The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 27 Edogawa Era

Chapter 27 Edogawa Era (3)

Recently, there have been many incidents in the city, led by more and more samurai being killed in the city, and there are many young women among them. These corpses have a common characteristic, that is, they are not familiar with each other, but after death, there will be bruises on their bodies. There are red flowers, and they are all on the face, as if someone deliberately covered them, but because there are not enough flowers, they can only cover the face, and there are none on the body.

It made everyone panic.

The second is the matter of the Shinsengumi. They often go out at night, starting one death war after another.

Among the Shinsengumi, the one who attracted everyone's attention was a young boy, Souji Okita!

The captain of the first team, with super-high swordsmanship, and his undefeated performance in a hundred games has greatly boosted his reputation.

It's just that this young man who is called the son of ghosts seems to like to run to the house of Huajiu House recently, and it is rumored that he has fallen in love with that beautiful and alluring oriental fairy...

Just like today, Mr. Okita knocked on the door of Huashuya's house early in the morning. There were very few people in Huashuya's house in the morning, and the boy who opened the door saw the person coming, his eyes lit up.

Before Mr. Okita could speak, the little boy turned around and ran away, shouting as he ran, "Miss Twelve! Mr. Okita is here to look for you again!"

Mr. Okita was taken aback for a moment, and then the restaurant's mother walked over with her slender waist shaking. She joked, "Mr. Okita visits Miss Twelve every day, he is really infatuated~"

"No, you misunderstood." Okita Souji just waved his hand to explain, over there Twelve had already walked over, a pink kimono with a white cherry blossom pattern printed on it, she didn't wear a veil, and she didn't wear coquettish makeup, beautiful Her face was as clean as the wisteria flowers on her head.

She really loves wisterias alone, either without a headdress or with wisterias on.

"Let's go, General Manager." Guan Twelve ignored the watching eyes behind him, and smiled at Director Okita.


Director Okita looked at Guan Twelve and nodded, he was a little overwhelmed by the spectators behind him.

"Sousuke is really innocent." Guan Twelve, who noticed Souji Okita's emotions, couldn't help but tease:
"But this time I invited you, you don't need to be nervous, Chief, this is for you." Guan Twelve took out a Sydney from his sleeve and handed it to Chief Okita.

Okita Souji took it and said thank you.

Then he looked at the girl next to him.

When the two met for the first time, she gave him a Sydney, and then when he was still veiled, she gave him another Sydney.

After that, every time she came out, she would give him a pear.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

The girl would let him eat it as soon as possible. Mr. Okita took a bite of the Sydney pear, which was very moist.But not sweet, even a little sour.

"Your cough will be more comfortable if you eat more pears." Guan Twelve said lightly.

The player's medicine is useless for your NPC, and the medical treatment in this plot is backward. Tuberculosis is already terminally ill, and she did this only in the hope that he can relieve the pain of the disease.


The girl's concern made Mr. Okita blush and his heart beat. He looked at the girl's hand hidden in the sleeve beside him, only the fingertips were exposed, which looked small and cute.

He suddenly thought of what his friends in the team had said: "If you like it, go after it, anyway, you are not too young, even though you are a woman from the flower wine house, you are also a performer, and you are really good-looking. "

"If you don't know what to do, just take her to watch our training."

Okita Souji thought about his friend's words, then looked at Guan Twelve at the side, and was about to speak when a group of samurai suddenly surrounded him with knives, and the killing intent was naturally aimed at Okita Souji.

The young man who was originally as gentle as the autumn wind suddenly turned cold. He protected Guan Twelve next to him and said:

"Who sent you?"

"Sousuke Okita! Today is your death day!"

"It's Akigami Kihiko's subordinate."

When Director Okita said this name, the face of the enemy on the opposite side obviously changed. One of them seemed anxious, and said to everyone: "What are you talking to him about, it's a waste of time! There are so many of us! Let's go together!"

Then they attacked, and Director Okita told Guan Twelve to go first, then drew the sword at his waist, and slashed at the first enemy who attacked without hesitation.

Bright red blood splashed on his sky-blue special kung fu, and on his handsome cheeks, the gentle eyes were covered by blood red.

Bloody and brutal killings, at this moment he is no longer that smiling young man, he is from hell, a devil.

Guan Twelve stood aside and looked at the besieged Director General Okita, a little dazed.

When Guan Twelve came back to his senses, Chief Director Okita was over. He was standing there covered in blood, with an obviously indifferent face, but Guan Twelve felt the aura of loneliness in him.

Just a boy in his twenties.

Guan Twelve took out a handkerchief and walked over. He was about to wipe it for him, but Mr. Okita took a step back to avoid her.

Player:. Was she rejected by the NPC?
"I'm sorry, I can't accompany you in my current state. Why don't I do it today, and I'll invite you when I have time."

"En." Guan Twelve looked at Director Okita, his eyes were still as silent as stagnant water, and Guan Twelve's heart tightened.

However, she still chose to turn around and leave, because just now she saw the blood bar exclusive to the player.

Guan Twelve turned around and chased after the player, but she didn't see Souji Okita's eyes.

The player didn't run very far, but took her to a remote corner, and there was no one there. Guan Twelve stopped, and suddenly a man appeared behind him holding a dagger and stabbing at Guan Twelve. He took out the dagger hidden in his sleeve to block the attack.

The sound of sharp weapons colliding, Guan Twelve also saw the player clearly, with an unfamiliar face, but quite strong.

"Wow, what about the beauty, how about a face-to-face?" He was even in the mood to tease while attacking.

Guan Twelve struggled to resist, but he didn't want to lose his temper, so he replied: "Forget it, it's all pinched, no one really looks like this."

"Huh? Can you pinch your face in this game?" The man was stunned.

Of course not!

Guan Twelve lied without blushing, "Of course, I can tell you."

What Guan Twelve didn't expect was that this guy actually stopped what he was doing and leaned over. Seeing the player's innocent face, Guan Twelve showed no pity at all. The moment he approached, Guan Twelve directly took He slashed at his neck with a dagger.

"How could it be, you idiot!"

"Let me just say, you can't pinch your face in this game~"

What Guan Twelve didn't expect was that, as soon as he grabbed her dagger, he didn't care even if his hand was bleeding, as if he didn't feel any pain, and even said that he was in a good mood for Guan Twelve.

Officer Twelve: Oh my god~ This is a pervert! !Players are so scared! !

 More text, more text, daily update text, begging for tickets, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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