Chapter 99
But winning is always better than losing.

At the beginning of the third round, Dabao won again.

Leng Shaohan felt that his luck was really bad, and he lost to a child in a row.

This is unscientific and unreasonable.

But still managed to maintain a smile, "You won again, you can ask questions."

"Mr. He agrees, my question is, will you hurt my mother?"

Leng Shaohan's heart skipped a beat.

This question is really sharper than the other.

Seeing Leng Shaohan's hesitation, Dabao's heart skipped a beat.

No wonder my mother didn't let me get close to this person. It turned out that he was a bad person, and he wanted to harm my mother!
"Mr. He, you should answer it. Is this question difficult?" Dabao said.

Leng Shaohan came back to his senses, gritted his teeth, "No."


"That's another question." Leng Shaohan said.

"No, this is the same question, because I want to know whether Mr. He's answer is true or false? Mr. He, don't think that we are children, and you can coax us at will. It is even more shameful to coax children. Those who dare not tell the truth must be cowardly." Dabao insisted.

Leng Shaohan was greatly shocked.

I knew that these two children were powerful, but I didn't expect them to be so powerful.

This boy speaks with sharp words, just like an adult.

"So far, I have no intention of hurting her, but the world of adults is very complicated, and I can't guarantee that I won't in the future. For example, if your mother framed me for murder, can't I hurt her too? At least at the moment, I have no intention of hurting her." What you said is true." Leng Shaohan explained seriously.

"My mother won't frame people." Xiao Bao said with a pouted mouth.

Although this Mr. He is handsome and generous, but no matter what, he can't speak ill of his mother.

Whoever says mother's words are bad, then he and Xiaobao are not friends!
Leng Shaohan smiled wryly, your mother won't frame people?If that's the case, why am I called He Lin?

It is said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive others. This sentence is most suitable for your mother!

But Dabao expressed his understanding. The relationship between adults is changing at any time, and he understands this.

"Then let's come again."

"Scissors, paper, rock!"


"Scissors, paper, rock!"

Leng Shaohan loses.

He finally began to doubt his skills, or is this thing really about skills?
But how skilled is a child?

But I just lost, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"My question this time is, what is your purpose for approaching us?" Dabao asked.

"This one……"

"You must answer!"

Leng Shaohan thought for a while, "I approach you because I want to know who your father is."

This is the real answer, no lie.

Dabao and Xiaobao glanced at each other.

In fact, they themselves do not know who their father is.

It's not that I haven't asked my mother this question, but my mother's answer is that my father left when I was very young, and I don't know where he went.

Since Dad doesn't love you, you don't need to know who he is.

Now that He Lin actually asked this question, Dabao and Xiaobao thought, why don't you just ask my mother, if she tells you, tell us!
We want to know too!
"Okay, then let's continue." Dabao said.

"Then who is your father?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"Mr. He, only winners can ask questions." Xiaobao reminded.

Leng Shaohan stretched out his hand in frustration, "Then come again."

After losing four games in a row, why should we win one game?
"Scissors, paper, rock!"

This round was not so quick to decide the winner, and the same thing happened three or four times in a row.

But in the end Leng Shaohan was still defeated.

Really embarrassing.

Howling in my heart, I had to put on a smile on the surface, "You won again."

"Yes, according to our agreement, if you lose five games in a row, I can let you play one game. After you answer this question, you can ask me a question." Dabao said seriously.

"it is good."

It's so embarrassing to accept alms from a child!
But if you don't accept it, you may not even have the chance to ask a question, it's so sad!

"I don't ask questions this time, I want you to promise." Dabao said.

"What promise?" Leng Shaohan asked.

"On the premise that my mother didn't take the initiative to attack you, you can't hurt my mother." Dabao said.

Leng Shaohan smiled, "Why should I promise you?"

"You don't have to agree, but if you don't agree, you don't come to us again in the future. We are enemies, not friends." Dabao said.

Xiaobao also put on a serious face, "Yes! If you don't agree, we are enemies! Anyone who hurts my mother is an enemy!"

Leng Shaohan actually felt the invisible pressure.

He found that he didn't want the two little guys to regard him as an enemy, and he didn't know why.

But if you agree, then some things will be difficult to handle.

"It's fine if you don't agree. You don't need to buy this meal. I'll pay for it myself. You can buy it." Dabao said coldly.

Leng Shaohan saw that this cold little face was more like himself.

Especially the eyebrows and eyes, they are printed out of the same mold, can't that woman see it?
It was impossible for her not to see that she was only deaf but not blind.

"I promise."

After Leng Shaohan finished speaking, the corner of his mouth twitched again.

He actually agreed?Is this crazy?
After years of dormancy, he finally came back, and now he wants to let go of the woman who wanted to kill him?
Dabao and Xiaobao glanced at each other, and Xiaobao cheered.

In fact, Dabao had no hope, and he didn't think that Leng Shaohan would agree to his somewhat unreasonable request.

Unexpectedly, he agreed!
"He Lin, as long as you don't hurt my mother, we can be friends in the future!" Xiaobao said happily.

Leng Shaohan forced a smile, should I feel honored?
"Then what you say counts." Leng Shaohan said.


"Then according to the rules, can I ask you a question, and you have to answer it truthfully?" Leng Shaohan said.

"Of course!" Xiaobao replied crisply on behalf of his brother.

"Okay, then..."

Before Leng Shaohan could say anything, he saw the eyes of the two little ancestors looking straight behind him.

The expression is very fearful.

Turning her head quickly, she saw Ye Sisi glaring and rushing towards her with big strides.

"Shameless villain, dare to touch my child!"

As Ye Sisi said, she rushed towards Leng Shaohan like a little she-wolf protecting her cubs.

While walking, he picked up a chair and used it as a weapon. It seemed that he wanted to fight Leng Shaohan to the death.

Both Dabao and Xiaobao exclaimed.

Leng Shaohan didn't like it, so he hurriedly said loudly: "I didn't hurt the children, if you don't believe me, you can ask them!"

(End of this chapter)

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