fall into his palm

Chapter 98 More Than Enough

Chapter 98 More Than Enough
Ye Sisi was a little worried: "Brother Ruochen, this is a personal grievance between me and her, so don't get involved. I would be very grateful if you could help me take the child away."

An Ruochen smiled softly, "Are you worried that I won't be able to deal with him?"

"That's not true, I have great confidence in Brother Ruochen. It's just that Leng Shaohan is not a human being, he is a devil, and he can do anything. Brother Ruochen is a normal person and will not be unscrupulous like him, so ..."

"You're still worried that I can't beat him." An Ruochen was not annoyed, "Don't worry, the Leng Shaohan of today is not the Leng Shaohan of that day. The Leng family of today is not the Leng family of that year." An Ruochen Ruochen smiled.

Ever since Leng Shaohan's 'crime' couldn't show up, Leng Maoze has been in charge of the Leng Family. The Leng Group is in decline. The current market value is only one-third of what it used to be.

The An family, which used to be ranked third, has already surpassed the Leng family and the Zhu family in just four years, becoming the number one rich family in Jiangcheng.

That's why An Ruochen was so confident in handling Leng Shaohan.

It's not that Ye Sisi has no confidence in An Ruochen, let alone the An family.

It's just that she felt that with Leng Shaohan's character, if he wasn't fully sure of controlling the overall situation, he wouldn't appear rashly.

If Leng Shaohan and An Ruochen fought fiercely because of his own affairs, and if that devil Leng Shaohan attacked An Ruochen ruthlessly, then he would be guilty of a great crime.

But An Ruochen was so confident, if Ye Sisi said anything else, it would appear that he was suspected of growing a villain's ambition and destroying An Ruochen's prestige, so he had no choice but to stop talking.

She was thinking in her heart, how to convince An Ying to convince her brother, and take her two children back to Jiangcheng as soon as possible.

At this time, the mobile phone vibrated suddenly, and it was the restaurant owner.

The owner of this restaurant is Ye Sisi's friend, and he often calls him to reserve a table, so he is familiar with him.

It's just that I didn't make a reservation today, so why is the restaurant owner calling?
Pick up the phone, "Hello."

"Hello, Miss Ye, your two babies are eating in my restaurant, why didn't I see you?"



Little Treasure never treats himself badly when it comes to eating, he ordered a table of his favorite food, and then started to eat in suspense.

Dabao frowned, sister, it was really because of this mouth that she could miss all the big things.

The agreed agreement to have dinner with He Lin was to set him up, but in front of the delicious food, Sister Greedy seemed to have completely forgotten the business.

He stretched out his hand to paw his younger sister, "Ye Jiao, eat slowly."

Xiaobao let out an 'um', but his movements did not slow down at all, and he continued to eat.

Dabao sighed, he would not have come if he knew earlier.

Leng Shaohan looked at Dabao's performance and knew that he must have something to say.

"If you have any questions, you can ask me directly." Leng Shaohan said with a smile.

"We asked each other three questions, and we had to answer them truthfully." Dabao said with a sullen face.

Leng Shaohan smiled and nodded, "Sure, you should ask first or I will ask first."

"Rock-paper-scissors." Dabao said.

"Yes. How about this? A total of six questions are used as bets. The winner can ask one question, and the loser has no right to ask. If I don't win once, you can ask me six questions. Conversely, if you can't beat me once, You have no right to ask me questions."

Leng Shaohan seemed to have never played such a childish game, but he was very happy to play this game with this child.

And he believed that with his IQ, it was more than enough to deal with a child.

Of course he didn't want to be interrogated by a child. If the question was too sensitive, he couldn't tell the truth, and it was even more unkind to lie to the child.

So no need to answer, it is the best choice.

Although Xiaobao was eating, her little ears were pricked up, and she could hear clearly what her brother and He Lin said.

He Lin dared to play rock-paper-scissors with his brother, that was beyond his control.

In her impression, her brother rarely loses in this game.

Unless it is luck that can make my brother lose the first time, otherwise as long as it is repeated the second time, my brother will definitely win.

I don't know why my brother won, but he just loves to win.

Seeing that Dabao didn't speak, Leng Shaohan thought that Dabao was worried about losing, so he comforted him: "If I win five times in a row, you will win the last round. You are allowed to ask me a question."

Dabao listened and thought for a while, "It's okay, if I win five times in a row, I'll let you win once."

Leng Shaohan smiled loudly.

"Okay, let's start then."

Xiao Bao took a tissue and wiped his oily mouth, "I'll be the referee!"

"Scissors, paper, rock!"

Leng Shaohan made a fist, Dabao was a palm, Dabao won.

The corner of Leng Shaohan's mouth twitched.

This must be luck, it's the first time playing, children are more lucky, so let him play first.

"In the first round, brother wins!" Xiaobao cheered.

"Mr. He, I'm going to start asking questions." Dabao said.


"Excuse me, Mr. He, are you donating things to our school to get close to us?"

Leng Shaohan froze for a moment, so sharp?
"Yes." Leng Shaohan had no choice but to answer truthfully.

If you don't answer the first question truthfully, I'm afraid you won't be able to play this game.

"Okay, then let's guess punches again." Dabao said.

"Scissors, paper, rock!"

Both were out of scissors.

Next, Dabao produced scissors, and Leng Shaohan produced cloth.

"Brother wins!" Xiaobao said, raising his hand.

Leng Shaohan looked at his hands, and the corner of his mouth twitched again, this must be luck again!
"Second question, what was the relationship between Mr. He and my mother before?" Dabao asked.

Don't ask directly if you know my mother, just ask what is the relationship.

Zhao Lai became sharper.

Leng Shaohan was really stumped, how should he answer this?

What is the relationship with that woman?enemy?friend?

It seems like they are, and it seems they are not.

They used to live together, but then she engineered him and pulled him from his altar.

This directly led to the downfall of the Leng family, making it difficult for him to return home.

Originally, he had a big job to do, but because of that woman, he quickly lost what he finally got, and even almost lost his life.

From this aspect, it is undoubtedly the enemy.

But he always remembered her, hated her, and hoped that she would live well.

This kind of emotion is only for friends, right?
"Mr. He, you have to answer my brother's question, you can't play tricks." Xiao Bao urged.

"I have known your mother for a long time, we are very close."

That's all Leng Shaohan can say.

So many grievances and entanglements, can you not be familiar with them?

He can even remember the smell on her body, can he not be familiar with her?
Dabao thought about it for a while, but felt that his question was not sharp enough. After asking this way, he felt that the results were very small.

But you can only ask one question at a time. The opponent is too cunning, and he didn't give a dry answer without cheating.

Kind of hard.

(End of this chapter)

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