The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 24 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 24 Resentful Soul Lock (End)
And the one holding the drum looked at Xu Xiaotian with firm eyes, and slapped the drum fiercely. Even if he didn't make a sound, he still didn't give up, and the villagers behind him also moved over to save Xu Xiaotian with their own actions. own village.

Maybe they don't know the function of this drum, but they won't shrink back at this moment, and those who can't touch the drum cross their hands on their chests, praying

The drum rang suddenly, and Xu Xiaotian was stunned.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The dull drum sound reminded Xu Xiaotian again, letting Xu Xiaotian know that this was not his illusion!

The drums are ringing!The drums really did ring! !

Let's die and live again!
The villagers of Jianpu Village are not backing down, they use their own strength to guard their village!
They have to face up to their previous mistakes!We can't keep letting outsiders protect their village, this village belongs to them! ! !
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One drum after another!A firm sense of faith!A golden light glowed from the ground around Jianpu Village, a huge talisman slowly emerged, and the Taotie inside the golden circle suddenly howled in pain!
It is no longer entangled with Li Zhong and the others!Turn around and run to escape the village.

Li Zhong noticed this and quickly shouted to the others: "We must not let it leave the village!"

Following Li Zhong's order, one by one talisman papers turned into shackles to trap Taotie, and the yellow paper full of runes
The red rope full of resentment, they are all trying their best to trap Taotie, Taotie struggles desperately, while the owner on the other side of the broken talisman is vomiting blood from the backlash.

But even so, they still did not back down!
Taotie went crazy, it raised its head and roared!The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, darkened, and the evil wind blew up!
Taotie's strength suddenly increased!It broke free of all shackles at once!

The female ghost was burnt to ashes by the gluttonous fire, and Li Zhong and the others were seriously injured, vomiting blood and knelt on the ground powerlessly!

"Li Zhong!" Xu Xiaotian turned pale and was about to pass, when he suddenly heard Taotie's roar, Xu Xiaotian noticed its chest, and the golden light became more and more dazzling!
"Ping, Xiaowei" Xu Xiaotian looked at the wound on his chest, it was left by Xiaowei and Aping!

They are still fighting!They haven't given up yet!

The Taotie was in excruciating pain, and the surrounding area was even more violently violent!
Xu Xiaotian knew that Taotie was angry, but he still ran outside the village, he still didn't give up!

Because it knows that if it gives up like this, then it will be sealed again!
Xu Xiaotian looked at the struggling Taotie over there, and on the other side, the simple villagers would not back down, they just stood in the middle of the strong wind, the strong wind disrupted their formation and made them retreat frequently, but they still looked forward , if the one with the drum is blown away, another one with the drum will take its place!
Finally, following the formation, the golden chains stretched out and trapped Taotie, dragging him down bit by bit!
Taotie's angry roar had no effect, as Taotie's figure gradually disappeared, the golden formation also slowly dispersed!The sky also cleared up, and the dazzling sunlight shone on the ground of the ruined and ugly simple village.

The glare of the sun made everyone squint their eyes.


Is it really over?

Everyone still couldn't believe it, until finally they realized that Taotie was really sealed!Defeated by them together!They actually defeated the ancient murderer! !
Everyone cheers!Hugs and cheers!
They survived! !
In a few days...

Xu Xiaotian looked up at the dazzling light in the sky, narrowed his eyes slightly, and subconsciously looked at the willow tree next to Ou, the red rope on the willow tree disappeared at some point, the willow tree was withered, the leaves were gone, and neither were the red ropes. up.

But there were two figures standing under the willow tree. Xu Xiaotian took a closer look at them. They were Xiaowei and A Ping. The two of them greeted him, and then they slowly disappeared under the willow tree holding hands, followed by a figure in red Appearing there, it was a young and beautiful girl, wearing a red wedding dress, with pretty makeup, she was as beautiful as a living thing, as beautiful as a fairy, she was the most beautiful woman at this moment.

Xu Xiaotian watched the woman walk over cautiously. The woman disappeared without saying hello like A Ping and Xiaowei did, so she looked at Xu Xiaotian and smiled.

Xu Xiaotian knew her, she was the female ghost who claimed his life, that half-body female ghost!The female ghost who tempted him to come here!That female ghost who was burned to ashes by Taotie in order to save the villagers of her ignorant and simple village who had been burned to death!
"How are you?"

Xu Xiaotian is no longer afraid of her, instead he loves this kind girl, but he is really not good at communicating with girls, so his words are a bit cautious.

"Xu Xiaotian." The woman looked at Xu Xiaotian and smiled.

"Why do you want me to come here?" The woman's gentle smile calmed down Xu Xiaotian's somewhat reserved heart. He calmed down and asked the question he had been curious about.

"You don't know yet."

"What do you mean?!" Xu Xiaotian was a little confused by the woman's answer. What do you mean he can't know now?

"Is this your end, this is just the beginning... Do you want to know the answer? Go find it..." After the woman finished speaking, she disappeared in front of Xu Xiaotian. Xu Xiaotian searched hurriedly, and finally found the scroll at his feet. He bent down Pick it up, it's a map...

And the end of the map, could it be the truth he was looking for? !
Xu Xiaotian fell into deep thought.

Soon Xu Xiaotian went back to the city, and Li Zhong was also sent back home to practice in seclusion. Before leaving, he handed Xu Xiaotian a token and told Xu Xiaotian that as long as he took this token, he could order Li's family members everywhere. people. ,
With this token, Xu Xiaotian is the guest of the Li family.

Xu Xiaotian originally thought it was expensive and didn't want to accept it, but Li Zhong said that this was a gift for Xu Xiaotian, as a gift from a friend.

He was so moved that he hugged Li Zhong, expressing that he was also his good friend, which made Li Zhong blush badly.

After sending Li Zhong away, Xu Xiaotian also returned to his original life. He can still see ghosts, and he still lives alone, but every day when he rests, he will sit on the park bench where he first met Guan Twelve. , sit from dawn to dark.

For some reason, he firmly believes that Guan Twelve is not dead. Up to now, he has also known that Guan Twelve is not from Jianpu Village, and he also knows that their custom is to kill their compatriots so that only one person can survive.

He believed that Guan Twelve was still alive, and they would continue to meet each other!
Xu Xiaotian waited for a day to no avail. When he sighed and got up to go home, he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind. When he looked up, he saw a woman in white with an oiled paper umbrella. She had white hair and a white gauze. The skirt was full of fairy air, but Xu Xiaotian felt a chill.

Obviously this is a female ghost.

Xu Xiaotian looked at the female ghost vigilantly. The female ghost took a step forward holding an umbrella. Suddenly Xu Xiaotian felt a sharp pain in his chest, and then passed out. When he woke up again, he was already lying on the hospital bed, and his hands I don’t know when a scroll appeared, this scroll was given to him by the female ghost in Jianpu Village...

Xu Xiaotian got up, opened the scroll, and an address suddenly appeared on the scroll.

Xu Xiaotian stared at the address for a moment: "Lengfengling..."

 It's over!next story!Edo period in Japan! !
  I originally wanted to write about the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, but I felt a little unclear. The history of Qiqi is not very good, so I postponed it and wrote about other things first haha
  Alright, kneel down and beg for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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