, don't call your ex-husband by his name, and you have no right to act in front of me!"

"My first husband? You said that Leng Shaoxuan was your first husband?"

"Of course, who in Jiangcheng doesn't know that I am married to Leng Shaoxuan? I am Leng Shaoxuan's wife, and you are at most the ex. It was my husband who died, and you have no right to blame me. If you really have deep affection for him , don’t embarrass me to prove it, I can bring his ashes to you, how about letting you continue your relationship?”

"You sure don't want to? Then why are you pretending to be affectionate?"

Zhu Yuzhi's birthday party was lively and festive, but when Ye Sisi said this, the atmosphere suddenly became a little dark.

"you you……"

Zhu Yuzhi was stunned speechless.

Leng Shaohan looked at Ye Sisi with interest, he didn't expect that this doormat who usually only mopped the floor and cleaned the toilet, would have such a strong fighting power, which made Miss Zhu's family feel ashamed.

"Come on, throw her down!"

Zhu Yuzhi became angry from embarrassment, and directly asked the security guards on the scene to do it.

With a splash, Ye Sisi was thrown into the swimming pool.

She struggled desperately, swam back to the pool, and wanted to climb up, but as soon as her hand grabbed the handrail, Zhu Yuzhi stretched out her foot to step on her hand.

With pain in his hand, he fell back into the pool again.

Three times and five times, the scene was full of laughter.

Ye Sisi was drenched all over, standing in the pool awkwardly, looking at the hideous faces by the pool.

Then he saw Leng Shaohan open his mouth, as if to say something to her.

She couldn't hear, the phone was wet, and she couldn't transliterate, so she wasn't sure whether Leng Shaohan was talking to her.

Even if you talk to her, it probably won't be a good thing.

But at this moment, she saw Leng Shaohan hooking her, motioning for her to go over.

Seeing this action for the first time, Ye Sisi was still a little uncertain.

Then Leng Shaohan hooked her again, this time she saw clearly.

But there was still some hesitation in his heart, what did he let himself do in the past?
Zhu Yuzhi didn't let him go up, so he wanted to humiliate himself too?

Seeing that Ye Sisi refused to go over, Leng Shaohan looked a little impatient.

Ye Sisi didn't dare to offend him, if he left himself here and left alone, it would be even worse.

Swim over quickly and swim up to Leng Shaohan.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Leng Shaohan stretched out a hand to her.

She couldn't believe her eyes, did Leng Shaohan want to pull her up?
How can this be?

But if he didn't want to pull her up, what was he doing with his hand?
Ye Sisi hesitated, but still handed him her hand.

I was a little worried again, would he pull behind his hand, and then give it a hard push, pushing himself back into the water?
It is entirely possible for him to do such a thing.

But this time he didn't.

He took Ye Sisi's cold hand and pulled her up.

He is sitting in a wheelchair, so it should be difficult to use his strength.

But his hands are so strong, it doesn't seem like the strength a disabled person should have.

Zhu Yuzhi was a little displeased, "What are you doing, third brother? Why did you drag this bitch up?"

"She is right. She is Leng Shaoxuan's wife and my sister-in-law. You are no longer, so don't call me third brother in the future. Even if she is a dog, she is now Leng's dog. You have to beat the dog Look at the face of the master and humiliate her in front of me, that is not giving me face."

After soaking in the water for too long, she lost her temperature, and Ye Sisi shivered from the cold.

Leng Shaohan glanced at Ye Sisi, "Let's go, drowned."

Then he pushed Leng Shaohan and walked towards the door.

"Hey, Third Young Master, don't rush to leave, the cake hasn't been cut yet!" Zhu Yuzhi said.

"I'm going back to burn incense for my second brother. My second brother is underground, so I should wish you a happy birthday too." Leng Shaohan said.

Zhu Yuzhi was shocked and suddenly felt panicked.

This disabled person brought that bitch here to celebrate his birthday, why does it feel like he deliberately disrupted the situation?
After getting in the car, Leng Shaohan saw that Ye Sisi was shivering from the cold, and signaled the driver to turn up the temperature of the air conditioner.

Seeing that Ye Sisi was still shaking, he said to Tang Jin, "Take off your coat and put it on for her."

Tang Jin thought to himself, why don't you take off yours and give it to her?
But he didn't dare to disobey, so he took off his suit jacket and gave it to Ye Sisi.

Unexpectedly, Ye Sisi was ungrateful, she threw it aside, and turned her head to look out the car window.

(End of this chapter)

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