The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 20 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 20 Resentful Soul Lock (19)

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, drowning the figures of the two people. When Xu Xiaotian and the others rushed over, it was already too late.

Xu Xiaotian looked at the raging fire and clenched his hands into fists angrily.

Is it still a step late? !
Li Zhong looked at the scene at this moment, and knew that he was powerless. He looked at Xu Xiaotian, who was pursing his lips so tightly, with a guilty expression on his face, his eyes slowly moved down, and suddenly he saw his hand that was bleeding, and he was startled. He quickly grabbed Xu Xiaotian's hand to let him go.

Xu Xiaotian slowly stretched out his palm, where the flesh and blood that had been pinched by himself were blurred, and the red blood was hideously blurred.

He himself felt no pain.

Li Zhong felt uncomfortable looking at it.

"We are still late." Xu Xiaotian muttered to himself.
"Xiaotian..." Seeing Xu Xiaotian like this, Li Zhong felt uncomfortable. He wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

"Why...why...why...why did this result..." Xu Xiaotian gritted his teeth, his grievance and unwillingness were about to overwhelm him.

"..." Li Zhong didn't speak, he just stood quietly beside Xu Xiaotian.

Looking at such a scene, Shao Qiuyan frowned slightly. It was not enough. He felt that it was not enough. If it just ended like this, such a plot would not be earth-shattering at all. How could "The End of Infinite Flow" be so plain end?

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly felt a murderous aura, and when he looked up, he saw Guan Twelve standing on a tree branch and smiling at him.

Judging from her expression and the murderous look behind her, Shaoqiuyan felt that she was going to die...

The fact was the same, Guan Twelve looked at the dagger in his hand and wanted to sharpen it twice on the tree, and then rushed over.

Zhao Zhao moved towards his gate of life, Shao Qiuyan dodged in a bit of embarrassment, but Guan Twelve's speed was too fast, he was still cut a few times, and a lot of blood bars dropped.

"Hey! You don't talk about martial arts anymore! Didn't you agree that the plot is over and you will be slaughtered! Why did you ask to kill people?!"

Shaoqiu said it was okay not to mention this, but when Guan Twelve was mentioned, he became even more angry, and his attacks became more ruthless:

"You still have the guts to mention this to me now?! You are so good at playing tricks! Why don't you talk about martial arts! You don't talk about it! Let you poison! Poison! To deceive the feelings of ignorant girls! Damn it, I will die!"

Oh shit!The more you scold, the more angry you get!Stomach ache!Getting so angry, so angry that the blood bar drops... wait a minute...

Guan Twelve looked up at his health bar, just now he lost a lot of blood when he was excited, and now there is only 30.00% left...

Guan Twelve stopped and looked up, and Shaoqiuyan could see it naturally. He looked at Guan Twelve's blood, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Wow, I didn't expect the effect to be good."

As soon as these words came out, Guan Twelve almost exploded in anger: "Sure enough, you did it!"

"Hey, don't get me wrong! I didn't do anything. I just gave you medicine to heal your wounds. It's normal for players to support each other, but you don't look at it when you drink it yourself. The instruction manual has nothing to do with me."

Shaoqiuyan waved his hand to show that this matter has nothing to do with him.

"What manual?"

Guan Twelve was stunned.

The player remembers that when he handed it over, it was a small white medicine bottle, where is the instruction manual? ?

"Hey, didn't I give it? Oh yes, I didn't give it, but you should know it yourself!" Shaoqiu waved his hand.

"...I'll fuck you!" Guan Twelve exploded!
This girl is delaying time again! !

Guan Twelve mercilessly attacked Shaoqiuyan, but was stopped halfway. He turned his head and saw that it was an NPC who had recovered.Xu Xiaotian took Guan Twelve's hand, his voice was a little hoarse, his eyes were a little sad, he said: "Forget it Twelve, don't kill each other! Here... two people have already died , I don’t like it, you two will die too!”

The ignorant NPC doesn't know the grievances between the players, he only knows that there seems to be some deep hatred between Guan Twelve and Shao Qiuyan, but the two have obviously just met a few times, so why continue to kill each other? ? !He didn't understand, just like he didn't understand why one person had to be sacrificed to save more.

"... Xu Xiaotian... It's best not to interfere with things you don't know about." Guan Twelfth stretched out his hand and pulled Xu Xiaotian away, and then attacked Shaoqiuyan.

"Twelve..." Seeing the two fighting again, Xu Xiaotian felt even more uncomfortable.

He stretched out his hand, but was held back by Li Zhong. Li Zhong looked at him and said, "We can't participate in the affairs of the two of them."

"I just don't understand..." Xu Xiaotian hadn't finished speaking when a huge explosion sounded from the priest's side.

Everyone's eyes turned to that side at once, and they saw a huge beast suddenly drilled out of the ground. It had a huge body, ten feet in length, a very ferocious appearance, a big head and a small body.Its shape is like a sheep's body and a human face, its eyes are in the armpits, and the tiger's teeth are like claws. It opens its mouth wide, its sharp teeth are like saws, its mouth is slightly curved and hooked inward, and its eyes are squeezed into the armpit by the big mouth. God, his head actually takes up half of his entire body.

The monster suddenly let out a baby's crying sound, which was piercing and sharp, and everyone close to him was shocked to the point of bleeding.

The villagers were terrified and ran away one after another. In an instant, the cries and shouts covered the originally cheerful sacrifice!

"It's Taotie!" Li Zhong looked at the huge monster in front of him, and couldn't help but feel nervous. This is the Taotie, the leader of the ancient beasts!
Unexpectedly, the rumor turned out to be true!

It was over now, with his ability, it was impossible to suppress such an ancient beast.

Right now I can only run!
Soon Li Zhong weighed the pros and cons, he pulled Xu Xiaotian around and ran away.

And the player's side was also interrupted by this sudden scene. The key point is that the player noticed... the huge health bar on Taotie's head. turned out to be a field boss? ! !

The point is, isn't this girl's blood bar a little too thick! !

The player glanced at his health bar, and there was still 20.00% left. Five, well, it's confirmed, it's a boss that he can't beat!

The player turned and ran, but was suddenly held by the hand, turned around and saw that it was Shaoqiuyan who held her.

"You don't want to hit it, do you?!" The player suddenly went numb.

Then I saw that guy nodded.

"No, you want to hit you! Why are you pulling me?! I only have this little blood left! I can't beat it!" Guan Twelve wanted to get rid of Shaoqiuyan, but he didn't expect this guy to pull very tightly , she was going to kill him.

Then I heard this girl suddenly say: "The two of us will definitely not be able to fight, but this is the strongest foreign aid."

 Players say they can't beat the big boss! !
  Shaoqiu said: No, we have the strongest foreign aid!
  Player: Who?Those two already ran away?
  Shaoqiu said: hum~ (mysterious smile)
  Thank you for asking for tickets every day
(End of this chapter)

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