The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 30 Edogawa Era

Chapter 30 Edogawa Era (6)

Ask, what should I do if I suddenly become the focus?
Officer Twelve tells you!Naturally, I want to pretend to be aggressive!
I saw Guan Twelve took off the wisteria flower headdress on his head, and then fiddled with the lock with the thinnest needle for a few seconds before hearing a "click".

The door is open...

Fuck! !Another unlock king! ! !

All the players were dumbfounded!
You are also players, why are you so handsome? ?
"I knew you could do it~" The pastor got up and wanted to hug Guan Twelve, but Guan Twelve avoided him in disgust:

"Isn't this a must-have skill?"

Other players: What do you mean? !Is it discrimination? !Proper discrimination is not it! !Dry!Very angry!

Guan Twelve walked up to Grand Uncle Jin Cheng, and just as she was about to approach, she smelled a pungent smell of face powder. This man actually puts face powder on?
Guan Twelve silently took a step back, but his uncle Jincheng saw her disgusted expression.

This guy who was already angry and suffering from liver pain suddenly became angry when he saw Guan Twelve's disgusted eyes!

What the hell are you despising! !
As a result, before he could say those words, he was furious to death!
Guan Twelve looked at his uncle Jin Cheng who was mad at him, his face had grown white, obviously he was eliminated, she blinked her eyes in a daze.

She doesn't seem to be doing anything...

"Hahaha! I'm so pissed off! Hahaha! It's amazing!!" The pastor over there laughed like crazy.

Guan Twelve had no expression on her face, she had already prepared the dagger hidden in her sleeve, and was planning to stab him anytime.

"Hey! Don't mind me, little beauty, you see, since this lady-dresser can make the general listen to him, he must have status. Maybe he is a lover or something. Now the general's lover is dead in prison. It doesn't matter, plus the setting that players can't harm npc, this situation is very unfavorable to us."

The pastor spoke kindly.

"...What do you want to say?" Guan Twelve vaguely felt that the pervert was thinking about something bad.

"Let's kill them all and burn this place!" The pastor looked excited, and his excited eyes even enlarged!

Fortunately, it's not the idea of ​​flogging corpses, so it can be normal.

The pastor handed the gun to Guan Twelve, and Guan Twelve, who got the weapon, aimed at the players locked inside. Those players quickly raised their hands to surrender, and one of them tried to persuade Guan Twelve:

"That beauty! Calm down! It's not a good way to win! It's also immoral. We might meet again in the next game, right! It's not good for us to target you as a little girl. We don't want to do that." nice!"

Yo ha!threaten?
Guan Twelve looked at them with a smile, his eyes full of innocence: "I don't want to, but he came up with this method. I'm just a weak woman with no brains. If you want to blame, you can blame him, oh~"

Then he shot directly, and the player who was shot pointed at Guan Twelve and then at the pastor and cursed:
"I want to hang you on the forum!"

Officer Twelve: Gan!
Guan Twelve wiped out more than thirty players, the entire dungeon was full of corpses, and the number of players was reduced to 42 at once.

Guan Twelve took a deep breath, suddenly feeling sorry for his uncle Jin Cheng.

After all the hard work I had done, I finally made her a wedding dress.

This feeling is so cool!The yellow wolf catches the cicada and the oriole is behind or something
Guan Twelve realized that he was actually excited, and suddenly screamed that something was wrong, why did she have such a perverted idea? ! !

Sure enough, if you stay with a pervert for a long time, you will become a pervert.

Guan Twelve turned around and looked at the pastor who was pouring gasoline over there, humming a song he didn't know and looking at him in a good mood.

Thinking about the success rate of killing him now, the possibility of a sneak attack would be higher.

"Does the little beauty want to sneak attack?" The pastor over there suddenly said something that made Guan Twelve's heart tremble.

"Don't be like this, I'm very smart, don't make small moves behind your back." After the last barrel of gasoline was emptied, the pastor turned his head and walked to Guan Twelve with a smile and rubbed her head. She didn't dare to move because she had a scalpel on her neck.

He even drew a red mark on her neck threateningly.

Guan Twelve was clearly aware of the stimulating pain.

This girl is a crazy pervert!
"Don't worry, little beauty, I'm not interested in winning. I just enjoy the process of finding fun. Don't worry, I'm not short of money~" The pastor took back the knife in his hand, took out a box of matches, struck out a flame, and threw it into the dungeon.

Guan Twelve was startled: They haven't come out yet! ! !

Guan Twelve turned around and ran, and escaped at the last moment when the fire was defending the dungeon. Guan Twelve was out of breath, and the priest next to him was still laughing. He turned around and looked at the dungeon covered in flames, his eyes seemed to be admiring something artwork.

Immediately, the pastor became the last existence she wanted to contact, and Guan Twelve turned around and left. If he was discovered by an NPC in a while, there would definitely be trouble.

But the pastor didn't seem to have this trouble, he even waved goodbye to Guan Twelve:
"Goodbye, I'll find you when it's over!"

Guan Twelve One heard that he was running faster.

Don't fucking come here!Players are scared! !

Guan Twelve ran away for a long time, and she suddenly remembered the NPC who took her away. He had seen her, even though he pretended to be burned to death in a fire, if he met her later, wouldn't he be exposed? !

Guan Twelve frowned, the player couldn't kill the NPC, this matter is difficult.

And now we have to find that guy, Guan Twelve thought about a person suddenly appearing in front of him, Guan Twelve looked over.

Eh? !It seems a bit familiar!Groove!Isn't this the one who captured her?

Throw yourself into a trap? ? ?

Guan Twelve secretly rubbed his hands, thinking about the chance of knocking this guy out and hiding him, and the man's face changed when he saw Guan Twelve, but when he saw Guan Twelve's face clearly, his eyes suddenly became wretched.

When he was caught before, he thought this woman was beautiful, but he had no choice but to give up because she was wanted by the general.

But now there is no one around, if he rapes first and then kills, no one will find out!
Thinking like this, the man walked slowly towards Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve pretended to be stunned and remained still, thinking that he would knock the man out when he got close!
When Saito passed by, she saw such a scene, the oriental fairy who had an affair with Souji Okita was being threatened by a wretched man, her face was pale with fear and she dared not move.

Saito Ibon didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but thinking of Okita Souji's anxious face during this time, his face was haggard.

He drew out the knife decisively and rushed over without hesitation, slashing at the man fiercely.

Guan Twelve looked at the man who screamed and fell to the ground, and then at Saitoichi who was holding a blood-stained knife with a cold face, and she blinked innocently.

Is this solved? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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