fall into his palm

Chapter 69 Jumping into the Yellow River

Chapter 69 Jumping into the Yellow River
Leng Shaohan didn't speak.

He felt that Ye Sisi tricked him into hospital like a child, which was a bit too much for him.

Even though he was proud, he still began to feel some rejection in his heart.

I can't let her go on like this, or I will lose more and more status in front of her.

"If you're bored, I'll come to the hospital with you at night."

Ye Sisi pointed to the accompanying bed on one side, "I can sleep there."

Leng Shaohan wanted to say that this hospital bed is actually very big, so it can sleep two people without any problem.

But after all, he didn't say it, and barely spit out a few words from his mouth: "Let's talk."

This is actually a promise, but it's just a bit arrogant at the end.


In order to show her sincerity, Ye Sisi really asked Sister Li to help cook the porridge at night, and was going to send it to the hospital for Leng Shaohan to eat.

After Sister Li cooked the porridge, Ye Si thought for a while, took Sister Li's hand and said, "Sister Li, thank you for taking care of me all this time, but I am going to tell Leng Shaohan to transfer you back to He Yuzhen." I'm leaving, and another servant will come over."

When Sister Li heard this, she became anxious, "Is there something I didn't do well? If I don't do something well, you can point it out, young mistress, and don't drive me away. Please!"

"It's not that you didn't do well, it's that Leng Shaohan and I have some plans to implement. You also know that the Leng family has always been fighting among themselves. You have a family and children, and I don't want you to get involved. You go over there and do it first." For a while, when we finish the plan. Come back, okay?"

Li Li was full of reluctance in her heart, but Ye Sisi said so, she knew that even if she wanted to force her to stay, she couldn't stay.

She was so sad that she shed tears, "Okay then. How is your ear, young mistress? When will you hear it? You are a good person and you must get better. Although San Shao has a bad temper, he actually loves you in his heart. You and San The Lord also needs to be good. In the words of our common people, it is enough to live a decent life, there are so many perfections."

Ye Sisi's eyes turned red with a smile, "I'm also an ordinary person, not a big shot, and I actually quite envy you. In terms of happiness, I'm far behind you."

Seeing that Ye Sisi's eyes were red, Sister Li also wiped her tears sadly, "Third Master is indeed not very good-tempered, you have to endure what you should bear in the future, otherwise we women will be the ones who suffer. Let's get along for a while and get used to it." , and there will be no more quarrels."

Ye Sisi nodded vigorously, "Okay, I'll remember. You have to take care too. By the way, is your child a boy or a girl, and what's his name?"

"It's a boy, named Maomao."

"Maomao, yes, I remember."

Ye Sisi took out the [-] cash she had prepared from her bag and stuffed it to Sister Li, "Sister Li, this is for you, thank you for taking care of me all the time. You can go home next month, buy some gifts for the child , Just take it as a little bit of my heart as an aunt."

"No, no, I've already been paid at Leng's house, young mistress don't give me any more money!" Li Li quickly declined.

"It's just a little thought, please accept it, it's not for you, it's for the children."

This money was actually Ye Sisi's compensation to Li Li.

When Wu Chaomin and He Yuzhen dealt with Ye Sisi before, Li Li desperately protected Ye Sisi.

Sending her back to Leng's house now, Wu Chaomin might not be able to tolerate her anymore.

But if she is left here and the plan succeeds in a few days, she may be even worse.

So she was involved in it after all, and her job could not be kept, so she could only be compensated.

The two argued for a long time, but Li Li didn't want it, so Ye Sisi had to pretend to be angry: "If you don't accept it, it's too little. Or you have a problem with me."

"It's not like this, young mistress..."

"Then accept it, or I'll be really angry!"

"Okay, then I will thank you on behalf of Maomao. If there is a chance, I will bring my child to see you."

"it is good."

That's what I said, but after this farewell, I'm afraid we won't see each other again.

"Then I'm going to deliver food to the third master. You can pack up later and go back to Leng's house. See you later."

Seeing Li Li crying, Ye Sisi gently hugged her.

Although the world is cold, there are always people who give you warmth, but they will leave eventually.

Then he took the lunch box and left without looking back.

I don't want to involve too much anymore, which will only increase the sadness.

Everyone is a passerby, and I will leave in a few days, and I will not come back again.

"By the way, Sister Li, before you leave, help me cook a pot of white fungus porridge with rock sugar."

Sister Li choked up, "Okay, young mistress."


Leng Shaohan took a sip and said to Ye Sisi, "This is the porridge made at home."

"I have something to tell you. I told Sister Li to go back to my wife." Ye Sisi said.

"Why? Is she not doing well?"

"I think she is a bit stupid and has a low EQ. I don't like her very much, so I let her go."

"It's just a servant, so let's send it away. But the old lady will definitely send someone over in the name of caring for us. This person is my mother's confidant, and I'm afraid it will be even more harmful to us."

Ye Sisi also thought of this, but this is actually better.

Since he can protect Sister Li, maybe he can use He Yuzhen's people to do something.

"It's my friend's birthday tonight. I'm going to socialize and I'll be right back." Ye Sisi said.

"Which friend are you?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"A high school classmate, she's in Anying's group. I'll go and be back soon."

Although Leng Shaohan was a little unhappy, he didn't strongly object.

"Can I drive your car there?" Ye Sisi asked again.

Leng Shaohan didn't speak.


The bureau really existed, and it was indeed An Ying and the others who organized it.

But the birthday person and Ye Sisi had a normal relationship and hadn't contacted for a long time.

My birthday was celebrated at Huang Daya's Miqing Street Nightclub, and everyone had a great time.

Ye Sisi found Ma Zai who brought her medicine last time, "The third master is going to hold a party and needs a batch of goods, and I can give you half a catty. The car is parked outside and unlocked. You can just send the goods to the trunk after you get the goods."

"It's half a catty? I want to ask our boss for instructions."

"Your boss already knows, what else do you know? It's not that I won't give you money!"

"If the quantity is large, you have to pay first."

"I didn't bring cash, I swiped my card."

Ye Sisi took out Leng Shaohan's credit card.

"I'm afraid this is not good. For a large amount of goods, we don't go to the bank to pay, we pay directly in cash."

"Whoever still uses cash these days, it will be fine to say that it is the consumption of drinks in nightclubs."

Only by swiping the card can the consumption records be left, and after a later investigation, it can be proved that these things were bought by Leng Shaohan.

The car also belonged to Leng Shaohan, so it was parked under surveillance.

Although it was Ye Sisi who drove here, she was ordered by Leng Shaohan to pick up the goods.

All the pots belonged to Leng Shaohan, even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he couldn't wash them off.

(End of this chapter)

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