The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 16 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 16 Resentful Soul Lock (15)

If the previous Xiaowei was determined not to offer sacrifices, then the current Xiaowei is afraid of the outside world. At the same time, she is also worried that her homeland will be destroyed because of her behavior. If she becomes the God of Harvest, then she and A Ping are not sinners through the ages! !

The more she thought about Xiaowei, the more frightened she became. Her face was pale and trembling. Seeing Xiaowei like this, Ah Ping couldn't help but shake her body to get her thoughts back into place:

"Xiaowei! Calm down!"

A Ping looked at Xiao Wei seriously, and he said: "Xiao Wei, listen to me, do you remember what I said?! The so-called customs in the village, what calm the anger of the God of Harvest, what sacrifice love power, these are fake! They are all deceiving themselves!!"

"But..." Xiao Wei wanted to say something, but was interrupted by A Ping's hug.

Ah Ping hugged Xiaowei tightly, and his tone was gentle and serious: "Xiaowei, I just hope you live and live well, as for the rest, I don't care, do you understand?!"

Xiao Wei felt that A Ping's body was shaking, he was afraid, Xiao Wei hesitated for a while, finally closed her eyes and slowly raised her hands to hug A Ping back.

"Ok, I know."

I've always known Aping...

Xiao Wei slowly closed her eyes.

Feeling the warmth of the beloved girl in his arms, A Ping closed his eyes contentedly.

He didn't want much, he just hoped that the girl he was thinking of could live.

Ah Ping didn't see the tear in the corner of Xiaowei's eye...

At this time, the sacrificial ceremony in the village reached the most critical moment. Xu Xiaotian was carried out of the sedan chair by two people, and then was supported to go forward. Xu Xiaotian didn't know what was ahead, he could only look down and see his feet. The sound of chanting mantras with headaches from the noisy people around.

On the other side, Li Zhong observed all this in secret. He watched Xu Xiaotian being brought to the stage, kneeling and sitting in the middle, and then an old man with a gray head and a wooden crutch came up to him next to him, and she trembled. Opening his hands tremblingly, he nodded and shouted: "Great and holy god of harvest! The people who depend on you have brought you gifts. This is a young man full of love and hope. I hope she can become your strength! Let you defeat that evil monster!"

When the old man said this, she put her hands together, and she said: "I hope your people will prosper!"

"For prosperity!"

"For prosperity!"


The people below all put their hands together and shouted!

Hearing the voices of the people below, Xu Xiaotian suddenly felt a little scared for some reason, and began to get nervous.

At the same time feel very sad.

They forcibly put their minds on a young girl, thus sacrificing an innocent life.

Just thinking about it like this, Xu Xiaotian's hands are about to crush the skirt.

As the old man stretched out his hand, the sound stopped completely.

The old man turned around and walked in front of Xu Xiaotian, Xu Xiaotian looked at the shoes parked in front of him, he couldn't help swallowing, he was so nervous that he didn't dare to move, for fear of being discovered.

Fortunately, the old man didn't take off the hijab. She stood in front of Xu Xiaotian, put her hand on top of Xu Xiaotian's head, and chanted a spell.

Xu Xiaotian got a headache from this spell, he bit his lower lip tightly to prevent himself from making a sound.

At this time, he felt that the red rope around his waist seemed to be loose. Xu Xiaotian looked over and saw that the red rope came to his palm at some point, emitting a faint red light. This red light made his head feel less painful... …

It's protecting him...

Xu Xiaotian thought to himself looking at the red rope in his hand.

Li Zhong over there didn't know that Xu Xiaotian was being protected by the red rope, he couldn't help frowning when he heard the old man's spell above.

Isn't this a hypnotic spell!

This is already considered a sorcery.

this old lady...

Li Zhong looked at the old man above with a heavy face.

She knows this kind of sorcery, could it be that she is a legendary wizard? !
The old man over there felt that it was almost done, so he stopped chanting the mantra, then raised his hand, and two burly men in red clothes and flowers came up to support Xu Xiaotian, tied him to a wooden stake, surrounded by willow branches, There was still a red string on it, and the old man held a torch in her hand, and she shouted: "Dedicate a soul of pure love to the God of Harvest!"

Then she was about to throw the torch, when a hand behind her suddenly grabbed her.

The villagers exclaimed when they saw this sudden change!

When the old man turned around, he saw Li Zhong looking at her with a dark face, and the old man's face was also gloomy: "Who are you? How dare you destroy the sacred sacrificial ceremony!!"

"What nonsense sacrificial ceremony! It's just crooked witchcraft!" Li Zhong said coldly with a dark face!

"Who are you! You are disrespectful to immortals!"

"I know him! He's an outsider! Not from the village!"

"Not everyone in the village should be kicked out!"

"It's fine to come here at ordinary times! Why do you want to destroy our sacrificial activities!"

"That's why I said to drive out those outsiders and not allow outsiders to enter our village! Now it's all right! The sacred sacrificial ceremonies have been destroyed!"

"Outsiders get out!"

"Outsiders get out!"

"Outsiders get out!"

The villagers shouted slogans angrily. Looking at the current scene, the old man stretched out her hand, as if giving some order, and the villagers fell silent all of a sudden.

Li Zhong: He really has prestige.

"Outsiders, you may not understand our rules here, and think that we are harming this girl! Actually, this is not the case. This girl's soul will be dedicated to the God of Harvest, and she will receive supreme glory!"

The old man said to Li Zhong with righteous words, her tone was full of pride!
Li Zhong just sneered after listening: "Supreme glory?! Heh! Then you have to ask the girl if she is willing! You do this! Have you considered her feelings?!"

"Hehe~ Young man, I know what you want to say. The girls in our village are very willing to become the power of the God of Harvest." The old man seemed to have been prepared for a long time. She smiled and asked Xu Xiaotian who was tied there:

"Come to the chosen lucky girl of pure love! Come and talk to this ignorant outsider! Are you willing to dedicate your soul to the God of Harvest! In exchange for the prosperity of the village, and you will also lead to bliss!"

Xu Xiaotian opened his mouth and subconsciously wanted to say yes, but then the tingling pain in his hand woke him up. After he realized it, he was shocked. Just now... he subconsciously wanted to say yes!what is this!Is it hypnosis?

If it weren't for the red rope in his hand, he would have been hypnotized by now!

Xu Xiaotian felt scared just thinking about it!
"What's wrong! Quickly answer this outsider! Are you willing to dedicate your soul to..."

"I don't want to! I don't want to!"

Before the old man finished speaking, Xu Xiaotian interrupted the old man's question and answer first!
 Liver text!
(End of this chapter)

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