The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 256 Record of Abilities in Tokyo, Japan

The Tokyo Skytree in Japan has a height of 634 meters[1], and was certified as the "world's tallest tower" by Guinness World Records on November 2011, 11. It has become the tallest tower building in the world and the second tallest in the world. artificial structure, second only to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

This has also become a famous Tokyo tourist check-in holy place in Tokyo!

Many foreign tourists come to check in!It also brought profits to the surrounding merchants. At the same time, it also brought a lot of pressure to the nearby traffic, just like now!

Zuomu Wenchuan, who was stuck on the road, looked at the time on his phone, and then at the invisible end of the traffic in front of him. He dialed the number again, but it still showed the shutdown status!
"What should I do! How long will the traffic jam be, master?! I have something urgent!" Zuomu Wenchuan asked anxiously.

And the master is obviously a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. He said without changing his face: "It should be soon, there is no way it is winter, the road is still slippery, and it is a holiday. Naturally, you have to be careful, there is a traffic jam."

"Holiday? What day?"

Oakwood Wenchuan froze for a moment.

"Eh? Don't you know? Today is Christmas, you young people should remember it clearly."

"Christmas?" It was only at this time that Zumu Wenchuan realized that it was indeed Christmas, and when she went to the place where Guan Twelve worked just now, all the staff there changed their clothes and there was a Christmas tree, but he I have been concerned about Guan Twelve's affairs, but I didn't find out.

"Today is Christmas..." Zuomu Wenchuan looked at the date on the phone and muttered to himself.

"Yeah, Christmas. Christmas is also called confession day. As long as you confess on this day, 90.00% of you will be successful. Boy, you are in such a hurry, don't you want to confess?" The driver joked laughed.

"No...not." Zuomu Wenchuan didn't remember what holiday it was at all. He had too many things to do during this time, and he also knew that his mission had not been completed. No matter how much he liked Guan Twelve, Guan Ten The second is that you don't like yourself, which is useless.

And before...she even declined his invitation to go to a movie after everything was settled...

Zuomu Wenchuan bowed his head and remained silent. The driver could have seen through Zumu Wenchuan's thoughts at a glance. He said, "Young man is unrequited love."

"Ah... um." Oakwood Wenchuan who was exposed was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded embarrassingly.

"Yo, does the girl you like have a boyfriend?"

A red hair flashed in Zuomu Wenchuan's mind and then quickly dissipated. Well, Ms. Twelve said she hated him, so he couldn't be.


"Then you still have a chance, if you like it, go for it, don't regret it if you miss it." The driver said with a sigh.

"...Well, let's not mention my matter, that green light."

"Ah... sorry to just chat haha!"


On the other side, above the Tokyo Tower, after finishing off a player, Guan Twelve looked at the dumbfounded player and said:
"It's up to you next."

"Gouging!! You fucking wait! You're so unfair! What kind of power are you!! Fuck it!!" That person was dumbfounded!
Why is her ability so awesome! !

Their ability is to grow grass, grow flowers and grow wings!Under the sea, under the fire, under the thunder.

As soon as she fucking stretched out her hand, Hua rebelled, and Lei rebelled!The only difference is that they didn't rebel!
Is this stepping on a horse a serious ability?Why is her grade so high? In comparison, they are just like coaxing children!

"I don't know, maybe I'm a loyal fan of this game?" Guan Twelve said with a smile.

"Damn! Who the hell is not!!" The player became even angrier when he said that!

"I fucking invested millions of dollars in this game!! Just got this result??!"

The more you talk about that player, the more wronged you become!
Guan Twelve shrugged indifferently: "It's a game, and it's not fair. The winner is king, and you don't accept rebuttals. Isn't this the characteristic of this game~"

"..." The player became even angrier.

I want to vomit blood!

"By the way, what's your name?" Guan Twelve approached the man and asked.


"Get to know me, I have quite a lot of enemies, I will avoid you in the future." The beautiful girl in front of me said this indifferently, making the player's mouth twitch.

"...Li Jiade."

"Okay, goodbye!" Guan Twelve stabbed at the player with a dagger!

As a result, Guan Twelve's waist was suddenly entangled by vines, and before Guan Twelve could react, he threw her out!
Officer twelve:? ? ? ! !

The entire Hanging Officer Twelve almost subconsciously stretched out his hand to control the vine to save himself, but Li Jiade's movements were faster and he directly took the vine back!
He's not stupid either, knowing that Guan Twelve can control his own abilities, he must take it back quickly!

Guan Twelve originally wanted to release Li Jiade's shackles and save himself, but suddenly felt that if he let go, Li Jiade would definitely take the opportunity to do something wrong!Then it will be difficult to win!Although it is difficult now!
Guan Twelve is very irritable!Finally decided to take a gamble!
She stretched out her hand and threw the dagger in her hand!

And she fell down!
She just stared at the dagger, watching it stab at Li Jiade!
Li Jiade himself could dodge it, but Guan Twelve stabbed him in the abdomen!That belly bound by vines!
As the dagger pierced, Li Jiade's blood bar also began to shrink at a rapid speed!

And Guan Twelve is also falling!
She pursed her lips!Now is the time to gamble!See whose life is tougher!Let's see who dies first! !
Guan Twelve stared at the player's health bar, drop!Drop again!Only 5 left! !

However, at the last moment, Li Jiade's health bar suddenly became 1!And Guan Twelve's health bar also changed to zero the moment he fell!
At this moment, Zuomu Wenchuan finally arrived, but when he arrived, what he saw was his beloved girl falling from a building and dying in front of him!

Blood stained the snow around her, and white roses bloomed on her face!

Symbolizes the end of a girl's life!
Zuomu Wenchuan's eyes widened. It took him a long time to calm down. The tears could no longer be stopped. He stepped forward and hugged the corpse, crying out the girl's name!But the girl never came back.

No matter how much he begged, he couldn't get the girl's response!

And this is what Ji Sagihiko and the others saw when they came!
Their oak Wenchuan was stained red with the girl's blood. He knelt on the ground and hugged the girl in his arms tightly.

The girl's departure was very sudden, and she left without anyone reacting.

It's all over, the next story is determined "Invisible Lock"

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