fall into his palm

Chapter 62 So What?

Chapter 62 So What?
An Ruochen quickly dissuaded: "It's better not to, allergies will kill people."

Ye Sisi thinks she can give it a try.

Now that medicine is so advanced, allergies should not die as long as they are treated urgently.

How could a person as bad as Leng Shaohan, who had lived for thousands of years, die so easily.

If he really died, it would be easy.

But it is enough to think about this kind of thing in your heart, and it must not be said on the surface.

"By the way, there is a set of speakers in Leng Shaohan's study. It looks very complicated, and it shouldn't be cheap. It's just that I can't hear it, so I don't know how it works. Is there a possibility that the set of speakers is the one he customized before?" ? How long is the lifespan of the stereo? If the stereo is still there, can it still be used now? "

"A good speaker can be used for at least several decades. The speaker he customized can be used for five or sixty years." An Ruochen said.

Ye Sisi nodded.

In this way, he might still be Leng Shaohan.

But no matter if he is Leng Shaohan or not, no matter who he is, if he killed his parents, he deserves to die!


Leng's Group President's Office.

"They have finished their meal and went back," Tang Jin reported.

"You don't have to stare at him all the time." Leng Shaohan said.

Tang Jin didn't speak.

Isn't that what you asked for and now say no?
"No abnormalities?" Leng Shaohan asked again.

Didn't you just say that you don't need to stare at it all the time?Now I have to ask if there is any abnormality.

If you don't stare at it all the time, how do you know if there is any abnormality?

"No." Tang Jin said.

Just as he was talking, Leng Shaohan's phone vibrated.

Leng Shaohan quickly signaled Tang Jin to keep silent, and went to the window to answer the phone by himself.

He looked a little nervous.

"Is something wrong?"

When he spoke, his tone was cold again.

Ye Sisi glanced at the transliterated subtitles, "I'm going to hang out with An Ying tonight, so let me tell you."

"Where are you going to play?"


Leng Shaohan thought he heard it wrong, "Where?"

"Nightclubs. I feel that life is too boring. I want to go to lively places."

"You can't even hear the lively place, why is it so lively?"

"It's because I can't hear, so my world is too quiet. I want to go to a lively place and feel the atmosphere." Ye Sisi said.

That sounds like nothing wrong.

"But such a place is not safe." Leng Shaohan said.

"Then you can recommend me a safe shop, with your protection, wouldn't I be safe?" Ye Sisi said.

Leng Shaohan thought for a while, "I'll contact you later."

Immediately hung up the phone.

Tang Jin didn't know who the boss answered the phone, but judging from his seriousness, it was probably from the person at home.

"Do you usually go to nightclubs?" Leng Shaohan asked suddenly.


"Which nightclub in Jiangcheng is fun?" Leng Shaohan asked again.

Tang Jin was a little confused.

Mr. Leng has always disdained going to places like nightclubs, so why did he suddenly ask this today?
Could it be that he is going to a nightclub?
Impossible, absolutely impossible.

There are so many tasks to be dealt with every day, and many entertainments are still rejected, and the schedule is still full.

How can I have the time and energy to go to nightclubs?
"Are you deaf too?" Leng Shaohan was a little impatient.

"I'm not deaf, it's just that I don't go to nightclubs very much. But I know that the most famous nightclub in Jiangcheng is Miqing Street. There is a performing arts hall there, where you can watch performances, and even small celebrities often come to walk. It is the largest and highest-grade nightclub in Jiangcheng nightclub."

"Let's go there." Leng Shaohan said.

"Are you going?"

"Yes, take that woman."

Tang Jin understood.

It's not you who took her, but she wants to take you, right?

But the deaf beauty can't hear, so why go to a nightclub?
Do you watch the dance of demons?

"Third Master, Miqing Street is Huang Daya's shop."

"So what? I can't go to the shop he opened?" Leng Shaohan asked back.

"It's fine, it's just that last time you offended Huang Daya for the sake of young mistress."

Leng Shaohan still had those four words: "So what?"

Tang Jin froze for a moment, yes, so what?

Does Huang Daya dare to touch the third master?The answer is not dare.

He didn't dare to do it when he was sitting in a wheelchair, let alone standing up from the wheelchair now.

"Then do you want to inform Huang Daya and let him arrange it?"

"It's up to you."

That is to be notified.

Tang Jin was walking away, when Leng Shaohan stopped him again, "What kind of clothes do you want to wear when you go to the nightclub now?"

Tang Jin was stunned again, he really hadn't researched this before.

Formal attire is required to attend a banquet, but there seems to be no rule on what to wear to a nightclub, right?

Do you have to dye your hair red and pretend to be a non-mainstream?
"It should be about the same as usual." Tang Jin said, "You have been to nightclubs before, and you don't care about your clothes."

Leng Shaohan's face turned dark.

Only then did Tang Jin belatedly realize that he had said something wrong.

He must have been to nightclubs before, but this time is different because he went with Ye Sisi.

Because people are different, we must pay attention to clothing.

But in fact, no matter what he wears, with his appearance, where is he not the focus?

Even if you don't wear it...it's the focus of attention!

"Anyway, just be casual. No matter what you wear, you are the most attractive man in Jiangcheng." Tang Jin said.

Leng Shaohan glanced at Tang Jin, and felt that this flattery was really disgusting.

But if another person said it, it might be different.

Too bad she wouldn't say that.


Ye Sisi kept looking at her watch.

She was betting that Leng Shaohan would not let her go to the nightclub alone, he would definitely accompany her there.

He is a person with a strong desire to control, how could he let her go to that kind of place alone?
Ye Sisi's original intention was not to go to the nightclub with An Ying, but to go with Leng Shaohan, which was part of her plan.

If Leng Shaohan doesn't go, then she won't go either.

I didn't really like that kind of place, not to mention that I can't hear it now.

But it was seven o'clock, and Leng Shaohan still didn't call.

An Ying's phone call came: "Sisi, are you ready? Where shall we meet?"

"I still have some things to deal with. I'll contact you later, okay?" Ye Sisi said.

"Are you a full-time wife now? What else can you do?" An Ying expressed her incomprehension.

"The full-time wife also has something to do. I plan to continue my studies, so I have to do my homework."

"Then are you going to play, or do you want to make up your homework?"

"What's the hurry, why wait a little longer. It's still early, how can I go to the nightclub so early." Ye Sisi said.

While talking, the door opened and Leng Shaohan walked in.

In the end is coming.

"Okay, I'm busy first, I'll contact you later."

(End of this chapter)

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