The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 18 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 18 Resentful Soul Lock (17)

"Do you know what will happen when you go back?! You will die!!"

"I know, but if I don't go, other people will sacrifice, right?!"

"But they will be sacrificed sooner or later!"

Xiaowei was stunned, she couldn't believe that such heartless words came from Aping.

"Xiao Wei! I don't care about others, I only care about you! I just hope you can live! Do you know?!" A Ping's tone became humble and pleading, and Xiao Wei felt uncomfortable when she saw A Ping like this. But she knew that she had to go back, because only in this way, another girl would not suffer, the last one, she was the last one to suffer.

Xiaowei closed her eyes and said the sentence with difficulty: "I'm sorry"

In the end, she pushed away the shoulder she had been leaning on, let go of the hand she had been holding, left the person she had always liked, turned around and walked towards death.

Of course, Xiaowei didn't mention these things to Li Zhong and Xu Xiaotian in front of her. She just smiled and shook her head, and then said to them: "You guys leave quickly, leave this place to me."

"Don't wait a minute." Xu Xiaotian wanted to say something but was interrupted by Li Zhong who held his hand.

Li Zhong looked at Xiao Wei, he knew what this young girl was hiding, since she didn't want to say it, it would be impolite for them to keep asking.

"Then be careful yourself, Ah Ping...hopes you are alive." Li Zhong looked at Xiao Wei and warned him earnestly.

Xiaowei nodded, and smiled apologetically and tenderly, but she was very firm and did not regret it: "Well, thank him for me first."

"You have to tell him that, so he can be happy." Li Zhong looked at Xiaowei, but Xiaowei remained silent.

Li Zhong didn't ask any further questions, he dragged Xu Xiaotian and ran away from Xiaowei.

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, Xiaowei turned around and looked at the faint fire ahead, and it was the villagers who were catching up.

They were also taken aback when they saw Xiaowei, and then subconsciously stopped.

"Xiaowei you"

"I'm sorry, everyone!" Xiao Wei looked at the villagers and showed a bright smile. She said, "I suddenly wanted to eat some wild vegetables outside in the morning, but I lost my way and finally found it. I lost my headdress, but, I shouldn't have missed the sacrifice!"

"You didn't run away?" The villagers looked at Xiaowei in a daze, and Xiaowei also looked at him with a puzzled expression:
"Why am I running? Isn't this my wedding?"

The villagers were stunned, not knowing what to say for a moment. At this moment, they suddenly remembered that before a priest became a priest, wasn't it just a wedding?
"Since you have found it, that's good, let's go, the sacrifice is not over yet, let's continue, the God of Harvest is still waiting for your power." The old man walked over tremblingly, and she looked at Xiaowei " Hehe" smiled, then said.

Xiaowei nodded and followed.

On the other side, Xu Xiaotian, who was dragged away by Li Zhong, felt that something was wrong. Why did Xiaowei come back suddenly? She clearly wanted to escape before, what changed her?
【Save her】

A woman's voice suddenly came from Xu Xiaotian's mind, and he was taken aback.

【Help her.】

Xu Xiaotian quickly pulled Li Zhong to stop him, Li Zhong stopped and looked at Xu Xiaotian blankly:
"what happened?"

"Wait a minute Li Zhong, I seem to hear you."

Xu Xiaotian looked around, and finally looked at the red rope that bound his wrist at some point.

【Save her.】

Xu Xiaotian looked at the red rope, untied it from his hand, put it in his palm and asked, "Were you talking just now?"

The red string glowed faintly as if responding to him.

Li Zhong looked at the red rope, thought for a while, took out a talisman and pasted it on it, and recited a spell. Suddenly, a female ghost in red clothes floated out of the red rope. The female ghost was wearing a wedding dress and had a pretty face. The dead air has a gloomy smell, which is a bit unsightly.

"Are you talking?" Xu Xiaotian looked at the woman in red and asked.

[Hurry up and save her.] The female ghost didn't answer Xu Xiaotian, but just kept chanting this sentence.

"Who are you?!" Li Zhong looked at the female ghost and asked vigilantly.

The woman's soul was trapped in the red rope and turned into a ghost, and the resentment in her body was about to materialize.

This is not a good person! !

[Save her quickly] The female ghost still repeats this sentence.

"If you don't tell me, we'll leave!" Li Zhong threatened in a cold voice.

The female ghost froze for a moment, as if she was reacting, and then as if she had reacted, she burst into tears, red blood tears flowing from the dark eye sockets, yes, she has no eyes.

[Woo——] The female ghost's cries were so ear-piercing, it was like scratching a blackboard with her fingernails, causing the two of them to have a headache.

Li Zhong became irritable, he took out the talisman paper to kill the guy in front of him, but was stopped by Xu Xiaotian: "Wait a minute, Li Zhong, I think she must have some difficulties."

Xu Xiaotian covered his ears, resisted the headache, walked up to the female ghost and said, "We won't ask you anymore, don't cry!"

Unexpectedly, the female ghost stopped crying after hearing his words.

This is something that even Li Zhong didn't think of.

"You have difficulties and can't say it?" Xu Xiaotian looked at the female ghost and asked gently.

The female ghost was silent for a while, then shook her head.

Xu Xiaotian: Then why didn't you say it!

"Then you... Let us save Xiaowei, is it for the sake of the village?"

Xu Xiaotian wanted to ask why he didn't say anything, but he was afraid that the female ghost in front of him would continue to cry, so he simply changed his explanation.

"..." The female ghost didn't speak. At this time, Shaoqiuyan, who had been watching the excitement, suddenly came out. He looked at the surprised Xu Xiaotian and said, "Of course it's for this village, otherwise she wouldn't have been wandering around in the village." Here, pray for the villagers."

"Shaoqiuyan?! Why are you here?!" Xu Xiaotian was surprised.

"Now shouldn't be the time to ask this~" Shao Qiuyan said helplessly.

"Pray for the villagers? What do you mean?" Li Zhong looked puzzled.

"She, she gets on someone's body every night, just to hang red strings on every willow tree in every house, and the purpose of the red strings is to ward off evil spirits." After speaking, Shaoqiuyan felt that it was not appropriate, and after thinking about it Another way of saying it: "She distributes her strength to the red rope to protect the family. Well, yes, it's much easier to understand."

And then brag about yourself.

"What danger is there in this village that needs her protection? Besides, why do you know this?!" Li Zhong looked at Shao Qiuyan with a vigilant expression.

The female ghost didn't know why, so she couldn't speak out, but even so, the man in front of him actually knew the truth, so how did he know it? !
 Ahhh!Great Xiao Wei
(End of this chapter)

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