Chapter 65
Inexplicably, he became obsessed with this woman, deadly, hopelessly infatuated.

But Leng Shaohan clearly knew that there was something wrong with this woman.

From becoming docile, Ye Sisi took the initiative to go to nightclubs, then went to a barbecue restaurant for supper, and then the car suddenly accelerated on the bridge across the river.

None of this is normal, very abnormal.

She must have some purpose, but she doesn't know it.

No matter how strong a person is, he will have fear of the unknown.

Leng Shaohan also had a kind of fear for Ye Sisi, fearing that she would do something bad for him, because if that was the case, he could only take revenge on her even more crazily.

But he obviously wanted to possess her, and he didn't want to take revenge.

The relationship hasn't changed, but some emotions are slowly changing.

Leng Shaohan is someone who wants to control everything, but he finds that he is gradually losing control, even himself.

Ye Sisi struggled, but Leng Shaohan pushed her against the table.

He didn't know that she was pregnant with a child, but Ye Sisi knew it herself.

Doing that kind of thing at this time is very dangerous, and it is very likely to cause a miscarriage.

I could only cry aloud, "Please be gentle..."

He didn't understand the meaning of the words, but it irritated him instead.


In the bathroom, Ye Sisi was terrified as she washed her body with warm water.

She was worried that what happened just now would cause the child to miscarry.

She wanted to go to the hospital for an examination now, but Leng Shaohan was there, so she couldn't go, so she had to wait until tomorrow.

Leng Shaohan was also washing himself in another bathroom.

The physical release didn't make him feel any easier, it made him more uncomfortable.

Ye Sisi was crying the whole time, which was an extremely bad experience.

But he couldn't stop himself.

At a certain moment, I even felt that I was the humble party, the weak party.

It's just that the person who forced him was none other than his own soul.

He was hopelessly in love with that woman, and it had to be in the form of possession to give him a little sense of security.

Because he knew she didn't love him.

It made him frustrated and miserable.

Leng Shaohan never imagined that one day he would also be frustrated and feel insecure.

All this was given by that woman, which gave him another reason to hate her.

But still deeply in love.

Contradictory and dangerous.

After washing, I went to the study and turned on the sky-high stereo.

He collapsed on the chair and began to listen to the Symphony of Destiny.

While listening, pay attention to the movement outside.

Leng Shaohan has a characteristic that is unknown to outsiders, and his hearing is particularly sensitive.

Even with the stereo turned on, he could still hear Ye Sisi's rustling in the bathroom.

He has sharp ears since he was a child, and he can distinguish the difference between voices that others cannot discern.

Therefore, he also has extreme requirements for audio, and any bad electric sound and noise are unbearable for him.

The deafening music at the Miqing Street nightclub tonight was a kind of torture for him, but he endured it for her sake.

Where others think it is lively, he will feel it is extremely noisy, and where others think it is noisy, he will feel so noisy that his heart will lie and his head will even roar.

So in lively occasions, he will often quietly wear a small earplug to prevent the sound from hitting his eardrum.

But today at the nightclub he didn't have it, so he endured it.

Because he knew that Ye Sisi couldn't hear, he wanted to hear the voice for her.

He didn't want her to see him wearing earplugs, he was worried that she would feel that he was targeting her deliberately, because he didn't like to accompany her to that kind of place.

However, what he suffered was her life-threatening driving.

Although he didn't know what she was thinking, but he saw from her profile that she wanted to die with him.

This made him puzzled, angry, and then out of control.

And then I want her.

She didn't resist, just cried.

He didn't understand why that was.

Ye Sisi finally finished washing, came out wearing a bathrobe, and lay down on the bed.

Leng Shaohan was right outside the door, wanting to go in and say sorry to her.

But after standing there for about ten minutes, he turned around and went back.


The next day's breakfast table was particularly dull.

Ye Sisi was worried about the fetus in her womb, she had no appetite or mood.

The hatred for Leng Shaohan is almost overflowing, and I don't even want to talk to him.

Leng Shaohan was wronged and couldn't put down his airs to apologize.

And seeing Ye Sisi's ignorance, my heart gradually became angry, and I lost my appetite.

After eating a few bites in a hurry, he stood up and left with a cold face.

Sister Li just came over.

She could see something was wrong between Ye Sisi and Leng Shaohan, but she didn't know where the problem was.

It was fine yesterday, but what happened all of a sudden?
"Young Mistress, are you okay? Did you quarrel with the third master again?"

Ye Sisi forced a smile, "It's okay."

"You guys have to be good and don't quarrel. This is how you live every day." Sister Li said.

In Sister Li's eyes, Ye Sisi and Leng Shaohan are already a family.

"En." Ye Sisi responded lightly.

I suddenly thought, if I 'died' in two days, would it implicate Sister Li?

Sister Li is a good person, if she gets hurt because of her own affairs, then she is too pitiful.

With the brutality of the Leng family, I don't know what will happen to her.

Shall I drive her away first?Don't let her suffer from the disaster.

But if you drive her away, where can she go?
How can I drive her away?
Scolding her again like last time?

"Sister Li, where is your home? Who else is there?" Ye Sisi asked.

"My family is from the countryside. After graduating from high school, I had no money to go to college, so I went out to work. Later, I met my husband in the factory, and we had a child. Later, I went to learn housekeeping. Once, Leng's family hired a servant. , I came for the interview. Luckily, I passed the interview.”

"So you have a child, how old is it, why have I never seen you go home?"

"My child is two years old! With the gauge of the Leng family, he can only go home twice a year. Once he goes home, he can stay at home for two weeks."

As she spoke, Sister Li's eyes sparkled, "In two months, I will be able to go home for the New Year. I will be able to see my child!"

The child is only two years old, and she has to come out to work. Life is really difficult.

"Sister Li, have you considered changing your job, a job where you can spend a lot of time with your family?" Ye Sisi asked.

Sister Li shook her head, "The salary at Leng's house is twice that of outsiders! Although there are more gauges, the salary is also generous. It's an honor for people like us to work in Leng's house. I can't change jobs. Young mistress, Tell me what I did wrong, and don't drive me away!"

(End of this chapter)

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