The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 29 Edogawa Era

Chapter 29 Edogawa Era (5)

Okita Souji hadn't been to Hanada Sake House for three days, and even the straightest member of the Shinsengumi could tell something was wrong.

But they didn't have the courage to ask, although Okita Souji was always gentle and smiling in the group, but after all, he was a man called the son of a devil, and they dared not participate in the devil's private affairs.

In the end, it was Yongcang Shinpachi who was also the boss and asked: "Okita, did you quarrel with that oriental fairy? It's better to be more generous with your lover."

Okita Souji paused imperceptibly for the hand holding the samurai sword, he looked at Nagakura Shinpachi without changing his face and said with a smile: "She and I are just friends."

"Really~" Yongcang Shinpachi narrowed his eyes slightly, he accidentally saw Saitoichi passing by, and had some ideas in his mind, he pretended to regret and said: "That's really a pity, but I heard that the city There are quite a few young samurai here who have shown love to the oriental goblin, and there is a general of some kind among them, right, Saitoichi?"

Saito glanced at Souji Okita, then at Shinpachi Nagakura, and said:
"That woman hasn't been back to Huajiu House for three days, and the mother of Huajiu House has been."

Before Saito could finish his sentence, Okita Souji ran out in a hurry.

"...Is this just friends? Not frank enough, Okita." Nagakura Shinpachi looked at Okita Souji's back and couldn't help shaking his head.

Then he turned to look at Saito and asked, "Is what you said true?"

Saito was expressionless: "I never tell lies."

Mr. Okita ran all the way to Hanajiuya's house, and then saw his mother who had been wiping tears and saying that Guan Twelve had been missing for three days.

Okita Souji's expression suddenly became serious.

He began to guess which of his enemies had captured Guan Twelve.

On the other side, Guan Twelve, who had been imprisoned for three days, finally met the player who arrested them.

It was a very beautiful person, even more pinched than her, with a well-behaved black long straight princess cut, a twelve-piece cumbersome and heavy kimono, and beautiful jewelry, just like a princess in the court.


As soon as I opened my mouth, heh!man!

Guan Twelve can guarantee that as soon as this guy opens his mouth, she will hear the cracking sounds of other players.

Some even wailed and yelled that they were broken in love.

"Yo~ Isn't this our pastor, long time no see!" This player seems to be an old acquaintance with the pastor, but his tone is somewhat yin and yang.

"Ah lady-dresser." The pastor glanced at him lazily, obviously perfunctory.

"Tsk pervert!" The player was not to be outdone.

Officer Twelve: Is this a show?
"Ladies in disguise!"


"Ladies in disguise!"


You two are not naive! ! !

Guan Twelve couldn't help complaining in his heart!

"Hmph! There's no way someone made me naturally beautiful, both male and female~" The two finally ended the kindergarten quarrel mode, and the player tossed his hair with a confident face.

"Bah! Come on, male or female, let me show you what it means to be truly stunning!" the pastor said, pointing his finger at Guan Twelve, who was watching the show.

Officer twelve:? ? ?It's none of my business? ? ?

"Huh?" The player scrutinized Guan Twelve seriously, his whole body was numb, and finally he heard the man sneer, and said:
"Oh! The breasts are quite big!"

Officer Twelve: Listen to me, thank you
"My name is Jincheng, uncle Jincheng."

"...Your name is quite complicated." And it's not pleasant.

Official Twelve didn't dare to say what happened next.


"Twelve? Is there ten in every family name?" Uncle Jin Cheng frowned.

"Yes, but it's rare." Guan Twelve nodded.

"Your name is really ugly." Uncle Jincheng glanced at Guan Twelve and sneered.

"You're not bad either." Guan Twelve's mouth twitched in a strange way.

The player hasn't talked about you yet, but you should talk about the player first!Dry!
"Heh~" Uncle Jincheng smiled contemptuously, he didn't take Guan Twelve seriously at all, he turned his head to look at the pastor, and asked, "Do you like this one?"

"That's right." The pastor said and cast a wink at Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve looked away in disgust.

Come on, I'm afraid!
"You really have bad taste." Uncle Jin Cheng mocked in disgust.

"It's better than you, an old man who likes to dress up as a man and flirt with NPCs." The priest said not to be outdone.

What the hell? ? ?Molesting the old NPC? ? ?

The other players were shocked when they heard what the two of them were talking about. They looked at the ugly girl with complicated faces, but she was actually wearing a handle.

This game is very inclusive, they have to understand.
Understand the fart!What the hell? ! !What the hell! !

What kind of person is this!The most important thing is, they were actually arrested by such a strange person!Damn, this kind of person shouldn't be the type who wants to flog the corpse even if he dies! !

Thinking of this, all the players immediately stood up, and looked at Uncle Jincheng with perverted eyes.

Uncle Jincheng: Fame is not guaranteed...

"Hahahaha!" The culprit who caused all this laughed wildly over there.

Guan Twelve looked at the angry uncle Jin Cheng, then at the smiling pastor, moved away silently, suddenly felt that this guy was scary, scary and perverted!
At this moment, great uncle Jincheng suddenly took out a pistol in his hand and pointed it at the pastor. The pastor stopped laughing, then looked at great uncle Jincheng with a smile and said, "Do you really think this little thing is useful to me?"

Uncle Jincheng didn't speak. The moment he fired, the pastor suddenly took out a gun from behind, and shot him one step faster. Uncle Jincheng's health bar dropped by half, leaving only a little. Willingly spit at the pastor.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet...

The pastor retracted the gun and got up and walked to the door, took out a wire and fiddled with the lock, and then heard a "click", and the door opened!
Fuck! !Lockpicking king! !
This is the voice of other players present!
The pastor walked straight up to Grand Uncle Jincheng, who was now kneeling on the ground because of his injuries. The pastor knelt down to look at him, and a look of anger appeared on Grand Uncle Jincheng's pretty face.

"Don't be angry, when you are fighting, you are still trying to force you to die, who will die?" The pastor stretched out his hand to rub his head, but before he touched it, he returned his hand with some disgust.

Uncle Jincheng vomited another mouthful of blood angrily.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to comfort you, but you smell so old, you smell like an old lady, you can't really sleep with an old lady, I thought you only liked old men."

Uncle Jincheng vomited another mouthful of blood.

Officer Twelve: Nima, kill someone!
"Hey! Little beauty, why are you still inside, come out!" The pastor waved at Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve looked at the uncle Jincheng who had a little blood left over there, and then looked around at the players who looked at him in shock.

Guan Twelve felt like sitting on pins and needles for the first time.

 Officer Twelve: My martial arts is number one!

  Shaoqiu said: My mouth is number one!

  Uncle Jincheng: My charm is number one!

  Pastor: My lower limit is number one!

(End of this chapter)

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