The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 19 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 19 Resentful Soul Lock (18)

Jianpu Village, the history of this village is just like what Aping said, if you get married before the harvest, you will be blessed by the God of Harvest, but then there will be a sudden drought. Wrong, they killed a girl, and the girl was very angry. This anger turned into resentment and awakened the ancient beast that had been sleeping underground in the village - Taotie.

Gluttonous gluttony is the result of Chi You's resentment.Because when the Yellow Emperor fought against Chi You, Chi You's head was chopped off, and the head fell to the ground. He was full of resentment and turned into Taotie.

What he likes to eat most is people's resentment, but he is greedy and commits crimes, harming the people in the world. In the end, he was sealed under the simple village by a fairy, and the villagers sacrificed girls, especially girls who were full of love but had no time to enjoy happiness. The resentment was extremely deep, this resentment awakened Taotie, naturally Taotie liked it.

But because the strength was not restored, Taotie took advantage of the ignorance of the villagers to create rumors that sacrificing a loving girl would reap a bumper harvest for the village, causing one girl after another to lose their lives and turn into a meal for Taotie.

The only thing that can defeat Taotie is the power of true love, selfless kindness, and pure dedication.

Xiao Wei probably knew this, that's why she came back, she can't let Tao Tie continue to do evil, let alone let the villagers be used by Tao Tie, causing one loving girl after another to lose innocent lives.

"So, she chose to sacrifice herself to save the village, didn't she!" Li Zhong asked Shao Qiuyan while running towards the village.

"To be precise." Shao Qiuyan nodded.

"But how do you know this?!" Xu Xiaotian was smart.

Shaoqiu smiled but said nothing.

The other half, Xiao Wei, who had re-covered her head, was tied to a pillar. Listening to the old man chanting strange spells, she felt very nervous. No one is afraid of death, but she must die.

Xiao Wei took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. She has no resentment towards the villagers, because they are all innocent victims, and they are also deceived human beings. s method.

She will not resent the female ghost who told her all this, because if she doesn't tell her the truth, then the people in the village will continue like this, and more innocent people will be hurt.

"The auspicious time has come! The sacrifice is up! Make a bonfire!"

As the old man's voice fell, Xiao Wei also closed her eyes to welcome the coming of death.

The torch in the old man's hand was thrown onto the firewood, and a raging fire suddenly ignited, surrounding Xiaowei.

Guan Twelve looked at this scene, she looked at Xiao Wei above, just when a gust of wind blew over, she inadvertently saw the corner of Xiao Wei's upturned mouth and a tear running down her cheek.

So reluctant, why come back?
The player didn't understand the NPC's thoughts, let alone the development of the plot. She touched her chest and felt a little pain. She was very sensitive to pain and glanced at her blood bar.

Groove! !Why is her health bar slowly decreasing? ? ? !
The player was fooled, but she wasn't injured!Why is the health bar dropping.

The player who couldn't think of the reason for a while could only think about the previous things. In the end, she put the reason on the medicine Shaoqiuyan gave her.

What the hell... actually put medicine in the medicine? ! !
Guan Twelve gritted his teeth, okay, what are you talking about, after the plot is over, the result is procrastination, isn't it! !

Guan Twelve One Qi found that the blood bar was dropping faster, so he quickly stabilized his mood. What kind of medicine is this, and the medicine for emotional instability is more effective? ?

Guan Twelve let out a sigh of relief, went to find him?No, she wouldn't be that stupid, if he really wanted to know the plot, it would be time now.

Guan Twelve watched as the villagers lined up and threw flowers into the fire.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and Xiao Wei was no longer visible.

At this time, an arrow sounded from behind and shot at the pillar above Xiaowei's head. The wind of the arrow blew Xiaowei's hijab, revealing her tear-stained pretty face. Everyone was shocked by this sudden scene They all looked behind, but the owner of the arrow was still holding a bow in his hand, and he was walking towards Xiaowei step by step with his ponytail tied up and a bow in his hand.

"A Ping." Xiaowei looked at the person who came, with a look of shock on her face, she had obviously treated him like that, she had obviously driven him away, why did he still come here?

Seeing A Ping getting closer and closer to her, Xiao Wei panicked, and she yelled at A Ping:
"Don't come here!"

A Ping paused, and then continued to move forward, but the road ahead was blocked by villagers. They looked at A Ping and warned:
"Ah Ping! Don't destroy the sacrifice!"

"If you go further, don't blame us for being rude to you!"

"Are you going to destroy the sacrifice too?!"


The villagers suddenly stopped their mouths, just because Ah Ping had already drawn his bow and looked at them indifferently.

"Ah Ping! Do you think your arrows can defeat so many of us?!"

A villager shouted at A Ping!
"No! But you can kill a few, who of you wants to be this unlucky guy?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent, and it was obvious that no one wanted to be that unlucky guy.

A Ping came to the front of the stage holding his bow like this. Xiao Wei's face was already full of tears. She looked at A Ping, and A Ping looked at her, obviously indifferent, but Xiao Wei read the tenderness in it. and infinite love.

Come with me!
He seems to be saying.

She wanted to nod, but in the end she just shook her head at him.

Disappointment, no, despair.

A Ping looked at Xiao Wei, and Xiao Wei also looked at him. At this time, the old man walked out slowly. She looked at A Ping and said:
"A Ping, Xiaowei did it voluntarily, so don't destroy everyone's sacrifice."

Ah Ping was silent, he slowly put down the bow and arrow in his hand, and Xiao Wei also closed her eyes.

yeah, that's it, over
Suddenly, Xiao Wei opened her eyes in a hug full of shock. The boy dropped the weapon in his hand, crossed the flames, and hugged the girl he loved with his arms.

"Ping you!" Xiao Wei was about to say something, but A Ping covered her mouth. The young man looked at her with a lingering color in his eyes:
"If you don't come with me, I will go with you."

"You shouldn't, you shouldn't be like this, you are so clear." Xiao Wei wanted to persuade A Ping to leave, but her choked-up crying could no longer say the words to drive him away.

"Originally, I just wanted you to live. Now, I just want to follow you. Wherever you go, I will go." A Ping looked at Xiaowei with lingering love, gentle and deadly.

"Wait! The priest can't be a man." The old man stretched out his hand to pull A Ping down, but the fire suddenly escalated, scaring the old man back a few steps.

It was too late, the fire engulfed the two young men who were holding hands at the last moment, looking at each other and laughing.

What death?What pain?They are not fearless, they are just in pain, and there is someone who loves to accompany you.

(End of this chapter)

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