The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 28 Edogawa Era

Chapter 28 Edogawa Era (4)

Guan Twelfth looked at the player in front of him, 90.00% of Wu's pain didn't change his face, your health bar has dropped a lot!Are you still laughing here? ! !

Guan Twelve suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

This guy is scarier than that Shaoqiuyan, that one is mentally ill and this one is perverted! !

Guan Twelve directly pulled out his dagger, and the person on the opposite side spread his hands indifferently, not caring about the blood flowing all the time, and even pushed his own glasses, yes, this pervert wears glasses.

"My name is pastor, what's your name?"

Pastor, it's ironic that a lunatic pervert dares to call himself a follower of Jesus.

"Twelve." Guan Twelve looked at the pastor and said.

"Twelve~ah~ this is my favorite number from today on." The pastor suddenly scratched his head.

The player disliked it very much, but she couldn't beat it, so she could only hold back.

"Someone is here, let's talk next time~ I'm looking forward to our next date with Miss Twelve~" The priest winked at Guan Twelve, blew a kiss and then disappeared suddenly.

disappear suddenly? ! !He is hanging! ! !Damn she wants to report! !

The player clicked report without mercy, and was told that the report failed in the next second.

Damn so angry!Didn't he even teleport? ? !

The player kicked the pebble next to him angrily.

This opponent player can't beat it!The player is angry!

Guan Twelve returned to the Huajiu House with a muffled voice. Everyone looked at Guan Twelve's appearance and wondered whether she and Mr. Okita were having a bad time.

In addition, Okita Souji did not come to the flower wine house the next day, which further verified everyone's conjecture.

Souji Okita dumped the oriental goblin from Hanazaya's house! !
This rumor spread all over Huajie in no time! !
Many samurai heard this rumor and courted that oriental fairy. There were many samurai who liked her at first, but now the girl they like is in the mood of falling out of love. This is a good time to show courteousness!

So, Guan Twelve looked at the box of precious jewels that she did not know today, with a blank expression on her face.

This kind of thing is useless to her, and she can't take it away.

If you have time to make these useless things, it's better to catch her a few players and let her chop them, she will be happy with this.

Guan Twelve asked Xiaotong to send the things back. She lay on the bed and looked at the number of players above her head.

It has been almost two months, and there are still 73 players left.

Why so slow this time?

Is it true that the players who launched this time are far away?

yeah?It shouldn't be, logically speaking, the game will place the player in a place close to the plot.

If it's not this, then someone has captured the players.

Guan Twelve got up suddenly.

That's right, all the players were arrested and imprisoned, creating the illusion of a false sense of security, and thus killing them all.

This guy... is going to win the MVP! !
Oh shit!Why didn't she think of it!Players are very good at playing now!
Guan Twelve vaguely felt that this would be a tough battle!
The next day, Huajiuwu's mother gave Guan Shier a day off for the first time, telling her to let her relax and stop sticking to the past. Men are everywhere.

Player: ? ? ?
Anyway, Guan Twelve, who didn't have to go back early at night, changed into a simple kimono, and was going to investigate the reason why the player disappeared.

She walked around the city and didn't see a single player. Are there so few players in the city?

Then she clearly felt that someone was following her.

Taking a quick glance at the corner, no health bar?Not a player? ?
Guan Twelve found it strange that she should have no enemies, so she simply used the trick to pretend to be knocked out and then taken away by him.

Guan Twelve didn't know where he was now, he only knew that the bumps along the way were really uncomfortable.

Damn, I feel like throwing up...

Just when the player couldn't help but spit it out, he finally reached his destination.

She was placed in a not-so-quiet place, because the surrounding players were talking too loudly, and the place was cold and damp, so it should be a dungeon.

"Okay, don't pretend to be a little beauty, they are all gone." A familiar perverted voice sounded.

Guan Twelve suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Damn... that voice is so familiar.

Guan Twelve opened his eyes cautiously, and then looked in the direction of the voice, and sure enough, he saw the pervert she couldn't beat was in the next room. There was an iron pipe wall between the two of them, and they could see each other. He even greeted her.

Officer Twelve: Do it!So annoying!

"Did you come here quickly?" Now that you were discovered, there was no point in pretending any longer, so Officer Twelve simply got up and looked around.

This is probably a dungeon, the surroundings are cold and damp, each player has a room, and there are at least thirty players.

"Ah, because when I passed the city gate, I saw the player who had just entered the city and was taken away, so I came here to have a look out of curiosity."

That's what the pastor said.

Guan Twelve immediately understood.

Well, she said why I couldn't see a single player in the city. It turned out that the player was caught when he entered the city.

Who can have such a great ability?In this era, it is nothing more than a general.

But it is impossible for the general to know about the player, and in the eyes of the NPC, the player is no different from them.

That is, some players control the general, or some players let the NPC take action.

Thinking of this, Guan Twelve gasped.

Although this method appeared when "The End of Infinite Flow" was first released, after a period of popularity, it was found that the consequences of controlling NPCs were more troublesome, and it might even be counter-killed by NPCs, and it would also be targeted by all players!It was also abandoned by many players.

I didn't expect that someone would choose to use this method at this time.

Really smart and stupid.

Guan Twelve looked at the players around him. These are real heads. With such heads, isn't MVP a matter of course?

Guan Twelve was a little jealous.

"Hey Twelve, we can meet each other here, do you think this is fate?" The pastor over there flirted with the taunting officer Twelve.

Fate your mother forced fate!
Guan Twelve really wanted to scold, but she also felt that it would be stupid to get angry with such a psychopath, and now they can't meet anyone, just enjoy their mouths.

Thinking of this, Guan Twelve looked away, leaned back, and said lazily:
"There are NO.30 people here, I have met them all, so my fate is really great."

The pastor laughed instead of anger after hearing this. His patient and maniacal laughter was particularly obvious in this quiet and cold place, which seemed a little scary.

"Hey! Old brother, let's discuss something! Don't laugh, it's a bit intrusive." Some of them expressed their dissatisfaction.

Unexpectedly, this girl laughed even louder, and even smiled specifically at the person who just made the sound.

Officer [-]: Yes, you are in the top row when it comes to provocation.

 more votes thank you
  Pastor: Watch me attack with laughter!hum hum ~

(End of this chapter)

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