The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 15 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 15 Resentful Soul Lock (14)

The old man snorted coldly, then opened the door and left.

After waiting to confirm that the old man would not come back, Xu Xiaotian and the others got up and walked into the room cautiously.

As soon as he entered, Ah Ping saw Xiaowei in her wedding dress covering her cheeks and weeping. He hurried over and called out, "How are you, Xiaowei!!"

When Xiao Wei saw the person coming, she was taken aback for a moment, then looked at A Ping crying and said, "A Ping~"

This coquettish call, aggrieved and coquettish, showed the girl's dependence and love.

"It's all swollen, it must be very painful!" A Ping looked at the red palm prints on Xiaowei's delicate cheeks, his heart ached so badly that he stretched out his hand to touch but dared not.

"Ah Ping~" The girl didn't say anything, she just kept crying and calling the boy's name.

She seemed aggrieved, but she was happy because she saw the person she wanted to see.

"I'm here, A Ping is here, Xiao Wei, don't be afraid! I'm coming!" A Ping looked at the girl, carefully calming her fear.

The ambiguous atmosphere between the two seemed to spread out.

"I think there is something wrong between the two of them." Xu Xiaotian whispered to Li Zhong next to him.

Li Zhong glanced at Xu Xiaotian. Anyone with a discerning eye could see it, but he still nodded in response to Xu Xiaotian: "I think you are right!"

"Okay, let's stop talking about the past, we have to find a way to solve the current situation!" Li Zhong interrupted the greasy smell between the two.

The current situation does not allow them to continue wasting time.

Their original plan was to let Guan Twelve and Xiaowei come and switch positions, but now that Guan Twelve is away, they must either change their plan or change someone else.

To change a plan in a short period of time, they think it is more reliable to change a person. The three big men look at me and look at you. Recently, they have set their sights on the slender Xu Xiaotian.

Xu Xiaotian was still resisting at the beginning: "If you want to choose who is suitable, isn't Aping more suitable?! His hair is long, and his height is also suitable."

"He is stronger than you." Li Zhong said straightforwardly.

Indeed, although A Ping is young and not tall, he has broad shoulders and narrow arms, and he has a good figure. He can tell that he has a male body at first glance, but Xu Xiaotian is different. As an ordinary high school student, Xu Xiaotian's figure is too slender, and his height is not The calculation is particularly high, and it is especially suitable for stealing.

In the end, it was Xu Xiaotian who put on the wedding gown. He wore a red blouse on the upper body, an embroidered red robe on the coat, a scarf on his shoulders, a red skirt, red trousers, and red satin embroidered shoes. Xu Xiaotian looked at the rouge in Li Zhong's hand. Pen, the corner of his mouth twitched: "You don't need this one, you won't be able to see anything when you cover your head."

"No! You have to be meticulous in doing things, and you can't be sloppy. If the wind suddenly blows and the lower half of your face is exposed and there is no rouge under your hair, wouldn't we be exposed?"


"Come and open your mouth~"

Xu Xiaotian wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Li Zhong, and he could only let him dictate.

He had a good feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

On the other side of the player, she looked at the number of people above her head. With her, there were five people in total, and two more were eliminated. It seemed that they had already started.

The player spotted a player with blood bars and chased after him without hesitation. As a result, the player ran to the woods behind the village.

Guan Twelve stopped, she looked around, at this time a figure suddenly rushed out, Guan Twelve dodged sideways, and then suddenly attacked behind him, punching the player, the player groaned in pain , and then a Tai Chi Nian Jin grabbed the dagger in his other hand, turned around and wiped his neck without hesitation.

【Remaining players 4】

"Damn! This is all right??!" The player was dumbfounded, and it was enough to leave such a sentence.

"Let me rely on your force value!" Other players were also indignant after seeing it.

"No, I'm poor, I don't have money to hang out, but I'm in good health." Guan Twelve turned the dagger in his hand, and then attacked the rest of the people.

One person is still a bit reluctant to have more than one person, even if her physical strength is as good as the official twelve, she still lost 80.00% of her blood, she glanced at the rest of the people, and there was one more person, that is Shaoqiuyan, she weighed it After checking her blood volume, she hesitated and spent a lot of money to buy blood medicine. After recovering to 50.00%, she was relieved. Looking at the corpses of players all over the ground, she looked up at the sky again.

Hmm... It was getting dark, she looked towards the village, the village was brightly lit, it was completely different from the dead village when it was dark in the past, even here, players could hear the cheerful singing and dancing of the people inside.

It's so lively, that idiot player in the second grade must be inside.

The player walks towards the village.

The gates of every house in the village are hung with red lanterns, and red ropes are hung on the willow trees. They stand on both sides of the road, watching the sedan chairs being carried over step by step. The young children clap their hands excitedly because they think it is the bride, while The older generation clasped their hands in prayer.

They were chanting incomprehensible spells, and Xu Xiaotian in the sedan chair felt a severe headache when he heard the spells.

He gripped the skirt tightly with both hands, nervousness filled his surroundings, and what made his back even colder was that he felt that the belt around his waist seemed to be getting tighter and tighter.

Eh?Getting tighter? ?
Xu Xiaotian looked down at his belt, only to find that a red string was tied around his waist at some point! !

He quickly stretched out his hand to untie it, but found that he was getting tighter and tighter, so Xu Xiaotian had no choice but to give up.

Although I don't know what the red rope is going to do, but since it didn't strangle him, it means it has no malicious intentions. should be...

Xu Xiaotian was not too sure.

In the other half, Aping took Xiaowei and fled the village, and the two stopped by a stream to rest.

Xiao Wei sat on the grass, looked at A Ping who was drinking water over there, and then turned her head to look at the village, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Xiao Wei, what's the matter with you?" A Ping, who had finished drinking the water, saw Xiao Wei's worried face and couldn't help but asked.

"A Ping, tell me, if I really leave like this, what if the God of Harvest gets angry and what happens to the village..." Xiao Wei looked anxious, and A Ping looked at the little girl in front of him, and he sighed , and then walked over and squatted in front of Xiao Wei, holding her shoulders and letting her look at him, he said: "Xiao Wei, if you don't leave, you will be the one who dies."

"But... that's our home after all..." Xiaowei shed tears as she spoke. In the end, she was just a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, or a girl who had never left the village since she was a child. , with no knowledge, no money, and no culture, how should she survive in the outside world?
 More text, no one is used to it
(End of this chapter)

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