fall into his palm

Chapter 63 The Fish Hooked

Chapter 63 The Fish Hooked
Leng Shaohan looked at Ye Sisi and saw a long-lost light in her eyes.

"An Ying called to urge me." Ye Sisi explained.

"I have a friend who owns a good nightclub. I happened to talk to him today, so I'll take you there." Leng Shaohan said.

Ye Sisi smiled inwardly, the fish took the bait.

The second step plans to start.

"Then can I bring my friends?" Ye Sisi asked intentionally.

Although he was asking a question, he already had an answer in his heart.

Leng Shaohan definitely didn't want Ye Sisi to bring An Ying, and then An Ying would bring someone else.

Ye Sisi herself didn't want An Ying to go, and she didn't want to get involved in many things.

"Go and have a look today, and take them there another day." Leng Shaohan said.

Sure enough, it was the expected answer.

"Okay." Ye Sisi agreed.


As soon as Leng Shaohan's car was parked and before he entered the door, Huang Daya came out to welcome him after hearing the news.

Although it was very unpleasant because of Ye Sisi last time, Huang Daya really didn't dare to provoke Leng Shaohan.

At least they dare not directly conflict.

We are all adults, what can we do with a knife behind our backs, why do we have to tear our faces apart on the surface.

"It's a great honor for the third master to visit this small shop of mine. Please come inside."

Huang Da Ya grinned, revealing his signature big gold teeth.

Leng Shaohan nodded slightly as a greeting, and then walked inside.

Ye Sisi followed closely behind.

Huang Daya took a look, isn't this the little beauty who asked to borrow money last time?
Leng Shaohan still took her?

Since he wants to accept it himself, why did he introduce it to me at that time, is he sick?

The box has been arranged, of course it is the top of the audience.

The box here is open, not fully enclosed, but separated, and you can sit inside and watch the show.

The live music was deafening, and Leng Shaohan couldn't help frowning.

Looking at Ye Sisi next to her again, she looked calm.

It's better to be deaf or deaf, at least you can't disturb her.

She couldn't hear her, but she wanted to accompany her to the nightclub by herself. Is this to torture herself on purpose?
Thinking about it, it seemed wrong again, it wasn't her who wanted to accompany her, it was herself who posted up to accompany her.

Ye Sisi didn't expect that Leng Shaohan's friend who opened the nightclub was Huang Daya, but it's not surprising after thinking about it.

Huang Daya is No. 1 on Jiangcheng Road, the best nightclub in Jiangcheng, and it is normal for him to open it.

After arranging Leng Shaohan to sit down, Huang Daya asked people to serve wine, and originally wanted to ask Leng Shaohan if he wanted some girls to accompany him.

But looking at Ye Sisi next to him, he didn't ask any more questions.

I searched all the nightclubs in Jiangcheng, but I couldn't find a girl as good-looking as Ye Sisi, so there was no need to ask.

Ye Sisi sat next to Leng Shaohan, staring at the performance stage.

On it is a scantily clad girl dancing vigorously, with a very hot body.

The music can't be heard, but the dance can still be seen.

Ye Sisi also learned to dance, and practiced for a long time, but it was abandoned afterward.

Leng Shaohan drank slowly, looking at his phone from time to time.

He was not interested in the dancing of those vulgar fans on the stage, and the scene was too noisy, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

After sitting for a while, Ye Sisi crawled next to his ear, blowing like blue, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Leng Shaohan glanced at her and nodded.

Ye Sisi walked towards the bathroom, and soon disappeared in the dim light.

Randomly recruit a bodyguard wearing a walkie-talkie, take out your mobile phone and type to him: Your boss' friend wants something to add to the fun.

As he spoke, he pointed to the box where Leng Shaohan was sitting.

That box had the best location in the audience, and it was not for sale.

Only the boss' VIPs will appear there.

The bodyguard is very clear about this, so there is no doubt, "Which one do you want?"

Ye Sisi couldn't hear it.

The light was too dim, and I couldn't see his lips clearly, but I guessed what he was asking.

He opened his mouth and pretended to throw something into his mouth.

The bodyguard understood and nodded, indicating that he would arrange it immediately.

Ye Sisi followed him through the corridor to the third floor, where the bodyguard handed him a bag of brightly colored pills.

Ye Sisi typed the words on the screen: the account is in the name of the third master.

The bodyguard nodded.

Generally speaking, the boss's VIPs do not need to check out.

Ye Sisi had been there for a long time, Leng Shaohan waited here for a while, feeling a little worried.

Just about to stand up and look for it, Ye Sisi came back.

The scene was too noisy, and Leng Shaohan knew that it was difficult for Ye Sisi's transliteration software to translate accurately in such an environment.

I didn't bother to open my throat and scream, so I simply didn't speak.

After sitting for a while, Ye Sisi offered to leave.

Leng Shaohan breathed a sigh of relief, he wanted to leave a long time ago.

It was so boring.

I don't understand why some people like to come to this kind of place. Is it because I am old, so I don't like it?

In fact, it was still early, and the real nightlife was far from beginning.

"It's still early, why don't we go for supper?" Ye Sisi suggested.

Leng Shaohan frowned slightly, but quickly opened it again.

Then nodded.

He usually doesn't eat supper, even if he is working overtime, he only drinks coffee and sometimes some red wine.

"Can I let him get out of the car?" Ye Sisi pointed to the driver.

Leng Shaohan froze for a moment, then nodded.

Then he told the driver, "Go down and let her drive."

The driver pulled over and gave way to the cab.

Ye Sisi sat in the cab, adjusted the seat, started the car and drove forward.

Next to the University of Political Science and Law, there is a kebab restaurant.

Although it was night, it was still very lively.

Many students from National Chengchi University gathered together to eat meat skewers and drink beer.

Ye Sisi led Leng Shaohan into the barbecue restaurant, and many girls immediately looked over here.

Zhengda University has no shortage of handsome guys. For example, Qian Yufeng is a famous school girl.

But the girls had never seen someone as handsome and cold as Leng Shaohan.

He was sitting there, the surrounding temperature was cold, as if there was an invisible wall separating him from other people.

Leng Shaohan didn't look sideways either, he was used to being stared at by little girls, and even secretly taking pictures with his mobile phone.

It's just that he really doesn't like this place.

It's noisy and not up to par.

There are so many clean night snacks, why come here?
Ye Sisi knew that he didn't like such a place, Ye Sisi did it on purpose.

Only if he doesn't like it, the next time he goes out to eat, he won't follow.

Another point is that this barbecue has a special feature, which is to add sesame seeds.

An Ruochen said that the real Leng Shaohan is allergic to dried fruits such as sesame seeds and peanuts.

Ye Sisi ordered some dishes, such as pig skin, sausage, etc., and then handed the greasy menu to Leng Shaohan.

Leng Shaohan didn't reach out to pick it up, but waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need it.

Ye Sisi smiled, revealing her neat white teeth and beautiful dimples.

Leng Shaohan stared blankly for a moment, a little distracted.

"If you feel bored, why don't you go first?"

(End of this chapter)

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