The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 26 Edogawa Era

Chapter 26 Edogawa Era (2)

Guan Twelve is very upset now, a month ago she was thrown by this dog game at the door of this wine shop, in order to survive, Guan Twelve offered a very low salary in exchange for the condition that she can eat, live and live without dedicating herself.

During this period of time, she gradually gained fame by virtue of what she learned in the previous game plots, but what followed were those troubles.

I don't know how many times Guan Twelve has seen such a drunk and rude guy like today.

After Guan Twelve subconsciously looked over his head to make sure he wasn't a player, he lost interest.

The dog force setting that the player can't kill the NPC.

Guan Twelve glanced at the man, then withdrew his gaze and turned to leave.

Guan Twelve's contemptuous behavior made everyone laugh, and the man was also irritated by this behavior. He stood up and grabbed Guan Twelve's hand with a "snap", and said angrily:

"You're just a woman! Keep your eyes open! I'm a samurai! How dare you ignore a samurai's orders!"


Guan Twelve couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this title.

"The so-called samurai are loyalty, loyalty, shame, martial arts, and reputation. Don't you feel that it violates your reputation and shame when you publicly coerce a powerless woman on such an occasion?"

Guan Twelve looked at the man in front of him indifferently, the man was speechless by Guan Twelve, his face turned red and white, and the people around him also condemned the man's behavior!
He felt that his behavior was dishonoring the samurai's reputation.

Director Okita on the second floor couldn't help but twitched his lips when he heard Guan Twelve's words.

"This woman is so interesting. She dares to humiliate the samurai in public despite her lack of force. What do you think, Chief?" Officer Twelve, who was watching the excitement, admired the courage of the official, and then turned to ask his friend.

Okita Souji thought of her looking at him covered in bloodthirsty as if crawling out of hell, not only was he not afraid, he even stepped forward to care about his cough.

When I thought of this, I smiled: "Ah, yes." She is indeed a bold woman.

But it is also a gentle fairy like a cherry blossom.

Looking at Souji Okita's expression, his friend obviously felt something was wrong and was thoughtful.

And the warrior below who was humiliated by a little girl in public suddenly became furious, pulled out the sword at his waist and slashed at Guan Twelve without hesitation.

Everyone exclaimed, it was a pity that when a beautiful body was about to leave this world, the deadly knife was carried off.

Guan Twelve looked at the person standing in front of him. It was a boy in his twenties with a ponytail, because his back was turned to him and he couldn't see his face.

Blue special attack suit, the color of the sky.

Okita Souji looked at the man in front of him indifferently, if he was just a step late, this gentle girl like a cherry blossom would be splashed with blood on the spot.

He hates such people the most!
Souji Okita staggered the man across from him with all his force, and he angrily pointed at Souji Okita and asked his name.

"My lord, Okita, Master Chief!"

Director Okita looked at the man indifferently, and the moment his name appeared, the people around were silent. They all looked at the young man in front of him in fear, and the face of the man who just uttered such wild words turned pale.

Chief Okita!

Guan Twelve is not unfamiliar with this name. He was a famous samurai in the Edogawa period, but unfortunately he died young of tuberculosis at the age of 26.

Guan Twelve looked at the young man in front of him, his slender figure contained enormous strength.

And that man's face turned pale after knowing Okita Souji's name, and seeing the people of the Shinsengumi slowly coming down, he was even more frightened and fled in a panic.

Director Okita looked at the embarrassed figure, withdrew the sword in his hand, then turned around and asked Guan Twelve:
"Are you OK?"

In the end, I didn't wait for Laiguan [-]'s answer, but I waited for the ridicule of my friends in the team:
"Ahhh! Heroes save the beauty, Director~"

Director Chong Tian smiled, as gentle as a spring breeze, which made many women present tremble and kneel down for it.

He is really a gentle boy.

Guan Twelve thought to himself that this game does have its own unique strength in shaping NPCs.

Guan Twelve noticed a scratch on Okita Souji's arm, Guan Twelve pointed and said:
"Aren't you in pain?"

Mr. Okita was taken aback for a moment, and then looked over subconsciously. To him, this wound was simply disapproving. He said:
"Probably just bumped into it accidentally, it's okay cough cough."

Guan Twelve looked at Souji Okita, then stretched out his hand to hold his hand, and under his shocked gaze, tore off his veil to bandage his wound:

"Be careful."

The player painted gorgeous makeup, and the veil was torn off to reveal the beautiful face all of a sudden.

She has a classic oriental face, her brows and eyes are cold and her lips are indifferent, but her lips are particularly attractive.

Say she is a goblin, isn't that the seductive oriental goblin?
Guan Twelve didn't know what she looked like at Souji Okita's place. Her eyes were attracted by the figure behind Souji Okita. It was a young man in red clothes, with a furious horse in fresh clothes. Of course, what attracted her most was the player-only blood bar.

It's been a month, and I finally saw the player!However, the number of players has not decreased during this time.

It's strange to say that in such a turbulent era in Edogawa, no player has been eliminated for a month?
Could it be that the distance between the player and the player is too far this time?

When Guan Twelve was thinking about it, the player had already disappeared.

Are all the players this time ninjas?

Reluctantly, Xiaguan Twelve had no choice but to put the matter of the players aside. She believed that this was the final round of the game. When she saw a player, she could see other players. The killing between players was about to begin.

Her peaceful life was coming to an end.

"That girl" Okita Souji's staccato voice interrupted Guan Twelve's thoughts, and when she came back to her senses, she saw Okita Souji on the opposite side blushing and shy.

Before Guan Twelve understood what was going on, Director Chong Tian saw the following, and Guan Twelve followed suit.

It turned out that she had been holding Chief Okita's hand just now, and Guan Twelve quickly let go.

Looking at the blushing innocent boy, this young Shinsengumi Ichichichi, a genius in swordsmanship, stood there at a loss at the moment.

It's so cute and innocent.

Players sigh.

Sighing, Guan Twelve apologized to Souji Okita, and Souji Okita waved his hand to express that it was okay, Guan Twelve looked at Souji Okita and said:
"My name is Twelve. Just call me Twelve. Thank you, Mr. Warrior, for saving your life. I will try my best to help you in the future."

"Twelve." Okita Souji called out, and just about to say his name, he saw the girl on the opposite side showing a sunny smile: "I know, your name is Souji, Okita Souji."

At this moment, the boy was burned by the sun
 Ah, innocent boy~

  Ask for tickets every day~

  There will be no result directly between the NPC and the player, please rest assured

(End of this chapter)

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