fall into his palm

Chapter 68 So Exaggerated

Chapter 68 So Exaggerated
Leng Shaohan's hearing is first-rate, but his stomach is not good.

So he has been mainly eating light food, just to avoid shocking the already weak stomach.

Spicy hot pot, like watching a performance in a nightclub, is also torture for him.

He endured it yesterday, and he has to continue to endure it today.

Generally speaking, pregnant women are more disgusted with greasy food, but Ye Sisi doesn't seem to be so repulsive, and even yearns for it.

I don't know if it is because I am pregnant with three children, so I have a greater demand for food calories?

Or because I was very hungry last time, I ate fried chicken and pork knuckle, which made the little guys in my stomach addicted?

The soup that came up was dark red with a thick layer of oil on the surface.

Leng Shaohan looked at the soup in Huanli, his expression was calm, but his stomach had already begun to reject it.

Ye Sisi ordered a bunch of messy things, including animal offal, and some things that Leng Shaohan hadn't even heard of, such as brain flowers.

I have some doubts in my heart, can this thing still be eaten?

"Let's start." Ye Sisi greeted.

Leng Shaohan nodded, but did not move.

"Do you think the taste is too strong?" Ye Sisi asked.


"Then eat."

Ye Sisi enthusiastically picked up a duck intestine and put it in Leng Shaohan's bowl.

Leng Shaohan took a look and his throat moved.

Not greedy, but fearful.

"You don't like to eat?" Ye Sisi asked again.

"It's okay." Leng Shaohan still said those two words.

"Then eat."

Leng Shaohan became cruel and stuffed the duck intestines into his mouth.

Spicy, numb and oily, Leng Shaohan felt that his sense of taste was in a state of numbness.

All I want to do now is to chew these things up and swallow them as quickly as possible.

As expected of the third master, he still did it.

Although very difficult.

Ye Sisi specially asked the boss to add a kind of chili sauce to the hot pot base.

In this chili sauce, there are many kinds of dried fruits, peanuts, walnuts and almonds, all of which can make Leng Shaohan allergic.

Anyway, I have to eat, so I will try again to see if Leng Shaohan is allergic.

After eating for a while, Leng Shaohan's already fair face became paler and paler.

Even thin beads of sweat began to emerge.

Ye Sisi thought to herself, is this a phenomenon of allergies?
Leng Shaohan only felt that his stomach was burning like fire, and his stomach began to colic.

Although endured, but still on the verge of collapse.

Finally couldn't take it anymore, stood up, and walked quickly to the bathroom.

Judging from the frequency of the pace, it should be anxious to pull.

Ye Sisi frowned, will allergies cause diarrhea?
Or was it too spicy and too oily, causing his diarrhea?
After a few minutes, Leng Shaohan came back, but he stood up again not long after he sat down.

This time the pace was faster than last time.

Ye Sisi sent a message to Tang Jin, "Your boss doesn't seem to be doing well, he keeps running to the bathroom."

Tang Jin asked, "What did you have for lunch?"

Ye Sisi replied: "Spicy hot pot."

Tang Jin: I will call an ambulance immediately.

So exaggerated?


In the ward, Leng Shao was giving the infusion with a cold face.

He didn't expect his stomach to be so vulnerable that he was directly dehydrated.

The hateful thing is that this woman is still secretly smiling.

Although she sympathized on the surface, there was a smile in her eyes, and she thought she couldn't see it.

"I'm not in a good state today." Leng Shaohan was still stubborn, with a look of refusal to admit defeat.

"Yeah, let's continue after you are discharged from the hospital. I'm optimistic about you." Ye Sisi said thoughtfully.


"Can you go out?" Leng Shaohan asked angrily.

"it is good."

I wanted to leave a long time ago, who wants to accompany you?Think too much.

Outside the VIP ward, Tang Jin was explaining something to the doctor.

Ye Sisi stood by and waited for him to finish speaking before saying, "I'm sorry to trouble you, I didn't know he couldn't eat spicy food."

"Not only spicy food, but also irritating food can't be eaten. But this time the reaction is indeed a bit exaggerated, and I understand that you didn't mean it."

No no no, I did it on purpose.

But I just wanted to make him allergic, but I didn't expect to make a mistake and make him have diarrhea.

In short, as long as it can cause harm to him, the method is not important.

"Then does he need to be hospitalized? How long will he stay?"

"The doctor said he would have to stay until tomorrow at least, but he wanted to leave after the infusion, young mistress, can you persuade the third master?" Tang Jin said.

This must be advised, the longer he is hospitalized, the easier it is for me to carry out the plan.

"I will persuade him that he can move his office phone and work here, so that he will not delay work and be more relaxed."

"Okay, I'll trouble you then."

"But I can't persuade you now. He is angry. If I persuade him, he will probably leave immediately."

"then what should we do?"

"Wait for him to calm down, I'll go back and make some porridge for him to make him feel better."

"That's the best, hardworking young mistress."

"You're welcome, this is also caused by me, and I'm responsible for it."


When I came out of the hospital, I originally wanted Sister Li to cook porridge for Leng Shaohan in the villa, but after thinking about it, I don't bother Sister Li anymore, Leng Shaohan is not worthy of him.

After wandering around for a while, I came to a porridge shop, bought a bowl of white porridge, added a spoonful of sugar to it, packed it and took it back to the hospital.

Leng Shaohan's computer has been brought to the hospital, and he is working.

Seeing Ye Sisi, he ignored her and continued to work with a cold face.

Ye Sisi put down the porridge, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you can't eat spicy food, I cooked the porridge for you myself, you can take a bite before you get busy."

Leng Shaohan looked at the disposable porridge bowl, with a look of suspicion: "You boiled this yourself?"

Ye Sisi suddenly realized that the porridge bowl was too crude.

How could the Leng family use disposable tableware?
So I put on a serious face: "I was going to boil it for you myself, but you also know that I have to try and test several times. Once or twice will definitely not succeed, at least three times, four times, five times, Even more times, I was worried that you were starving, so I had to buy it on the street. Although I didn't cook it myself, I bought it myself."


Is there a big difference between making it yourself and buying it yourself?
This woman has no sincerity, and she still wants to lie to me. Do you think I'm an idiot?

"Get well soon, and I'll cook porridge for you myself." Ye Sisi said softly.

Because I can't hear, I don't know if my tone is soft enough, but when I exhale, I try to be as soft as possible.

The actual audience, Leng Shaohan, also felt very soft when he heard it, and felt that his bones were crisp.

Leng Shaohan felt that he had fallen and was completely domesticated by this deaf woman.

This is really scary!

How did he degenerate step by step?
Is there any help?How to save yourself?
While thinking about how to save himself, he obediently picked up the porridge and started drinking it.

It turns out that the porridge bought outside is also delicious, so you don't have to cook it yourself.

Leng Shaohan felt that he had forgiven Ye Sisi, and he began to feel a little grateful.

He even forgot that this bowl of porridge only cost a few dollars, but in fact it was this deaf man who caused him to be hospitalized.

Even earlier, he personally gave him a secondary card that can be used for tens of millions.

"The doctor said that you have to be hospitalized for continuous treatment, otherwise your illness will be more serious. If you are sick, you have to take care of yourself and not be willful. Can you leave the hospital tomorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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