The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 14 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 14 Resentful Soul Lock (13)

On the day of the sacrifice, the village was extremely lively. The villagers had happy smiles on their faces. Everyone wore beautiful clothes and wore a beautiful red flower on their heads. The smiles of the children and the cheerful voices of the villagers echoed in the village overflowing.

If players don't know about sacrifice, they will definitely be infected by this cheerful atmosphere.

But now, players know that such a cheerful atmosphere is just celebrating the passing of a young life.

Guan Twelve looked at A Ping, who was still wearing the same attire as before, without flowers on his head. His hands were clenched tightly into fists. He was angry, because tonight, the young life who died was his childhood sweetheart.

At this moment, Shao Qiuyan leaned over, wearing a red flower on his head and handing Guan Twelve one, he asked with a smile, "Don't you wear it?"

Guan Twelve glanced at A Ping who was about to kill Shaoqiuyan next to him: Stop your provocative behavior!Didn't you see that the NPC beside you is resisting the urge to kill you? !

Shaoqiuyan didn't seem to notice it, he looked at the big red flower in his hand and still commented: "It's really LOW to wear a red flower on your head, the main reason is that this flower is not good-looking! Really beautiful peonies, rich and noble flowers, peonies, these are not They are all very good, why do you have to bring this rose."

"The village is rich in roses, why do you care so much?" The player looked impatient.

"Do you know what the flower language of rose is?" Shaoqiuyan played with the rose in his hand, he didn't seem to care about Guan Twelve's answer, and said to himself: "It's hope, it's glory, it's happiness, and it grows beautifully." .”

Guan Twelve silently looked at Shaoqiu and said: So?and then? ?
"Don't you think it's very interesting? This group of villagers wear hope and happiness on their heads, and use this flower as a sacrificial flower. I heard that they will throw this flower into the sea of ​​fire when they burn the sacrificer. Don't you think it's ridiculous to destroy happiness and hope with your own hands?"

"I just think you talk too much." Guan Twelve looked at Shaoqiuyan speechlessly.

And it's a little secondary.

"You are so indifferent." Shao Qiuyan shook his head, with a tone of hatred.

"You think too much. People who know me say that I am warm, kind, elegant and generous." Guan Twelve was unexpectedly sensitive about his personality.

"That's what they're saying to you politely, you take it seriously." Shaoqiuyan said with a sigh.

"You are annoying, please stay away from me." The player no longer wants to stand with this idiot player in the second grade, she is afraid that she will want to kill him before night, no, she wants to kill him now!

The time for the sacrificial offering was at Haishi in the evening, and their plan was to go to Xiaowei's place first in the afternoon, do a trick and then sabotage the sacrificial offering.

What surprised them was that Shaoqiuyan said that he would not participate in this plan, and that he wanted to stroll around the village: "It's not surprising that this is my last day in this village, so I won't go with you. Let me feel the atmosphere of offering sacrifices in the village."

This sentence successfully pulled up Aping's hatred value.

Even Xu Xiaotian is not very puzzled, what does it mean to stay in the village for the last day? ?

The players are very clear about what Shaoqiuyan said, obviously, tonight is the players' brawl meeting!

This storyline is coming to an end soon.

That being the case, Guan Twelve also said that he would not go with them.

She is now preparing for the fight.

This also puzzled Xu Xiaotian, but Li Zhong knew very well that he still remembered the news. He looked at Guan Twelve and asked with a complicated expression: "Can you really only do this?"

Naturally, what he was talking about was fighting each other. He had already learned from Aping that there was no custom of killing each other in Jianpu Village, but they were still fighting, which meant that they were not really a simple village. The villagers, they come from other places, and the simple village is the arena where they agreed to fight!
"Only in this way can we end." Guan Twelve knew what Li Zhong was talking about, no matter what he was thinking, the result was the same, he already knew that they had to fight each other.

"I still don't understand! Why are you doing this?!" For the first time, Li Zhong showed a puzzled and helpless expression to Guan Twelve. He didn't understand why, these living beings had to fight each other!It has to be like this, only one person can survive!

Guan Twelve didn't answer his question. There was no need for the player to answer to the NPC some advanced questions like the rules of the game.

She left the protagonist group, held the dagger at her waist in the palm of her hand, and walked straight forward.

All right!The game has officially started! !
On the other side, Xu Xiaotian and the others arrived at Xiaowei's location, and everyone saw several guards standing at the door of Xiaowei's house, probably to prevent Xiaowei from escaping.

A Ping gritted his teeth and wanted to attack but was pulled back by Xu Xiaotian.

Isn't storming at this time just waiting to die? ?
Xu Xiaotian glanced around, surrounded by villagers looking at him, how would they break in? !

【Follow me~】

At this time, Xu Xiaotian seemed to hear something, and then looked in the direction of the sound. It was a red rope, which was tied to his little finger at some time, and the other side of the red rope led to an unknown place.

I don't know why Xu Xiaotian chose to believe in this red rope, he said to others: "Follow me."

Then walk in the direction of the red rope.

The red rope led them along a remote path. This path should not have been discovered yet, so there was no one around. The three of them followed this path and quickly arrived at the room where Xiaowei was. There were many guards outside. There were not many people in the house, Xu Xiaotian was about to go in when he suddenly heard the sound of something falling inside:

"I don't want it! I don't want it! What a great day! You are forcing me to die!"

The sound of throwing things came from the room with the girl's angry and wronged cry.

"It is such an honor to be transformed into the power of the God of Harvest to bring prosperity and happiness to the village! You should feel honored!"

Another old man's voice came from inside the house.

"I don't want it, I don't want it, since it's such an honor, you go!" Suddenly, a slap interrupted the girl's cry.

"Xiaowei!" A Ping turned pale when he heard the girl's cry inside and was about to rush up, but was held back by Xu Xiaotian, who shook his head at A Ping, signaling him not to startle the snake.

A Ping had no choice but to endure, but in the dark, his hands were already bleeding from his palms.

"Toast, don't eat and eat fine wine! I can sacrifice to the God of Harvest! Sacrifice for the village! What a spirit and honor! You are lucky to be chosen! You can't refuse! Tonight is the time for sacrifice, so you can Stay indoors!"

(End of this chapter)

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