The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 25 Edogawa Era

Chapter 25 Edogawa Era (1)

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[Successful loading, forming a virtual character, when you implant the chip, the character and body merge, you may not be you anymore, you can have a better life!Let us indulge in it, there is no moral bottom line here, there are only big gambling and happiness!There is no death in this game, only winning or losing, the winner is rewarded generously, and the loser is crushed. Welcome to "The End of Infinite Stream"! ! 】

[The environment of this game is "Edogawa Era", which is the last era of feudal rule in Japan. This is a fictional ancient plot (if there is any similarity, it is an honor) in which the pain of death is 95% (note that it cannot be changed), pay attention to this time Players in the game plot are randomly placed. Instead of multi-colored hair in the past, players have uniformly changed it to black hair, so please protect yourself. There are 100 game participants, and the number of passers: 1! 】

[Entering the game, entering successfully!Games start! 】

In 1864, as a night in the turbulent Edogawa era, it was full of danger. On a sparsely populated bridge, a group of samurai surrounded a boy with a samurai sword in his hand. His handsome face was full of cold blood at the moment. , I don't know who gave the order, and with a roar, the fighting about them began.

The boy was very nimble with the samurai sword. The cold blade slashed at the person's body, splashing fiery red blood!
The screams followed.

He was like a devil, covered in blood, with a handsome face, but his expression was extremely cold, and the ground was full of corpses.

"Farewell, Mr. Hikojiro Uchiyama."

The evening wind blew over, he put away his samurai sword, turned to leave, and suddenly saw a touch of pink, it was the color of cherry blossoms, she was wearing a bathrobe, with wisteria flowers coiled around her head, a beautiful fairy...

He was stunned, and coughed suddenly. He just covered his mouth to relieve it, and when he looked up, he saw the goblin walking towards him step by step.

"You have a cold?" The goblin's voice didn't fluctuate, but it made him startled.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the goblin take out a pear from her sleeve and put it in his hand, and said softly: "Sydney has some effect on cough relief, this is for you, but it's better to see a doctor as soon as possible."

Then turned around and left.

When the boy came back to his senses, the goblin had already gone far.

He looked at the Sydney in his hand, which seemed to be telling him that all this was not a dream.


At this time, someone read the boy's name, the boy turned his head, his teammates stood there, and waved at him: "Let's go! Souji Okita!"

"Ah, here we come!"

When the young man smiled, he was as gentle as spring, and at this moment he still had the appearance of a devil at that time.

a month later.
The bustling flower street at night has become a gathering place for samurai!Among them, the Huajiu House became famous because of a beautiful oriental dancer!
The laughter of the women, the chatter of the men, and the scene of debauchery and luxury everywhere!
"Hey! Have you heard that Honda was found dead at home yesterday? I heard that the Shinsengumi did it!"

"Ah! Those terrible demons! Especially the ones inside."

Two samurai in Huajiu House are discussing recent interesting events.

"Sousuke Okita is a brat!"

The appearance of a name suddenly made the noisy hall quiet, and everyone's eyes were on the guy who spoke wild words.

It was a drunk samurai, drunkenly hugged Meiji next to him, and laughed wildly:
"It's just a kid in his twenties! What a devil's son, a terrible devil! I see! It's all a gimmick if I come across it! I will scare him to commit seppuku hahaha!"

The people around looked at the drunk man and remained silent.

And in a private room on the second floor, a young man looked at the guy downstairs who spoke wildly, turned his head and smiled at the gentle young man behind him:

"It's just a kid in his twenties, Okita."

Okita Souji couldn't laugh or cry.

"He has the guts to disrespect Captain Okita! Watch me chop off his head!" The people next to Mr. Okita couldn't sit still, he didn't have the good temper of his own captain, he got up and drew his sword and was about to go downstairs and chop off The man's head.

"Alright, Ikeno, don't forget the purpose of our coming here, don't startle the snake." Mr. Okita said earnestly while pulling him.


"He said to Chi Ye, don't destroy our plan." A man with draped hair warned coldly on the opposite side. He had a perfect face, but he was very cold.

"It's the deputy chief." The man shuddered all over and then froze, bowing his head very respectfully.

Wuwu Deputy Commander's tone was terrifying.
"Haha, Deputy Hijikata, you scare our newcomers." The man who was not afraid of Hijikata Toshisan's cruelty laughed.


"Speaking of which, I heard that there is a new dancer in this Huajiu House, an oriental fairy who only sells her skills but not her body."

The man looked at the opposite room, which had been covered all the time, thoughtfully.

"Speaking of which, I also want to see that oriental goblin." Another person said, and after speaking, he looked at Souji Okita and asked, "Aren't you curious, Souji?"

Okita Souji smiled, for some reason, the fairy he saw a month ago appeared in his mind, could it be her?

Before Okita Souji could answer, the curtain on the opposite side was suddenly opened, and there was a sudden commotion.

Okita Souji looked over subconsciously, and then he froze.

The one opposite was wearing a kimono with a maple leaf pattern and a golden bell hanging around her waist. She wore her hair and a veil, but her eyebrows and eyes were charming, and a touch of red at the corner of her eyes added luster to her.

This is more than a goblin, she is simply a vixen. Everyone stared at this stunning dancer with breathless concentration.

She got up slowly and then jumped down from the second floor, everyone exclaimed!
Then they saw the girl slowly falling down like a maple leaf. She opened her hands and clapped them twice, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Immediately afterwards, a piece of cheerful music sounded, and the girl danced her body to the dance music. She was as agile as a butterfly, cheerful and charming!The bell on the waist is integrated with the dance music, it is freedom and happiness!

Everyone is addicted to it!

With the end of the last short piece of music, the girl also stopped her dance. Before everyone recovered, the girl stretched out her hand and clapped it twice, and everyone recovered. After recovering, there was a strong applause immediately!

The girl's dance has no provocative poses, but it is more attractive than those!
The girl bowed slightly and then turned to leave, when she was suddenly stopped by someone:

"You stop for me!"

The sudden change made the atmosphere suddenly quiet. The girl turned her head and looked over. The one who spoke out was the drunk warrior who had just uttered wild words. The warrior looked greedily at the girl's face, and said:
"Grandpa has his eyes on you! You will accompany Grandpa tonight!"

 Open a new story and a new world!
  Please ask for tickets every day!
(End of this chapter)

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