fall into his palm

Chapter 66 Are All Ruthless

Chapter 66 Are All Ruthless
When Sister Li said this, Ye Sisi didn't know what to say.

If life is not really difficult, no one is willing to put down a two-year-old child to be a nanny.

It's unfair to her to think about driving Sister Li away now.

But if she was allowed to stay, after a few days her plan succeeded, she would definitely be involved, there was hardly any suspense.

Neither He Yuzhen's people nor Leng Shaohan's people will let her go.

Even if I was manipulated by Leng's family like an ant, let alone a servant like Sister Li.

What should we do about it?

It must not let her lose her job, and not implicate her.

The only way is to have her transferred back to He Yuzhen's side and someone else will come over.

She can still get a salary there, and she will not be held accountable after her accident.

Just do it.

I'm sorry, Miss Li.


After breakfast, I came to the hospital, first went to see the rehabilitation of the ear, then took off the equipment, and came to Jiang Shangzhi.

Fortunately, the child was fine after the examination.

It is necessary to speed up the plan, otherwise it will happen a few more times, and there is no guarantee that the child will have an accident.

After coming out of the hospital, Ye Sisi came to the headquarters of the Leng Group.

Leng's Building is the tallest building in Jiangcheng, soaring into the sky, overlooking the entire Jiangcheng.

Just like the status of the Leng family in Jiangcheng, it is so high that no one can match it.

No matter how dirty it is inside, it is still glamorous on the surface. Marrying into the Leng family and becoming a member of the Leng family is still the dream of many celebrities.

Ye Sisi was about to enter the building when she was stopped by security guards.

"Miss, who are you looking for?"

"Leng Shaohan." Ye Sisi said.

The security guard froze for a moment, the name sounded familiar.

"Which department is he in?" the security guard asked.

Which department?He is the president here, which department should he belong to?

"Well... the president will do it."

"Your friend works at the president's office?"


"Then have you contacted him and asked him to come down to pick you up?"

"I haven't contacted him. I'll call him now."

"Then you stand over there and wait, don't block the way of others." The security guard pointed outside
"I didn't block other people's way, I just stood here and waited, it's too cold outside." Ye Sisi said.

"Why don't you listen to say hello? I asked you to wait outside, did you hear that?" the security guard scolded with a straight face.

Seeing that Ye Sisi was dressed casually and didn't look like an elite person, the security guard didn't respect her very much.

Ye Sisi couldn't hear it, but from his expression and lips, he knew that he was trying to kill her.

Are all Leng's security guards like this?

While sending a message to Tang Jin, Ye Sisi said, "You will be unemployed soon."

"What did you say?" the security guard asked.

Deafer than me?

Ye Sisi didn't bother to talk to him, so she really retreated outside and waited.

Soon Tang Jin hurried out from the president's special elevator.

"Young Mistress, why are you here, go in quickly, it's cold outside!"

Ye Sisi pointed at the security guard, with a delicate and aggrieved face, "He wouldn't let me in, and said I was blocking the way of others, and told me to roll outside to enjoy the cold wind."

The security guards are low-level, and they don't know Tang Jin either.

However, looking at Tang Jin's suit and outstanding temperament, he knew that this must be a difficult character.

Tang Jin didn't bother to get angry at the security guard directly, but called the manager of the security department.

He didn't say much, just said: "Young Mistress came to look for Third Master. The people from the security department asked Young Mistress to blow cold wind outside. Your wings are stiff, and Leng Shi can't tolerate you anymore."

The manager of the security department was so frightened that he was sweating, he slapped the security guard twice, "Quickly apologize!"

Ye Sisi turned and walked away, responding with her back: I don't accept it.

In Leng's family, I have suffered enough from such idiots, but I can't forgive them, I just want them to be punished.

The manager of the security department roared from behind: "Pack up your things and get out of Jiangcheng immediately!"

After entering the president's special elevator, I found that the elevator was surrounded by mirrors.

I don't know if Leng Shaohan made someone pretend, if so, it's really smug to the extreme.

Ye Sisi looked at herself in the mirror, her waist had indeed become obviously thicker, and her abdomen could hardly be hidden.

Ye Sisi nodded at the thought that there were three of them.

Fortunately, what happened last night didn't affect them, which means that the three little ones inside are all ruthless people, maybe even more ruthless than themselves.

You have to let them come to this world to be tough.

Ye Sisi was distracted for a moment, and the elevator had already stopped.

The speed of this elevator is probably twice as fast as that of ordinary elevators, which is also in line with Leng Shaohan's character.

"The third master is in a meeting. Please sit down for a while. Would you like coffee or tea?" Tang Jin asked.

Looking at Tang Jin, Ye Sisi suddenly had another idea.

"Mr. Tang, I have something I want to ask you for help, can I?"

"Young Mistress, don't call me Mr. Tang, just call me Tang Jin. And if you have anything to do, you can just tell me directly. You really don't have to be so polite, I can't bear it." Tang Jin said in fear.

"It's really hard to tell..."

"It's okay, just tell me. As long as I can do it, I will do my best."

"It's like this. I have a friend whose birthday is coming up, and I was invited to her birthday party. But I don't have enough money to buy gifts, so I want to..."

Tang Jin froze for a moment, "Are you asking me to borrow money?"

"If it's difficult, I'll think of a way." Ye Sisi said.

Tang Jin was really embarrassed about this matter.

As Leng Shaohan's special assistant, the top three executives of the Leng Group, with an annual salary of tens of millions, he is not short of money.

But to lend it to Ye Sisi, he had to think about it.

The young mistress has a history of running away, if she borrows money to run away, then she will be in disaster.

Ye Sisi really didn't want to ask him to borrow it, and knew that he would be embarrassed, so he would definitely report it to Leng Shaohan.

In this way, I don't have to ask Leng Shaohan for money, he will give it to me.

And Ye Sisi's purpose is to get Leng Shaohan's credit card to complete the next plan.

"Young Mistress, have you told the Third Master about this?" Tang Jin asked cautiously.

"Not yet, I'm too embarrassed to tell him." Ye Sisi said.

"I'm very willing and honored to lend you money, but the third master has ordered that you have to report anything about you to him."

"I just asked you to borrow it because I was too embarrassed to ask him. If it's inconvenient for you, forget it. You must never tell him, it's too embarrassing." Ye Sisi said.

"This one……"

Tang Jin was too embarrassed.

"Okay, how much do you want to borrow?"

Ye Sisi froze for a moment, did he really borrow it?
But my purpose is not really to ask you to borrow money!
I don't know what to do with you like this!
"5000 yuan should be able to buy a small gift." Ye Sisi said.

Tang Jin was startled. Is the young lady so poor that she has to borrow 5000 yuan?
(End of this chapter)

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