The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 255 Tokyo, Japan's Supernatural Records

Guan Twelve turned off the phone and put it aside!The location they are in now is the forbidden area of ​​the Skytree, which is the outermost layer of the Skytree that can be stepped on if they are not careful.

"By the way, who chose this ghostly place!!"

At this time, one of the players suddenly fell on the ground, his face turned pale with fear: "I'm afraid of heights!!"

"Pfft ha ha ha ha! I laughed so hard!!" Then another person laughed mercilessly!
"The scenery in this place is very good! By the way, did you pay when you first came up? I did! It's so expensive! The current price of the tourism industry is really scary!"


Guan Twelve looked at the three players who were chatting happily, took a deep breath, then clenched the dagger in her hand and rushed towards one of them!

Guan Twelve will do it right away!
This was something that no one expected. The player who was suddenly attacked by Guan Twelve was also taken aback. Although he quickly avoided it, he still got a bloodstain on his neck!
"Fuck! You're so sudden! Why didn't you start with three two one!!"

The man clutched his neck, this time, it really hurts!The blood bar also dropped a lot!

"Ah, I forgot, it's okay, let's start now!" Seeing that he failed to attack once, Guan Twelve did not hesitate to attack again!
The player dodged sideways, but was suddenly kicked out by Guan Twelve just as he dodged!
The man took a few steps back and was about to fall. He was so frightened that he hurriedly stabilized his center of gravity, which saved him from difficulty. I grabbed his arm and thought I was going to save him!The player was about to say thank you, but Guan Twelve suddenly pulled forward, and then stabbed!
The player's eyes widened. He looked down at the knife stuck in his stomach, looked at Guan Twelve in disbelief and asked, "Why?"

"I just think that if you fall, you won't necessarily die. Sure enough, it will be more reassuring to watch you die."

"Damn..." Perverted...

The last two words, the player finally left the game world without having time to say it.

Then Guan Twelve looked at the two people who had stared blankly behind her and said with a smile: "Come back to your senses, or the game will be over in a while!"

On the other side, Zumu Wenchuan, who was hung up on the phone, called again, but he couldn't get through no matter what, and the display was turned off!
Why do you have to turn off your phone when you go to Tokyo Skytree? !No, something is wrong! !
Oakwood Wenchuan quickly realized that he suddenly had a bad premonition, and quickly called Jisakihiko, and he was quickly connected:

"Ji Zuomu! I think Miss Twelve is in danger, we have to save her!"

【…】Ji Sagihiko, who was suddenly attacked by this sentence of "not going to the village 3 and not going to the store" when he got on the phone just after training, was stunned. Then he first persuaded Zuomu Wenchuan to calm down. Said that he rushed over immediately and asked him to gather under the Skytree!
After hanging up the phone, Zuomu Wenchuan turned around and took a taxi: "Master, go to the Skytree! Please hurry up!!"

Zuomu Wenchuan sat in the car, looked at his watch, and anxiously looked at the road ahead. must be fine!

On the other side, Guan Twelve, whom Zumu Wenchuan has been thinking about, is being besieged by two players at the moment!

Perhaps it was because they discovered the strength of Guan Twelve and realized that they would never be able to defeat her alone, so they started to cooperate without saying a word!
Players in the game all have such characteristics. Once they encounter a boss that they can't beat, they will reach a short-term cooperation with the people around them!Kill the powerful ones first, and then they will fight one-on-one!
So things turned out like this, Guan Twelve was not surprised, she resisted the attack with one hand, then raised her foot and kicked the player!Before kicking that player away, several vines suddenly grew under Guan Twelve's feet and entangled Lingling Guan Twelve!
Immediately afterwards, the man pointed his gun at Colonel Twelve and hit him without hesitation!Guan Twelve stretched out his hand and smashed the vine directly, and then dodged the attack sideways, but he didn't completely dodge, a bloodstain was drawn on his cheek due to the scratch!
"You can dodge it by digging holes! Let's hang up!!" The player's eyes were straight!

This is a gun!It's a fucking gun!Why is she so strong when she talks a lot!His vines are hard!Bullets can't break it!Did she break with one punch? ! !
"You are definitely cheating! I want to hang you on the forum!!"

The player pointed at Guan Twelve and shouted!

"No, don't talk nonsense!" Guan Twelve continued to attack the player. The player was so frightened that he quickly used the supernatural vine to protect him. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the vine that originally protected him Suddenly lost control, and then actually entangled him!
"Digging?!" Guan Twelve didn't care how confused the player was at the moment, she was about to stab the player's neck with a knife!Seeing that he was about to succeed, at this moment a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky and struck Guan Twelve!

"'s really scary!" The player who was kicked out stretched out a magic circle with a supernatural power on it. Yes, he grinned and said, "This is a monster!"

If it weren't for his ability, maybe they really couldn't beat this guy!

How can this game have such powerful characters?Why haven't I seen it before!
"I would rather you call me a powerful person."

Suddenly a voice came from his ear, before he had time to react, he was kicked out by Guan Twelve again!

This time the injury was more serious, he directly vomited a mouthful of blood.

Guan Twelve looked at this scene with a blank expression, then turned around and attacked the player who was bound by vines!
And the kicked player got up again, gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand and used his best ability to defeat Guan Twelve with one blow!

The sky is clouded over!The wind is blowing!The entire Skytree is surrounded by an ominous atmosphere!And at this moment, a thunderbolt struck Guan Twelve!However, Guan Twelve just stretched out a finger, and stopped the three menacing thunder!

That person was completely dumbfounded, but he didn't have time to think about it, because Guan Twelve's outstretched finger just flicked lightly at him!The thunder that was originally attacking Guan Twelve suddenly became uncontrollable and generally hit that player!

With that deafening scream and thunder!
The dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and there was no one there anymore, only a pile of ashes remained!

The players controlled by the vines widened their eyes, and the eyes of the official twelfth were like looking at a devil!
And Guan Twelve looked at the two players above her head, and she looked at the only player left, and said, "Okay, it's your turn."

It's over tomorrow~ I want to write something about horror~ Do you want to read it, little Kanai~

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